Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 5 docx

Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 5 docx

Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 5 docx

... distance, and then cooled to 150 10 050 0 25 50 75 100 Temperature T(°C) 1 25 1.0 1.0 q s = 0 .5 W/cm 2 0 .5 0 . 25 0 . 25 0. 1 25 0. 1 25 q s = Surface heat flux Outside surface temperature Core temperature 150 1 75 20 0 Time, ... components. 0.0 0.0 50 .0 100.0 150 .0 20 0.0 25 0.0 Width of board (m) w = 0. 15 w = 0 .20 w = 0 . 25 w = 0.30 Temperature li...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 15:20

25 372 0
Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 1 doc

Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 1 doc

... desired root. T  58 1 .53 02 f (T )  4606.784180 T  631.7 920 f (T )  1066 .57 8 1 25 T  646.9347 f (T )  –77.774414 T  6 45. 9 056 f (T )  1 .22 2 656 T  6 45. 921 5 f (T )  0.0 058 59 T  6 45. 921 6 f (T ) 0.004883 Therefore, ... = 114. 657 8 109.7 928 1 05. 3803 101.3981 97. 826 3 94.6467 91.8434 89.4 022 87.3109 85. 558 8 84.1371 83.0388 82. 258 1 81.7914 81.6360 8...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 15:20

25 325 0
Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 2 ppt

Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 2 ppt

... 168.69990 168.69990 168.69990 168.69990 168.69990 168.69990 168.69980 168.69970 168.69 950 168.69900 168.69830 168.69680 168.69410 168.68890 168.67910 168.66060 168. 6 25 10 168 .55 670 168. 421 90 168.1 451 0 167. 52 7 70 1 65. 87840 158 . 956 30 1 05. 657 80NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: NH3: FLOW: FLOW:...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 15:20

25 500 0
Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 3 pdf

Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 3 pdf

... action of various forces is given by the equation 5. 0 exp(V/3)  2. 5V 2  2. 0V  20 .5 Motion Mold Liquid Interface Solid      FIGURE P4.7 27 2 Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems where ... T a , as d d HF Q T QQ QQ 1  12 1 1 2 ()(,) (4.44a) d d HH G Q T QQQQQ 2     22 3 2 1 1 2 ()(,) (4.44b) where H hA CV H hA CV H hA CV 1 11 111 2 2...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 15:20

25 438 0
Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 4 doc

Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 4 doc

... enthalpy h 1  27 49 kJ/kg and entropy s 1  5. 70 45 kJ/kg, which is equal to s 2s for an ideal turbine. Then the quality x 2s is obtained as x ss ss s sf gf 2 2 5 70 45 0 5 7 25 8 25 70 0 5 7 25        ... states. 304 Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Library of Previous Designs Any industry involved with the design of systems and e...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 15:20

25 271 0
Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 6 doc

Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 6 doc

... losses and may be written as p V gz p V gz fL D V K V h 1 1 2 12 2 2 2 22 22 2   R R R R RR 33 22 (5. 30) where the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to two locations in the ow, g is the magnitude of ...  m and P to obtain the following two equations for  m 1 and  m 2 : Fm m H Cm m P Am(, ) ( ) () .     12 1 2 2 11 27 5    (d) Gm m H Cm m P Bm(,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 15:20

25 383 0
Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 7 ppsx

Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 7 ppsx

... 10 % 12 % 15 % 5 128 .36 148.98 164 .53 181.67 21 0. 72 10 164.71 22 1.96 27 0.70 330.04 444. 02 15 21 1.37 330.69 4 45. 39 59 9 .58 9 35. 63 20 27 1 .26 4 92. 68 7 32. 81 1089 .26 1971 .55 25 348.13 734. 02 120 5. 69 ... 110. 52 110. 52 2 120 .0 121 .0 122 .04 122 .14 122 .14 5 150 .0 161. 05 164 .53 164.86 164.87 10 20 0.0 25 9.37 27 0.70 27 1.79 27 1.83 20 300...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 15:20

25 474 0
Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 8 pdf

Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 8 pdf

...  5 n  7 n  10 n  15 1 33.3 20 .0 14.3 10.0 5. 0 2 44 .5 32. 0 24 .5 18.0 9 .5 3 14.8 19 .2 17 .5 14.4 8.6 4 7.4 11 .5 12. 5 11 .5 7.7 5 11 .5 8.9 9 .2 6.9 6 5. 8 8.9 7.4 6 .2 7 8.9 6.6 5. 9 8 4 .5 6.6 5. 9 9 ... 4 .5 6.6 5. 9 9 6 .5 5.9 10 6 .5 5.9 11 3.3 5. 9 12 15 5.9 16 3.0 Source: G.E. Dieter (20 00) Engineering Design, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York....

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 15:20

25 508 0
Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 9 pps

Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 9 pps

... rates of 4, 6, and 10%. Compare the results obtained with $ 150 ,000 Down payment $30,000 Salvage 10987 654 321 Years FIGURE P6 .24 440 Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems and H i (x 1 , x 2 , ... formulation of the problem are 1. Determination of the design variables, x i where i  1, 2, 3, . , n 2. Selection and denition of the objective function...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 15:21

25 293 0
Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 10 ppsx

Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems Episode 2 Part 10 ppsx

... 10, 15, 18, 22 , and 24 hours, T is obtained as 86 .5, 97.7, 1 02. 0, 101.7, 92. 5, 62. 3, 55 .0, 67 .5, and 80.0nC, respectively. Obtain a best t assuming a variation of the form A sin (2 T /24 )  ... used to develop a trade-off curve in optimization. 470 Design and Optimization of Thermal Systems 7. 12. For the thermal systems considered in Example 5. 5 and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 15:21

25 319 0