... available in the package net.sf.hibernate.mapping . Keep in mind that adding a property to an existing persistent class mapping as shown here is easy, but programmatically creating a new mapping ... subclass, Hibernate uses an inner join instead: select BD.BILLING_DETAILS_ID, BD.OWNER, BD.CREATED, CC.TYPE, from CREDIT_CARD CC inner join BILLING_DETAILS BD on BD.BILLING_DETAILS_ID...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 02:20
Bài 5 - Acronyms, jargon & domain names in email -phần 4 pptx
... you for the kind comments in your recent letter about my new responsibilities at Sitco, Inc. There have always been giants in the industry such as you who have led the way for the inroads the ... the inroads the rest of us are now making. Thank you for your thoughtfulness in writing. Perhaps you’ll let me call on you again for advice in this new position. P...
Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 01:20
Tìm hiểu máy in laser (phần 4) Quá trình tạo bản ppt
... Tìm hiểu máy in laser (phần 4) Quá trình tạo bản Quá trình tạo bản in. Bao gồm các công đoạn : Công đoạn 1 : Tạo tia laser - Tín hiệu biểu thị cấp độ xám của từng điểm ảnh (point) tồn tại ... "sống" bởi các hạt mực chưa được cố định. - Để cố định mực trên giấy, công nghệ in laser, in Led, photocopy sử dụng đồng thời 2 động tác + Nung chảy hạt mực ở nhiệt độ ca...
Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 21:20
Writing Skills in Practice health professionals phần 4 potx
... when choosing colours for your visuals: 7 Writing for Teaching and Learning Writing as an Aid to Learning Writing is a dynamic process in which the written word is the end point. Writing an ... it painful? Is there blood in the urine? ° Asking the client to explain a term, procedure or instruction to a friend or family member. ‘Drawing’ is a simple way of getting the client doi...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 07:22
English in the Southern United States phần 4 pot
... 81.8 18.2 1217 82 .4 17.6 p1. 1st 22 95.5 4. 5 7 85.7 14. 3 35 100 60 98.3 1.7 227 99.6 .4 2nd [4 75.0 25.0] 2 100 2 100 9 100 34 100 3rd 261 96.6 3 .4 107 91.6 8 .4 2 04 94. 6 5 .4 327 97.6 2.1 503 ... categorically in the uninflected form. Examples of say as a main verb, however, as in example (10) are included. Other instances not counted include know and think when used as dis...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 09:21
jQuery in Action phần 4 ppsx
... before clicking Execute. ■ before() and insertBefore() —Insert the element before the destination elements instead of before the destination’s first child. ■ after() and insertAfter() —Insert ... dimensions in this area 56 CHAPTER 3 Bringing pages to life with jQuery previous format of attr() ; the function is invoked for each individual element in the matched set. WARNING Interne...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:46