the ansi c programming phần 10 ppsx

Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 10) ppsx

Manning Windows Forms Programming (phần 10) ppsx

... ADVANCED WINDOWS FORMS The topic of “Data binding” is taken up in chapter 17. This discusses complex data binding by way of the DataGrid control, and simple binding of data to Windows Forms controls ... this.columnSize.TextAlign = System .Windows. Forms. HorizontalAlignment.Center; this.columnSize.Width = 40; . . . // // listViewMain // this.listViewMain.Columns.AddRange(...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20

50 370 0
Thế giới động vật ( phần 10 ) ppsx

Thế giới động vật ( phần 10 ) ppsx

... Ếch vàng phóng độc Thế giới động vật ( phần 10 ) Phát hiện loài khỉ cứ trời mưa là hắt hơi Các nhà khoa học thuộc Tổ chức bảo tồn Fauna & Flora International (FFI) mới đây đã phát hiện ... tế (IUCN) đã đưa loài khỉ mũi hếch này vào danh sách những loài động vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng cao nhất trên thế giới. Mark Rose, giám đốc tổ chức bảo tồn Fauna &am...

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 10:20

10 347 0
Apress pro LINQ Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 phần 10 ppsx

Apress pro LINQ Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 phần 10 ppsx

... mapping file to perform a LINQ to SQL query without using any attributes. Listing 16-9. The Third DataContext Constructor Prototype Connecting to a Database and Using a Mapping File string ... Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Northwind ;Integrated Security=SSPI;", nwindMap); IQueryable<Linqdev.Customer> query = from cust in db.GetTable<Linqdev.Customer>() wh...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22

99 421 0
the ansi c programming phần 3 potx

the ansi c programming phần 3 potx

... files called main .c , getline .c ,and strindex .c .Then the command ccmain .c getline .c strindex .c compiles the three files, placing the resulting object code in files main.o , getline.o , and strindex.o , then loads them all ... instance, consider the function squeeze(s ,c) , which removes all occurrences of the character c from the string s . /*squeeze:de...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

21 343 0
the ansi c programming phần 4 pdf

the ansi c programming phần 4 pdf

... pushed, then replaced by their difference, -1. Next, 4 and 5 are pushed and then replaced by their sum, 9. The product of -1 and 9, which is -9, replaces them on the stack. The value on the topof the stackispoppedandprintedwhen the endof the inputlineisencountered. The ... of the issuesthatariseinlargerprograms. The scope of a name is the part of the program...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

21 374 0
the ansi c programming phần 5 pptx

the ansi c programming phần 5 pptx

... library. The first function is strcpy(s,t) , which copies the string t to the string s . It would be nice just to say s=t but this copies the pointer, not the characters.Tocopy the characters,weneedaloop. The arrayversionfirst: /*strcpy:copyttos;arraysubscriptversion*/ ... defined, the functions call each other recursively as they recognize pieces of a decla...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

21 393 0
the ansi c programming phần 6 docx

the ansi c programming phần 6 docx

... searching at the left child, otherwise at the right child. If there is no child in the required direction, the new word is not in the tree, and in fact the empty slot is the proper place to add the ... the format .Itreturns the numberofcharactersprinted. The format string contains two types of objects: ordinary characters, which are copied to the outputstream,and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

21 394 0
the ansi c programming phần 7 pot

the ansi c programming phần 7 pot

... input functionslike scanf , getc ,or getchar . 7. 8.4CommandExecution The function system(char *s) executes the command contained in the character string s , then resumes execution of the current program. The contents of s depend strongly on the localoperatingsystem.Asatrivialexample,onUNIXsystems, the statement system("date"); causes ... file orer...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

21 491 0
the ansi c programming phần 8 docx

the ansi c programming phần 8 docx

... in 'x' . The value of a character constant with only one character is the numeric value of the character in the machine's character set at execution time. The value of a multi-character constantisimplementation-defined. Character ... particular the hexadecimal character representation. Extended characters are also new. The character sets commonly used in the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

21 334 0
the ansi c programming phần 9 ppt

the ansi c programming phần 9 ppt

... compared with each case constant. If one of the case constants is equal to the value of the expression, control passes to the statement of the matched case label. If no case constant matches the expression, ... at the end of the declarator. The scope of an identifier declared at the head of a block begins at the end of its declarator, and persists to the end of the b...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

21 434 0
the ansi c programming phần 10 ppsx

the ansi c programming phần 10 ppsx

... the conditiondescribed,andzeroifnot. isalnum (c) isalpha (c) or isdigit (c) istrue isalpha (c) isupper (c) or islower (c) istrue iscntrl (c) controlcharacter isdigit (c) decimaldigit isgraph (c) printingcharacterexceptspace islower (c) lower-caseletter isprint (c) printingcharacterincludingspace ispunct (c) printingcharacterexceptspaceorletterordigi...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

25 340 0
gdi programming with c sharp phần 10 ppsx

gdi programming with c sharp phần 10 ppsx

... properties: ClipRectangle and Graphics.ClipRectangle indicates the rectangle in which to paint, and the Graphics property indicates the Graphics object associated with the paint event of a particular control ... something with hdc1 g1.ReleaseHdc(hdc1); g2 = Graphics.FromImage(curBitmap); IntPtr hdc1 = g1.GetHdc(); IntPtr hdc2 = g2.GetHdc(); BitBlt(hdc2, 0, 0, this.ClientRectangle.Width,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20

78 445 0