Pro ASP NET MVC Framework phần 6 pps

Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 6 pps

Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 6 pps

... Internally, it holds a cache of all the types in all your ASP. NET MVC project’s referenced assemblies (not just in your ASP. NET MVC project itself!) that qualify to be controller classes, according ... aren’t authorized. Fortunately, the ASP. NET MVC team has anticipated this problem, and has added special logic to AuthorizeAttribute to make it play well with ASP. NET ou...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22

63 1.8K 0
Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 1 pps

Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 1 pps

... output CHAPTER 2 ■ YOUR FIRST ASP. NET MVC APPLICATION22 10078ch02.qxd 3/ 26/ 09 12: 06 PM Page 22 PART 2 ■ ■ ■ ASP. NET MVC in Detail ■CHAPTER 7 Overview of ASP. NET MVC Projects. . . . . . . . . . ... ASP. NET MVC) , and tend to attract the same kind of developers. There are differ- ences, though: • MonoRail can run on ASP. NET 2.0, whereas ASP. NET MVC requires...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22

58 480 0
Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 10 ppsx

Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 10 ppsx

... database. Cr eating a Custom Profile Pro vider As is usual for ASP. NET s provider model, you can create a custom profile provider by deriving a class from the abstract base class, ProfileProvider. Unless ... ASP. NET MVC applications are web applications, not web projects, so this proxy class won’t be generated. If you really want the strongly typed proxy class, check out the Web P...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22

94 539 0
Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 2 pdf

Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 2 pdf

... UI application when you feel it’s the best trade-off of pros and cons for your project (in which case, use classic WebForms, not ASP. NET MVC, because WebForms has an easier event model), as long ... Page 39 10078ch02.qxd 3/ 26/ 09 12: 06 PM Page 36 Building Loosely Coupled Components O ne common metaphor in software architecture is l ayers ( see Figure 3 -6) . Figure 3 -6. A layered a...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22

66 622 0
Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 3 ppt

Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 3 ppt

... selected Assert.AreEqual("P4", products[0].Name); Assert.AreEqual("P5", products[1].Name); } static IProductsRepository MockProductsRepository(params Product[] prods) { // Generate an implementor of IProductsRepository ... Cart(); cart.AddItem(new Product { ProductID = 1, Price = 5 }, 10); cart.AddItem(new Product { ProductID = 2, Price = 2.1M }, 3); cart.AddItem(new Produ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22

47 535 0
Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 4 docx

Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 4 docx

... 6- 8. public RedirectToRouteResult Delete(int productId) { Product product = (from p in productsRepository.Products where p.ProductID == productId select p).First(); productsRepository.DeleteProduct(product); TempData["message"] ... for want of a SaveProduct() method). Update IProductsRepository: public interface IProductsRepository { IQueryable<Product> Products { get; } vo...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22

61 609 0
Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 5 pot

Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 5 pot

... CHAPTER 7 ■ OVERVIEW OF ASP. NET MVC PROJECTS 219 10078ch07.qxd 3/ 26/ 09 12:24 PM Page 219 Figure 7-8. The ASP .NET MVC r equest processing pipeline Stage 1: IIS I nter net Infor mation Ser vices ... actual MVC Framework. MvcRouteHandler knows how to take the r equest context data and invoke the corresponding controller class. CHAPTER 7 ■ OVERVIEW OF ASP. NET MVC PROJE...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22

50 546 0
Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 7 pot

Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 7 pot

... alternative .NET MVC web application platform). If you’re familiar with NVelocity syntax, then you might be interested in using it with ASP. NET MVC, and that’s quite easy because the MVC Contrib project ... There are also several open source ASP. NET MVC view engines you might choose to use—some examples are discussed at the end of the chapter, too. However, most ASP. NET...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22

55 692 0
Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 8 docx

Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 8 docx

... (http://xval. ). It’s a free, open source project that I’ve started after much discussion with other developers who use ASP. NET MVC. xVal adds client-side validation to ASP. NET MVC by combining your choice ... WebForms-focused JavaScript library, ASP. NET AJAX. In ASP. NET MVC, those challenges simply don’t exist, so you’re equally able to use any JavaScript li...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22

56 1.4K 0
Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 9 pdf

Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework phần 9 pdf

... in an ASP. NET MVC application. ■Note This isn’t intended to be a complete reference to jQuery, because it’s separate from ASP. NET MVC. I will simply demonstrate jQuery working with ASP. NET MVC ... them clearly. The good news for ASP. NET MVC developers is that ASP. NET MVC isn’t likely to introduce significant new risks. It takes an easily understood bare-bones app...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22

68 590 0