manning Hibernate in Action phần 2 ppsx

jQuery in Action phần 2 pot

jQuery in Action phần 2 pot

... function in section 7 .2. 1.4 Summary In this whirlwind introduction to jQuery we’ve covered a great deal of material in preparation for diving into using jQuery to quickly and easily enable Rich Inter- net ... enterprising jQuery users have extended jQuery with sets of useful functions that are known as plugins. We’ll be talking more about extending jQuery in this way, a...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:46

24 502 0
manning Hibernate in Action phần 1 docx

manning Hibernate in Action phần 1 docx

... relationship 11 1 3.8 Summary 11 2 4 Working with persistent objects 11 4 4 .1 The persistence lifecycle 11 5 Transient objects 11 6 ■ Persistent objects 11 7 ■ Detached objects 11 8 ■ The ... persistence in Hibernate 13 1 Persistence by reachability 13 1 ■ Cascading persistence with Hibernate 13 3 ■ Managing auction categories 13 4 Distinguishing between t...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 02:20

42 959 0
manning Hibernate in Action phần 2 ppsx

manning Hibernate in Action phần 2 ppsx

... when you begin using Hibernate. Section 2. 3 covers the problem of configuring Hibernate in some detail. Transaction interface The Transaction interface is an optional API. Hibernate applications ... <> integrating Hibernate Introducing and This chapter covers ■ Hibernate in action with “Hello World” ■ The Hibernate core programm...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 02:20

29 467 0
manning Hibernate in Action phần 3 pot

manning Hibernate in Action phần 3 pot

... elements in our mapping files. This approach is time-consuming and easily forgotten. Instead, we can implement Hibernate s NamingStrategy interface, as in listing 3. 5 Listing 3. 5 NamingStrategy ... hibernate- mapping B DTD declaration PUBLIC "-/ /Hibernate/ Hibernate Mapping DTD//EN" "http:/ /hibernate. /hibernate- mapping-2.0.dtd">...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 02:20

34 652 0
manning Hibernate in Action phần 4 potx

manning Hibernate in Action phần 4 potx

... available in the package net.sf .hibernate. mapping . Keep in mind that adding a property to an existing persistent class mapping as shown here is easy, but programmatically creating a new mapping ... the distinction between entities and value types in Hibernate. These concepts are required for fine-grained object modeling. 3.5 Fine-grained object models A major objective of the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 02:20

36 652 0
manning Hibernate in Action phần 5 pps

manning Hibernate in Action phần 5 pps

... Working with persistent objects 4.4.6 Selecting a fetching strategy in mappings Hibernate lets you select default association fetching strategies by specifying attributes in the mapping metadata. ... you’re optimizing the default fetching strategies in your application. A wrinkle in Hibernate s mapping format means that collection mappings func- tion slightly differently than...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 02:20

39 544 0
manning Hibernate in Action phần 6 potx

manning Hibernate in Action phần 6 potx

... achieved using shared read locks and exclusive write locks. Reading transactions block writing transactions (but not other reading transactions), and writing transactions block all other transactions. ... the job of the Hibernate mapping types, and string is the name of a built -in Hiber- nate mapping type. The string mapping type isn’t the only one built into Hibernate; Hibernat...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 02:20

47 543 0
manning Hibernate in Action phần 7 pptx

manning Hibernate in Action phần 7 pptx

... public static final Rating EXCELLENT = new Rating("Excellent"); public static final Rating OK = new Rating("OK"); public static final Rating LOW = new Rating("Low"); ... static final Map INSTANCES = new HashMap(); static { INSTANCES.put(EXCELLENT.toString(), EXCELLENT); INSTANCES.put(OK.toString(), OK); INSTANCES.put(LOW.toString(), LOW); } private...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 02:20

44 440 0
manning Hibernate in Action phần 8 docx

manning Hibernate in Action phần 8 docx

... expressing (inner and outer) joins: ■ An ordinary join in the from clause ■ A fetch join in the from clause ■ A theta-style join in the where clause ■ An implicit association join Later, ... candidates for a join operation. What most people think of when they hear the word join in the context of SQL databases is an inner join. An inner join is one of several types o...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 02:20

53 605 0
manning Hibernate in Action phần 9 doc

manning Hibernate in Action phần 9 doc

... <> 346 CHAPTER 8 Writing Hibernate applications It’s illegal to invoke the original Hibernate Session from an Interceptor call- back. The session is in a fragile state during interceptor calls. ... try { chain.doFilter(request, response); // Commit any pending database transaction. HibernateUtil.commitTransaction(); } finally { // Disconne...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 02:20

47 363 0
manning Hibernate in Action phần 10 pdf

manning Hibernate in Action phần 10 pdf

... processes In some projects, the development of a domain model is driven by developers ana- lyzing the business domain in object-oriented terms. In others, it’s heavily influ- enced by an existing relational ... implement- ing this interaction, many of which intruded on the implementation of the domain model. Inheritance from generated source code, source code process- ing, compiled byt...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 02:20

60 481 0
Collective Intelligence in Action phần 2 ppsx

Collective Intelligence in Action phần 2 ppsx

... terms: Collective, Intelligence, in, and Action. When terms are joined together, they form phrases. Collective Intelligence and Collective Intelli- gence in Action are two useful phrases in our ... CHAPTER 2 Learning from user interactions Again, normalizing each of the vectors to unit length leads to table 2. 20. Finally, table 2. 21 contains the similarity matrix betwee...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 10:22

43 431 0
Manning ASP.NET AJAX in Action PHẦN 2 potx

Manning ASP.NET AJAX in Action PHẦN 2 potx

... method. ASP.NET AJAX in action 29 results. The delay in response time confuses the director and initially makes him wonder if something is wrong with the application. Before the introduction of Ajax, ... Microsoft Ajax Library extends with methods commonly found in the . NET Array class. Listing 2. 6 Example using the Sys.StringBuilder class Create instance of StringBui...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:20

57 425 0
Manning ASP.NET AJAX in Action PHẦN 8 ppsx

Manning ASP.NET AJAX in Action PHẦN 8 ppsx

... example, you can move the binding defined in listing 11.12 outside the label and declare it under the components node, as shown in listing 11.13. <binding id="binding1" target="dstLabel" ... binding, assuming the binding direction is set to In . The counterpart of the dataContext attribute is the target attribute, which determines the target component f...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:20

57 436 0
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