Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Optical WDM Networks ppt

Luận văn:Định tuyến và gán bước sóng trong mạng WDM (Routing and Wavelength Assignment) pptx

Luận văn:Định tuyến và gán bước sóng trong mạng WDM (Routing and Wavelength Assignment) pptx

... sóng trong mạng WDM (Routing and Wavelength Assignment) . Đồ án được chia thành bốn chương:  Chương 1: Tổng quan về hệ thống thông tin quang.  Chương 2: Giới thiệu về hệ thống WDM.  Chương ... liên kết trong đường này. Bài toán RWA ( Routing and Wavelength Assignment) được chia làm hai phần: định tuyến và gán bước sóng. 3.4. Định tuyến (Routing) 3.4.1. Giới thiệu...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

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Báo cáo hóa học: "Research Article On PHY and MAC Performance in Body Sensor Networks" pptx

... distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1. Introduction Body Sensor Networks (BSNs) are becoming increasingly important for sporting activities, ... PHY and MAC Performance in Body Sensor Networks Sana Ullah, 1 Henry Higgins, 2 S. M. Riazul Islam, 1 Pervez Khan, 1 and Kyung Sup Kwak 1 1 Graduate School of Telecommunication Engi...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

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Optical wdm networks principles and practice   management

Optical wdm networks principles and practice management

... those being deployed in the BT network, containing line terminals and optical line amplifiers, which is used to interconnect SDH line terminals. The optical line terminals and optical line amplifiers ... functionality. 316 OPTICAL WDM NETWORKS – optical protection state – latching alarms, inhibiting alarm reporting – initiation of 15 minute and 24 hour performance monito...

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... example Network Coding (NC )and no coding at all (Non-NC ). 3.1. Overview of Cooperative Coding and Caching 3.1.1. Code words. In C 3 , instead of having full cardinality only, the combined data segments ... applying C 3 in the streaming applications under multihop wireless networks. Our C 3 offers a new look into the random linear combi- nation process in conventional network codin...

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... branch -and- cut framework in multi-hop relay networks in [12]. Besides, the linear marking mechanism based optimal RN assignment scheme has been designed with formal proof of the linear complexity in ... relay routing strategies and the NNR and FNR strategies are proposed in [14] to enhance the spectrum usage and e2e system performance in a two-dimensional geometric net...

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... add their link costs to A Sink to form C B-Sink , C D-Sink , and C J-Sink ,respectively.NodesB, D,andJ store these information in their routing tables, as shown in Tabl e 1.After a certain period ... Kim, Y. Doh, and S. Yoo, “Power aware chain routing protocol for continuous data dissemination in wireless sensor networks, ” in Proceedings of the 1st Interna- tional Conference...

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... control using handover prediction in mobile cellular networks, ” in Proceedings of the 2nd Interna- tional Working Conference on Performance Modelling and Eval- uation of Heterogeneous Networks ... adapting the bandwidth of existing call. a n i (or a h i ) = −j means accept the new class-i (or handoff class-i) call into RAT- j after adapting (degrad- ing) the bandwidth of existing cal...

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... Nankai Universi- ty, Tianjin, China, in 1998, and his M.Eng. degree in telecommunications engineering from Beijing University of Posts and Tele- communications, Beijing, China, in 2001. He is currently ... Societies (INFOCOM ’00), vol. 2, pp. 585–594, Tel Aviv, Israel, March 2000. [19] A. Srinivas and E. Modiano, “Minimum energy disjoint path routing in wireless ad hoc networ...

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... Computer Engineering. 664 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking routing table in the routing function. Since a distributed dy- namic source routing is used, an arbit rary link weight ... computation and link monitoring function located in each node. This function is used to suppor t the above routing function. It will manage and build the local routing...

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... Pipelining and Packetization The top line of the figure depicts a sample voice waveform and the second line is a time scale in 10 ms increments. At T 0 , the CS-ACELP algorithm begins collecting ... C7200 in the headquarters site tandems the call to the destination branch. In this case the signal stays in © 2000, Cisco Systems, Inc. 8 04/02/2000 Cisco Confidential Pipelinin...

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