... 4. Example 2. 2 Generate bandlimited noise and compute and plot the auto- correlation function for two different bandwidths. % Example 2. 2 and Figure 2. 8 % Generate colored noise having two different bandwidths % ... quantization step size, δ=V MAX /2 N . Assuming that the error is uniformly distributed between −δ /2 +δ /2, the variance, σ,is: σ= ∫ δ /2 −δ /2 η 2 /δ dη=V 2...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:20
... proportions D(1,:) = .5*y ؉ .5*x ؉ .1*rand(1,N); D (2, :) = .2* y ؉ .7*x ؉ .1*rand(1,N); D(3,:) = .7*y ؉ .2* x ؉ .1*rand(1,N); D(4,:) = 6*y ؉ 24 *x ؉ .2* rand(1,N); D(5,:) = .6* rand(1,N); % Noise only % % Center ... Principal Components and Original Data figure; subplot(1 ,2, 1); % Plot first two principal components plot(t,pc(:,1) -2, t,pc(: ,2) 2) ; % Displaced for clarity labels and...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:45
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB-Based Applications phần 9 pps
... fftshift(abs(fft2(h_unsharp, 32, 32) )); subplot(1 ,2, 1); mesh(1: 32, 1: 32, F); title(’Unsharp Filter’); view([-37,15]); % F = fftshift(abs(fft2(h_s, 32, 32) )); subplot(1 ,2, 2); mesh(1: 32, 1: 32, F); title(’Sobel Filter’); view([-37,15]); The images produced ... sizes I1(M1, N1) and h(M2, N2) , the output size is: I2(M1 ؉ M2 − 1, N2 ؉ N2 − 1) . If shape is ‘valid’ , then any pixel eval...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 09:45
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB-Based Applications Muya phần 10 potx
... projections is 1 deg. % I = zeros( 128 , 128 ); % Generate image I (22 :54 ,22 : 52) = .25 ; % Four squares of different shades I(76;106 ,22 : 52) = .5; % against a black background I (22 : 52, 76:106) = .75; I(76:106,76:106) ... texture image is constructed by taking the regional standard deviation (Figure 12. 14). After thresholding, this texture-based image is also combined with the...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:20
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB-Based Applications Muya phần 9 pot
... blood cell images in Figure 12. 2 with (left) and without (right) boundaries pixel masked. Fewer inappropriate pixels are seen in the right image. Example 12. 1, and Figure 12. 2 shows images and associated ... image and the original image. ) 9. Load a frame of the MRI image ( mri.tif ) and perform a spatial transfor- mation that first expands the image horizontally by 20...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:20
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB-Based Applications Muya phần 8 pptx
... Summary of Image Classes, Data Formats, and Conversion Routines Class Formats supported Conversion routines Indexed All gray2ind 1 , grayslice 1 , rgb2ind 1 Intensity All ind2gray 2 , mat2gray 2, 3 , ... implemented using the routine ‘conv2’ : I2 = conv2(I1, h, shape) where I1 and h are image and filter coefficients (or two images, or simply two matrices) to be convolved and sh...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:20
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB-Based Applications Muya phần 7 potx
... proportions D(1,:) = .5*y ؉ .5*x ؉ .1*rand(1,N); D (2, :) = .2* y ؉ .7*x ؉ .1*rand(1,N); D(3,:) = .7*y ؉ .2* x ؉ .1*rand(1,N); D(4,:) = 6*y ؉ 24 *x ؉ .2* rand(1,N); D(5,:) = .6* rand(1,N); % Noise only % % Center ... indicate that they are actually column vectors. 24 3 TLFeBOOK PCA and ICA 26 5 and weaknesses, can be found in Hyva ¨ rinen et al. (20 01), as well as Cichicki et al. (20...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:20
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB-Based Applications Muya phần 6 pptx
... = abs(fft(h1 ,25 6)); % Calculate and plot filter LPF = abs(fft(h0 ,25 6)); % transfer fun of high- and % lowpass filters freq = (1: 128 )* 1000 /25 6; % Assume fs = 1000 Hz subplot(L؉1 ,2, 2*i؉1); plot(freq, ... below. Φ(ω) = H 0 ͩ ω 2 ͪͫ H 0 ͩ ω 4 ͪ Φ ͩ ω 4 ͪ ͬ (28 ) = H 0 ͩ ω 2 ͪ H 0 ͩ ω 4 ͪ H 0 ͩ ω 8 ͪ H 0 ͩ ω 2 N ͪ Φ ͩ ω 2 N ͪ (29 ) In the limit as N →∞, Eq. (29 ) becomes:...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:20
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB-Based Applications Muya phần 5 pptx
... = ∫ ∞ −∞ e −j2 πf τ x(t − τ 2 )x(t − τ 2 )dτ (9a) W(n,m) = 2 ∑ ∞ k=−∞ e 2 nm/N x(n + k)x*(n − k)(9b) W(n,m) = ∑ ∞ m=−∞ e 2 nm/N R x (n,k) = FFT k [R x (n,k)] (9c) Note that t = nT s ,andf = m/(NT s ) The ... (17) G(1,1) = 1; % Compute one quadrant then expand for j = 2: N /2 wt = 0; for i = 1:N /2 G(i,j) = exp(-(sigma*(i-1)v2)/(4*(j-1)v2)); wt = wt ؉ 2* G(i,j); end TLFeBOOK ... r...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:20
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB-Based Applications Muya phần 4 ppt
... code.) b(n) = sin [2 f L T(n − L /2) ] π(n − L /2) + sin[π(n − L /2) ] π(n − L /2) − sin [2 f H T s (n − L /2) ] π(n − L /2) Bandstop (13) An FIR bandpass filter designed using Eq. ( 12) is shown in Figure ... 4.5 and Figure 4.13 % Bandstop filter with a passband gain of 1 between 0 and 100, % a stopband gain of -40 db between 300 and 400 Hz, % and an upper passband gain of 1 betwe...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:20