Toeic reading 2 pps

Toeic reading 2 pps

Toeic reading 2 pps

... Maine coastline is 2, 500 miles. Paragraph 1 states that a straight-line distance between the northernmost and southernmost coastal cities—not the length of the coastline— is 22 5 miles, so c is ... offers a procedure that would be chosen as an alternative to angioplasty. 422 . a. The first and second sentences of paragraph 2 state how both procedures, angioplasty and bypass surgery, are...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 23:23

6 317 0
infomation reading 2 pps

infomation reading 2 pps

... scientific and technical writing deals with cold, hard, explicit facts. This means that, with close reading, you stand a good chance of answer- ing most, if not all, of the questions with confidence. No ... First aid treatment for this condition includes having the victim lie down, raising the feet 8 to 12 inches, applying cool, wet cloths to the skin, and giving the victim sips of salt water...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 23:22

6 1,2K 3
practise reading 2 ppsx

practise reading 2 ppsx


Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 23:22

6 255 0
reading 2 ppsx

reading 2 ppsx


Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 23:23

6 297 0
Toeic reading 3 ppsx

Toeic reading 3 ppsx

... b. According to the beginning of paragraph 2, only the long-term health problems are the same for these two different disorders. 468. d. Paragraph 2 mentions that when the body has more glucose ... wrong because it is solar energy that travels 93 million miles through space, not the atmosphere. 4 62. b. The biosphere, as defined in paragraph 1, is a region (or part) of the earth; it is not...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 23:23

5 262 0
Getting out of reading 2 pps

Getting out of reading 2 pps

... information. (You may also want to review Chapters 2 through 5 on learning styles. See, too, Chapters 12 through 14 on getting the most from the classroom.) 1. 2. 3. REMEMBERING WHAT YOU’VE LEARNED 91 WRITE ... 95 CHAPTER 12 GETTING THE MOST FROM A LECTURE You are reading with your ears” when you listen to a lecture. To get the most out ... feeling challenged by the material, conti...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 21:23

6 344 0
Hacker TOEIC Reading ( part 2)

Hacker TOEIC Reading ( part 2)

... www.luyentoeicvn....

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2013, 16:17

100 888 3
Jim toeic reading comprehension test 2

Jim toeic reading comprehension test 2

... by Monday, March 2, 20 06 Please contact our sales representative for fudher details. SEACLOUD INVESTMENTS 51h floor, 56 Albert Rd. Chicago, lllinois Tel: 755- 326 5 Faxi 755 -22 22 Toll-f ree: 1 ... day was the notice posted? (A) September 21 (B) October 21 (C) November 1 (D) November 2, 1 H 02 63

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 23:31

31 1,1K 13
342 TOEIC Vocabulary Tests Episode 1 part 2 ppsx

342 TOEIC Vocabulary Tests Episode 1 part 2 ppsx

... Test 22 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 22 Q1 adj. prepared; set; eager; willing; quick; fast (a) ample (b) comfortable (c) ready (d) few Q2 adj. present; opposite ... Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © Test 32 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 32 Q1 adj. foreign; abroad (a) somber (b) tense (c) overseas (d) thorough Q2 adj. aspiring...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 22:20

35 310 0