PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 7 pps

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 7 pps

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 7 pps

... west, so they blow fr om the e ast an d are called easte r lies Rain falls in a broad column over Montana US_086_0 87_ WD2 07. indd 86 9/1/09 17: 26:14 076 _ 077 _WD2 07. indd 77 5/12/08 14:29:42 77 3 ... owstones. US_ 078 _ 079 _WD2 07_ Caves.indd 79 9/1/09 17: 25:59 086_0 87_ WD2 07. indd 86 5/12/08 14:31:22 86 1 PREVAILING WINDS Intense heat in the tropics makes air rise n...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

13 305 0
PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 8 pps

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 8 pps

... spider Coelacanth Moss P a l e o z o i c 5 4 0 – 2 5 0 m il l i o n y e a r s a g o P r e c a m b ri a n 4 . 6 b il l io n – 5 4 0 m i ll i o n y e a r s a g o US_096_0 97_ WD2 07. indd 96 9/1/09 17: 34:42 096_0 97_ WD2 07. indd 97 16/12/08 16: 47: 09 97 7 MULTICELLULAR LIFE Rocks that formed about 800 million years ago contain the earliest known ... France US_092_093_WD2 07. indd 92...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

13 334 0
PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 10 pps

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 10 pps

... 96 groundwater 67, 68, 75 , 78 superheated 34, 35 water cycle 66– 67 waterfalls 71 waterspouts 91 water table 67 water vapor 64, 65, 87 early atmosphere 17, 80 water cycle 19, 66 waves 47, 48, 82–83 weather ... 34–35 giant clam 103 glaciers 24, 48, 67, 72 73 , 74 , 77 global warming 122 gneiss 56 Gobi Desert 111 gold 40, 41, 116 Gondwanaland 22 gorges 70 71 , 78 Grand Canyon...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

13 361 0
PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 1 ppt

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 1 ppt

... tides Atmosphere 84 Weather 86 Clouds 88 Extreme weather 90 Climates 92 4 5 US_004_005_WD2 07_ Prelims.indd 5 9/1/09 16:39:20 006_0 07_ WD2 07. indd 7 5/1/09 10:40:56 Planet Earth 7 US_006_0 07_ WD2 07. indd 7 9/1/09 ... kept the planet warm enough for rivers of water to ow on the surface. Nearly all the water on Mars has now turned to ice. 6 EARTH The largest of...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

10 242 0
PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 2 ppt

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 2 ppt

... analyzed the surface conditions, gathered images, and beamed the data back to Earth. The information they collected was vital to the safety of the rst astronauts to visit the Moon in the late ... and rock in the region of the galaxy where the Sun was born. As the pieces of dust and rock orbited the star, they were pulled together by their own gravity, and the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

13 336 0
PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 3 ppt

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 3 ppt

... Africa moving east away from the rest of the continent. This has allowed the central part of the valley—on the left of the picture—to sink into the Earth. On average the valley is 30 miles (50 ... into fantastic shapes by the erosive power of the wind. The rocks are at least 165 million years old. 36 US_036_0 37_ WD2 07. indd 36 9/1/09 17: 07: 18 030_031_WD2 07....

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

13 302 0
PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 4 pot

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 4 pot

... battery US_040_041_WD2 07. indd 40 9/1/09 17: 11:39 046_0 47_ WD2 07. indd 47 27/ 11/08 16:09:26 47  SAND-BLASTING In desert zones, where there are few plants to bind the soil together, the wind picks up ... movements. Most of the surface was eroded away, leaving these towering “monuments.” US_046_0 47_ WD2 07. indd 47 9/1/09 17: 14:33 042_043_WD2 07. indd 43 27/ 11/08 16:01:50...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

13 284 0
PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 5 doc

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 5 doc

... lowers the rock’s melting point. This turns some of it into the magma that fuels volcanoes or bubbles up as granite intrusions. US_058_059_WD2 07. indd 58 9/1/09 17: 20: 17 056_0 57_ WD2 07. indd 57 27/ 11/08 ... moorlands. US_060_061_WD2 07. indd 60 9/1/09 17: 25:41 062_063_WD2 07. indd 63 16/12/08 16:44:34 Water and weather 63 US_062_063_WD2 07. indd 63 9/1/09 17: 20:22 058_059_WD2...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

13 252 0
PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 6 ppt

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 6 ppt

... wetlands return water vapor to the air in the same way as the oceans 2 6 4 US_066_0 67_ WD2 07. indd 67 9/1/09 17: 20:31 070 _ 071 _WD2 07. indd 70 12/12/08 09:59: 17 70 The fast-owing water of upland rivers ... 072 _ 073 _WD2 07_ Glaciers.indd 73 12/12/08 10:01: 47 73 123 5 6 7 US_ 072 _ 073 _WD2 07_ Glaciers.indd 73 9/1/09 17: 25: 47 064_065_WD2 07_ Water_Ice.indd 65 1...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

13 342 0
PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 9 pot

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 9 pot

... that spend their days in the water and emerge at night to feed on the surrounding grasslands. US_104_105_WD2 07_ Wetlands.indd 104 9/1/09 17: 37: 37 112_113_WD2 07. indd 113 17/ 12/08 17: 25: 47 Human influence 113 US_112_113_WD2 07. indd ... souther n Europe Southern O cean Indian Ocean Africa Asia Australia Atlantic Ocean Europe US_106_1 07_ WD2 07. indd 1 07 9/1/09 17: 38:26 112...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

13 286 0