PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 1 ppt

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 1 ppt

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 1 ppt

... guide 004_005_Prelims.indd 4 5 /1/ 09 11 :38 :13 Planet Earth 6 Our galaxy 8 The solar system 10 Asteroids, meteorites, 12 and comets The Moon 14 Early Earth 16 Earth s structure 18 Plate tectonics 20 Continental ... 16 :45:00 0 01_ Prelims.indd 1 23 /12 /08 15 : 01: 49 PLANET EARTH one million things US_0 01_ Prelims.indd 1 9 /1/ 09 16 :39 :11 002_003_Pre...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

10 242 0
PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 2 ppt

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 2 ppt

... two rock fragments melt into each other US_ 016 _ 017 _WD207.indd 16 9 /1/ 09 16 :58:07 12 _13 _WD207.indd 12 21/ 11/ 08 15 :25: 51 12 In addition to the big planets, the solar system contains many billions ... beneath continental plate 7 9 10 11 US_020_0 21_ WD207_PlateTectonics. 21 21 9 /1/ 09 17 :00 :16 018 _ 019 _WD207.indd 19 5 /12 /08 14 :27:24 19 Convection cu...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

13 336 0
PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 3 ppt

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 3 ppt

... Scotland is the remains of a much bigger peak 3 The Torres del Paine rise above the steppe in southern Chile US_024_025_WD207.indd 25 11 /2/09 16 :14 :10 036_037_WD207.indd 36 23 /12 /08 15 :05:50 ROCKY ... fantastic shapes by the erosive power of the wind. The rocks are at least 16 5 million years old. 36 US_036_037_WD207.indd 36 9 /1/ 09 17 :07 :18 030_0 31_ WD20...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

13 302 0
PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 6 ppt

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 6 ppt

... wetlands return water vapor to the air in the same way as the oceans 2 6 4 US_066_067_WD207.indd 67 9 /1/ 09 17 :20: 31 070_0 71_ WD207.indd 70 12 /12 /08 09:59 :17 70 The fast-owing water of upland rivers ... REBOUND The colossal weight of the ice-age ice sheets distorted Earth s crust downward. In the 12 ,000 years since they melted, the crust has been steadily...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

13 342 0
PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 4 pot

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 4 pot

... battery US_040_0 41_ WD207.indd 40 9 /1/ 09 17 :11 :39 046_047_WD207.indd 47 27 /11 /08 16 :09:26 47  SAND-BLASTING In desert zones, where there are few plants to bind the soil together, the wind picks ... 39 9 /1/ 09 17 :11 :06 048_049_WD207.indd 48 27 /11 /08 16 :08:37 48 The debris eroded from exposed rock is swept away by owing water and wind, either by rolling and bumping...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

13 284 0
PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 5 doc

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 5 doc

... moorlands. US_060_0 61_ WD207.indd 60 9 /1/ 09 17 :25: 41 062_063_WD207.indd 63 16 /12 /08 16 :44:34 Water and weather 63 US_062_063_WD207.indd 63 9 /1/ 09 17 :20:22 058_059_WD207.indd 59 27 /11 /08 16 :05:59 59 Over ... metamorphic rocks. These may then partially melt to produce magma that becomes granite. US_058_059_WD207.indd 59 9 /1/ 09 17 :20 :18 050_0 51_ WD207.indd 51 27 /1...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

13 252 0
PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 7 pps

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 7 pps

... US_084_085_WD207.indd 85 9 /1/ 09 17 :26 :11 086_087_WD207.indd 87 5 /12 /08 14 : 31: 35 87 The weather is powered by the energy radiated by the Sun. Its heat generates convection currents in the lower atmosphere ... owstones. US_078_079_WD207_Caves.indd 79 9 /1/ 09 17 :25:59 086_087_WD207.indd 86 5 /12 /08 14 : 31: 22 86 1 PREVAILING WINDS Intense heat in the tropics makes...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

13 305 0
PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 8 pps

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 8 pps

... in the most hostile terrain, thanks to the amazing processes of evolution. 94 US_094_095_WD207.indd 94 9 /1/ 09 17 :33:58 10 0 _10 1_WD207.indd 10 1 16 /12 /08 17 :02:39 10 1 9 10 13 12 11 8 14 15 13 Anglersh ... mouth US _10 0 _10 1_WD207.indd 10 1 9 /1/ 09 18 :11 :45 10 2 _10 3_WD207_Coral.indd 10 2 19 /12 /08 16 :20:28 10 2 Tropical coral reefs are among the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

13 334 0
PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 9 pot

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 9 pot

... spiders communicate by drumming the sand with their legs Bactrian camel US _11 0 _11 1_WD207.indd 11 1 9 /1/ 09 17 :39 :18 11 4 _11 5_WD207.indd 11 5 17 /12 /08 14 :44:40 11 5 5 RICE GROWING Some forms of agriculture ... 11 0 _11 1_WD207.indd 11 1 16 /12 /08 17 :10 :15 11 1  KALAHARI DESERT Lying at the heart of southern Africa, the Kalahari is a mixture of scorpion-infe...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

13 286 0
PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 10 pps

PLANET EARTH - The Incredible Visual Guide Part 10 pps

... Africa 11 1 Neptune 11 Netherlands 11 2 13 nickel 40, 41 nimbostratus clouds 88 North America 10 8 nuclear fusion 8, 9, 11 , 16 O oases 67, 11 1 obsidian 43 oceans 11 , 14 , 17 , 19 , 20, 66, 80– 81, 96, 12 2 life ... to the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. 6 8 9 10 7 US _12 2 _12 3_WD207_Environment.ind123 12 3 9 /1/ 09 17 : 41: 45 12 0 _12 1_WD207_Cities.i...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 22:22

13 361 0