... hope that they utterly smash their opponents (create a rout), then come back in triumph on Route 27 (a road). List of errors file:///C|/Temp/livres/commonerrors/errors/root.html03/09/2005 15:39:51 sacred/scared SACRED/SCARED This
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 18:21
... “we’re.” List of errors file:///C|/Temp/livres/commonerrors/errors/preprepeat.html03/09/2005 15:39: 27 preemptory PREEMPTORY PEREMPTORY “Peremptory” (meaning “imperative” ) is often misspelled and ... people. List of errors file:///C|/Temp/livres/commonerrors/errors/prescribe.html03/09/2005 15:39: 27 premier/premiere PREMIER/PREMIERE These words are, respectively, the masculine and femin...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 18:21
Nghiên cứu từ vựng trong tiếng anh 10 pot
... view). List of errors file:///C|/Temp/livres/commonerrors/errors/shrunk.html03/09/2005 15:39: 57 shall/will SHALL/WILL "Will” has almost entirely replaced “shall” in American English except ... duck?" List of errors file:///C|/Temp/livres/commonerrors/errors/shall.html03/09/2005 15:39: 57 setup/set up SETUP/SET UP Technical writers sometimes confuse “setup” as a noun ("ch...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 18:21
Nghiên cứu từ vựng trong tiếng anh2 pps
... people. List of errors file:///C|/Temp/livres/commonerrors/errors/prescribe.html03/09/2005 15:39: 27 pretty PRIORITIZE MAKE A PRIORITY Many people disdain “prioritize” as bureaucratic jargon for
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 18:21
Nghiên cứu từ vựng trong tiếng anh5 doc
... file:///C|/Temp/livres/commonerrors/errors/rationale.html03/09/2005 15:39:35 reeking havoc REEKING HAVOC WREAKING HAVOC “Reeking” means “smelling strongly,” so that can’t be right. The phrase simply means “working great destruction.” “Havoc” has
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 18:21
Nghiên cứu từ vựng trong tiếng anh6 pps
... file:///C|/Temp/livres/commonerrors/errors/reign.html03/09/2005 15:39: 47 reeking havoc REEKING HAVOC WREAKING HAVOC “Reeking” means “smelling strongly,” so that can’t be right. The phrase simply means “working ... stubborn." List of errors file:///C|/Temp/livres/commonerrors/errors/regretfully.html03/09/2005 15:39: 47 remuneration/renumeration REMUNERATION/RENUMERATION Although “r...
Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 18:21