Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 9 ppt

Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 9 ppt

Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 9 ppt

... Ocean–land interface: coasts Coasts are dynamic interfaces between land and sea where energy is continuously being transferred by the action of traveling waves, including the tide. This incoming ... “core” layer, and a basal boundary layer dominated by upwelling, downwelling, or intruding ocean currents (Fig. 6.34). Winter wind systems assume an overriding dominance on most shelves, causi...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

34 199 0
Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 2 ppt

Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 2 ppt

... any surface, equal in all possible directions 98 0 99 0 98 0 1000 1010 98 0 1020 98 0 1020 98 0 1020 98 0 1030 98 0 1000 98 0 1020 98 0 1010 98 0 99 0 Azores high High High High Iceland low Low Note high pressure gradients ... Making use of this expres- sion we can easily calculate the approximate rotational inertia and angular momentum of Earth (ignoring its internal densi...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

34 371 0
Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 5 pptx

Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 5 pptx

... mass in a container of equal-sized grains containing one larger grain. The vibrations induce inter- granular collisions and a pattern of advection within the container, with the smaller grains ... knowledge, dealing with fracture or rock mechanics is very important in many applied fields, as in civil engineering, mining, and hazard controls (rock and soil stability in slopes, bot...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

34 261 0
Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 1 pdf

Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 1 pdf

... important physical principles; 4 gives specially drawn and collated figures containing most physical explanation by graphs, formulae, and physical law. In our general introduction, “Planet Earth and Earth ... Earth Interior Processes and Systems.” The physical processes at work in the atmosphere, ocean, and land form the basis for the final Chapter 6, Earth Exter...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

34 327 0
Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 3 pot

Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 3 pot

... like Earth. Viewed from the North Polar rotation axis (Figs 3.38 and 3. 39) Earth spins anticlockwise, with each successive latitude band, ␾, increasing in angular velocity poleward by ⍀ sin ␾. Since ... 29 in Fig. 3.69e). To represent and calculate the shear and normal compo- nents of any traction acting over a surface inclined at angle ␪, we have to draw a radius forming an an...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

34 407 0
Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 4 pdf

Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 4 pdf

... Interface-spreading undercutting current jet Ambient liquid NA NA Degassing bubbles in Sinking plume Neutral Rising plume magma or lava Bottom-spreading stability Spreading jet and undercutting wall jet 4.2 ... zero, there is no shear strain, which coincides with the directions of the principal strain axis. In homogeneous strain of pure Forces and dynamics 91 and so the strain is n...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

34 321 0
Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 6 pot

Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 6 pot

... all hinge points and the in ection line joining all the in ection points (b) and (c). Cylindrical folds, as in (a) and (b), have a fold axis which is any line parallel to the hinge line of constant ... folds (the hinge line is always horizontal) and finally, folds having inclined axial surfaces are called steeply, moderately, or gently inclined folds depending on the inclination. I...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

34 313 0
Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 7 pps

Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 7 pps

... ions and also join to aluminum ions in linked rings. The linked groups are said to be in a state of polymerization and are a feature of silicate melts. It is the continuous, polymer-like, linkage ... reduction in viscosity and melting temperature. Also, water has a corrosive effect on Si–O bonds and has a key role in lowering rock melting points (and thus a major role in de...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

34 232 0
Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 8 doc

Physical Processes in Earth and Environmental Sciences Phần 8 doc

... (Blackwell, 199 6) and in E.M. Moores and R.J. Twiss’s Tectonics (Freeman & Company, 199 5). The bible for advanced solid Earth studies of melting, stress, strain, and general dynamics from the point of ... turbulent mixing and therefore cooling due to momentum and heat transport in the dynamic models. In addition to their obvious role in increasing wind shear and fo...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

34 356 0
.New Frontiers in Integrated Solid Earth Sciences Phần 3 ppt

.New Frontiers in Integrated Solid Earth Sciences Phần 3 ppt

... starting from seismic data (Vinnik and Saip- bekova, 198 4; Makeyeva, 199 2; Roecker et al., 199 3; Vinnik et al., 2006) and ending by gravity-flexural analysis (Burov et al., 199 0, 199 3; Avouac and ... Apennine and Dinaride foredeep basins. Tectonics 13, 278–302 ( 199 4) Lankreijer, A.C., 199 8. Rheology and basement control on extensional basin evolution in Central and Easter...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 04:20

43 294 0