Foundations of F# Net phần 10 pot

Foundations of F#.Net phần 10 pot

Foundations of F#.Net phần 10 pot

... call it. ■Note At the time of this writing, two releases of NProf, 0 .10 and 0.9.1, are available. Both are available from http://nprof.sourceforge .net. Release 0 .10 runs considerably faster ... results of this program, when executed on the expression 1 + 1. Table 11-4. Summary of Processing the Expression 1 + 1 for Various Numbers of Repetitions Repetitions 1 10 100 1,000...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:21

67 280 0
Foundations of F#.Net phần 5 potx

Foundations of F#.Net phần 5 potx

... in F#. You also saw how to comment, annotate, and quote code, but you just scratched the surface of both annotation and quoting. This concludes the tour of the F# core language. The rest of the ... CODE 127 7575Ch06.qxp 4/27/07 1:11 PM Page 127 The F# Libraries Although F# can use all the classes available in the .NET BCL, it also ships with its own set of libraries. The F#...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:21

32 319 0
Foundations of F#.Net phần 1 pptx

Foundations of F#.Net phần 1 pptx

... 60# Thor) The eXPeRT’s VOIce ® In .neT Robert Pickering Foreword by Don Syme Foundations of F# BOOks fOR PROfessIOnals By PROfessIOnals ® Foundations of F# Dear Reader, I wrote this book because ... range of programmers. In Foundations of F#, Robert Pickering has captured the essen- tial elements that the professional programmer needs to master in order to get started wit...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:21

39 337 0
Foundations of F#.Net phần 2 ppsx

Foundations of F#.Net phần 2 ppsx

... "Enter last two digits of the year of your birth: " let input = read_int () let x = x + input let x = x - 105 00 // Finally, subtract 10, 500 printf "Date of birth (ddmmyy): %i" ... results of this example, when compiled and executed, are as follows: Enter day of the month on which you were born: 23 Enter number of the month you were born: 5 Enter last two di...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:21

35 320 0
Foundations of F#.Net phần 3 pps

Foundations of F#.Net phần 3 pps

... another nice feature of F# when interoperating with non -F# libraries. .NET APIs often use a .NET construct called delegates, which are concep- tually a kind of function value. F# functions will ... the result of another. Consider the next example, where you obtain a list of all the .NET assemblies in memory and then process this list until you end up with a list of all the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:21

32 257 0
Foundations of F#.Net phần 4 pptx

Foundations of F#.Net phần 4 pptx

... PROGRAMMING 108 7575Ch05.qxp 4/27/07 1:02 PM Page 108 #light [<System.Flags>] type ChordScale = | C = 0b0000000000000001 | D = 0b0000000000000 010 | E = 0b000000000000 0100 | F = 0b00000000000 0100 0 | ... PROGRAMMING 110 7575Ch05.qxp 4/27/07 1:02 PM Page 110 name of the method. Next come the parameters of the method. After that comes an equals s ign followed by the impleme...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:21

32 289 0
Foundations of F#.Net phần 6 pps

Foundations of F#.Net phần 6 pps

... most useful. The Microsoft.FSharp.Math Namespace The Microsoft.FSharp.Math namespace is designed to enable F# to ensure that the F# libraries include definitions of some of the foundational constructs ... Draws a set of lines from an array of points. DrawPolygon Draws the outline of a polygon, which is a closed set of lines from an array of points. DrawRectangle Draws the ou...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:21

35 280 0
Foundations of F#.Net phần 7 doc

Foundations of F#.Net phần 7 doc

... the NetFx3 WPF site ( and of course the WPF section of MSDN ( Summary This chapter provided an overview of ... with F#. Because of the scope of this topic, I didn’t cover all the options for user interface programming in F#. For example, there are hundreds of third-party components, built on AS...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:21

29 296 0
Foundations of F#.Net phần 8 pps

Foundations of F#.Net phần 8 pps

... 213 Normalize - 2 Replace - 2 IndexOfAny - 3 EndsWith - 3 Equals - 3 StartsWith - 3 LastIndexOfAny - 3 Split - 6 LastIndexOf - 9 IndexOf - 9 Using LINQ to XML The goal of LINQ to XML is to provide ... Data grid containing the results of a DLINQ query Summary This chapter has looked at the options for data access in F#. It has shown that the combination of F# with .NET libraries is p...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:21

34 404 0
Foundations of F#.Net phần 9 pdf

Foundations of F#.Net phần 9 pdf

... tree: type Expr = | Ident of string | Val of System.Double | Multi of Expr * Expr | Div of Expr * Expr | Plus of Expr * Expr | Minus of Expr * Expr The tree consists of just one type because it ... the potential of this sort of application. I nstead of a GetYeastMolecule method, you’d more realistically provide a GetMolecule method that took a name of a molecule, looked...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 10:21

48 384 0
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