... serious developer can do to improve performance in an application is to learn to use the SQL Query Analyzer. Using this tool, you can find where the bottlenecks in your code are and, thereby, ... procedures and functions in SQL Server 20 05: Naming stored procedures: Never start the name of any stored procedure you create, with the SP prefix. This is because all syst...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 15:20
... Administering Databases Using SQL Server 20 05 8.3 ¤NIIT In this section, you will learn about: Recovery model Backing up system databases Monitoring performance by using dynamic management ... database mirroring. Can you backup and restore individual tables in SQL Server 20 05? No, you cannot back up and restore individual tables in SQL Server 20 05. If y...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 15:20
CollaborateChapter 6..Knowledge ByteIn this section, you will learn about: Service-Oriented pps
... Server 20 05 ¤NIIT Querying, Managing, and Administering Databases Using SQL Server 20 05 6.3 ¤NIIT In this section, you will learn about: Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Upgrading to SQL ... SQL Server 20 00 servers? Migrating from SQL Server 20 05 to SQL Server 20 00 is not that easy. Backed-up databases from SQL Server 20 05 instances cannot be restored...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 15:20
CollaborateChapter 9..Knowledge ByteIn this section, you will learn about: Linked servers Types pot
... and Administering Databases Using SQL Server 20 05 9.3 ¤NIIT In this section, you will learn about: Linked servers Types of replication Monitoring and improving replication performance ... Server 20 05 allows database snapshots? a. Standard edition b. Enterprise edition c. Express edition d. Workgroup edition 2. You want to create a database snapshot. Which co...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 15:20
CollaborateChapter 7..Knowledge ByteIn this section, you will learn about: Detaching and ppt
... Server 20 05 7.3 ¤NIIT In this section, you will learn about: Detaching and attaching a database Restore operation Read the following topics in the section Managing Databases of Chapter 2 of ... files to another location, ensure that you also move the Resource database to the same location. If you do not do so, you might face problems while restoring the mas...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 15:20
CollaborateChapter 4..Knowledge ByteIn this section, you will learn about: Creating partitioned doc
... Server 20 05 4.5 The following tips and tricks will help you use views, batches, stored procedures, and functions in SQL Server 20 05: Use SET_NOCOUNT_ON at the beginning of SQL batches, stored ... transfers the control from the TRY block to the CATCH block? a. 11 to 16 b. 11 to 19 c. 10 to 19 d. 10 to 16 8. Which of the following is an invalid statement to execu...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 15:20
CollaborateChapter 3..Knowledge ByteIn this section, you will learn about: Creating an XML pot
... Databases Using SQL Server 20 05 3.3 ¤NIIT In this section, you will learn about: Creating an XML document Storing XML data in XML columns Using XQuery Read the following topic in the Appendix ... Administering Databases Using SQL Server 20 05 3.5 ¤NIIT The following tips and tricks will help you effectively use DML commands and use indexes in SQL Server 20 05:...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 15:20
CollaborateChapter 1..Knowledge ByteIn this section you will learn about: .NET Framework SQL docx
... 20 05 1.3 ¤NIIT In this section you will learn about: .NET Framework SQL Server 20 05 tools Grouping data by using the UNPIVOT operator Read the following topic in the Introduction to ... The total characters displayed in the Query Editor Results window are limited to 25 6 characters. If the result exceeds the limit of 25 6 characters, it gets truncated. In t...
Ngày tải lên: 31/07/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu Adding, Updating, and Deleting Related Rows In this section, you''''ll learn how to make changes in docx
... DataRow Objects to customersDT and ordersDT The following example adds a DataRow named customerDR to customersDT; notice that the CustomerID is set to J6COM: DataRow customerDR = customersDT.NewRow(); ... changes from customersDT and ordersDT to the database: 1. Push the DataRow objects added to customersDT to the Customers table. 2. Push the DataRow objects added to order...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 01:17
CHAPTER 5 ■ WORKING WITH ENTITIES In this example, you use the CreateProductModel method to docx
... ',@16=N'M ',@17=1,@18= 129 ,@19=&apos ;20 09-09-07 12: 07 :26 .04394 82& apos;, @20 ='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', @21 =&apos ;20 09-09-07 12: 07 :26 .04394 82& apos; The relationship ... new. This section allows you to create a new complex type to use in your stored procedure mapping. Again, I don’t look at this here, but I’ll return t...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20