giới thiều ebook HTML5 và CSS3 in the real world phần 7 pdf
... still apply the :hover (or other) state just fine, except that the changes will happen instantly rather than being transitioned over time. HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World1 86 The background ... should always include the unprefixed version in your CSS. If declaring the background image size in pixels, be careful to avoid the image dis- torting; define either the...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 23:21
... style, including too much that’s unnecessary, you run the risk of negating the strides taken by the creators of HTML5 in trying to simplify the language. 23Markup, HTML5 Style of the tag. The latter ... lang="en"> </html> The head Element The next part of our page is the <head> section. The first line inside the head is the one that defin...
Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 00:20
... to avoid using filters, and instead simply modify the color of the original image. We can do this in Inkscape by selecting the three arrows in the spinner.svg image, and then selecting Object ... createPattern in the variable pattern, and set the fillStyle to that variable: HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World2 72 Figure 11.11. The data array for a single pixel c...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 23:21
giới thiều ebook HTML5 và CSS3 in the real world phần 9 pot
... require the user to specify again the shoe size they’re browsing for every time they launch a new window, we could store the in- formation in local storage. That way, when the user opens a new window ... browse The HTML5 Herald at our leisure, whether we have an internet connection or not. HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World2 44 Figure 10.4. Testing offline web applic...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 23:21
giới thiều ebook HTML5 và CSS3 in the real world phần 8 doc
... narrow HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World2 18 Interfaces The HTML5, CSS3, and related specifications contain plenty of “interfaces” like the above. These can seem scary at first, but don’t worry. They’re ... presence 17 HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World2 20 Here There be Dragons A word of warning: as you know...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 23:21
giới thiều ebook HTML5 và CSS3 in the real world phần 6 potx
... 6 .7 shows. The finishing touch—a custom font—will be added in Chapter 9. HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World1 44 you should limit yourself to the kinds of gradients that can be replicated using ... more fun with CSS3. In the next chapter, we’ll be looking at CSS3 gradients and multiple background images. HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World1 46 Figure 6 .7. Our...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 23:21
giới thiều ebook HTML5 và CSS3 in the real world phần 5 docx
... technically the content of the timer element is changing more rapidly. HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World1 12 CSS3 Colors We know you’re probably chomping at the bit to put the really cool stuff from CSS3 into ... poster-style ad, advising readers to be on the look out for the armed and dangerous HTML5 and CSS3. The ad’s final appearance is depicted in Figure...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 23:22
giới thiều ebook HTML5 và CSS3 in the real world phần 4 ppt
... determines the increment by which the number steps up or down when clicking the up and down arrows. The min, max, and step attributes are supported in Opera and WebKit. 7 7HTML5 Forms The Skinny ... like a CAPTCHA. HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World7 0 Autoplaying on the iPhone Safari on the iPhone will ignore the autoplay attribute; all video will wait for the...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 23:22
giới thiều ebook HTML5 và CSS3 in the real world phần 3 docx
... <em>is</em> the best burger joint in town.</p> In the first sentence, because the word “burger” is emphasized, the meaning of the sentence focuses on the type of “joint” being discussed. In the ... just keep the same markup, as long as the headings are grouped together in a sectioning content element. HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World3 8...
Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 00:20
... sản 272 .105.4 17. 589 373 .532.282.582 374 .426.184 .72 9 Doanh thu thuần 1.1 37. 282.961 .78 7 1. 078 .74 8.910.000 858.828.281.329 LN từ hđkd 26.0 87. 277 .390 8.535.062.529 -5.042.6 97. 730 Lợi nhuận khác 630.322 .77 5 1.595.450.026 ... 150.556.886.4 67 Tài sản cố định 96.252.124 .74 0 113.120.824.911 143.836.098.3 37 Tài sản cố định hữu hình 71 .001.869.8 47 64 .78 7 .75 1. 372 58...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 10:20