create your own employee handbook a legal and practical guide phần 10 potx
... (continued) C/4 CREATE YOUR OWN EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Montana Department of Labor and Industry Helena, MT 406-444-2840 Nebraska Department of Labor Labor and Safety Standards Lincoln, ... 17/5 and drug use, 17/5 on hours, 6/1 on meal and rest breaks, 6/6 on overtime, 6/9-11 and overtime pay, 5/5 I /10 CREATE YOUR OWN EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Occupati...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 08:20
... have suggestions for ways to improve this Handbook in particular or employee relations in general, please feel free to bring them to . Create Your Own Employee Handbook A Legal and Practical Guide by ... 10/ 2 10: 2 Holidays 10/ 5 10: 3 Sick Leave 10/ 7 10: 4 Paid Time Off 10/ 10 10: 5 Family and Medical Leave 10/ 14 10: 6 Bereavement Leave 10/ 19 10: 7 M...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 08:20
... offer health insurance (those paying a regular employee a monthly State Health Insurance Continuation Laws (continued) A/ 6 CREATE YOUR OWN EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK Editing Handbook Sections That Have Optional ... supervisor by phone each day you are out on leave. 10: 4 Family and Medical Leave Employees who have worked for our Company for at least a full year, and have wor...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 08:20
create your own employee handbook a legal and practical guide phần 8 doc
... retaliate, or allow retalia- tion, against anyone who complains of harassment, assists in a harassment investigation or files an administrative charge or lawsuit alleging harassment. All managers ... have anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies in your handbook? First, these policies educate your employees and your managers about what constitutes discrimination or harass...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 08:20
create your own employee handbook a legal and practical guide phần 7 pps
... through the standard policy below or through a policy provided by your EAP administrator. Standard Policy Rehabilitation and Your EAP Because we care about the health and welfare of our employees, your ... may have access to their medical records and records of exposure to hazardous substances; these laws are not included in this chart. Alaska Alaska Stat. § 23 .10. 430 Employer...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 08:20
create your own employee handbook a legal and practical guide phần 6 doc
... . HEALTH AND SAFETY 13/17 State Laws on Smoking in the Workplace Note: The states of Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Kansas, Michigan, New Mexico, Ohio and Texas are not included in this chart ... workplace accident or injury to . Some states require particular policy language. The federal law that regulates health and safety on the job is called the Occupational Safety and Healt...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 08:20
create your own employee handbook a legal and practical guide phần 5 docx
... employment. 10/ 28 CREATE YOUR OWN EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK State Family and Medical Leave Laws This chart covers some basic aspects of state family and medical leave laws. The federal FMLA applies to all covered ... maintain a neat and clean appearance at all times. 12/12 CREATE YOUR OWN EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK 12:5 Threatening, Abusive or Vulgar Language Despite the old play...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 08:20
create your own employee handbook a legal and practical guide phần 4 ppt
... offer any type of paid time off—such as vacation and/ or personal days—you should modify this policy 10/ 10 CREATE YOUR OWN EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK 10: 4 Paid Time Off Rather than adopting separate policies ... FMLA Family and Medical Leave Employees who have worked for our Company for at least a full year, and have worked an average of at least 25 hours per week during that time...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 08:20
create your own employee handbook a legal and practical guide phần 3 pdf
... time and a half is paid: 40 Notes: Time and a half required after 10 hours a day in canneries, driers or packing plants, unless they are a single farm operation. Pennsylvania 43 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. ... you can also check the U.S. Department of Labor’s website—it has a chart of state payday laws at whd/state/payday.htm. Standard Policy Payd...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 08:20
create your own employee handbook a legal and practical guide phần 2 ppsx
... in your handbook is an at-will statement. This policy con- firms that your employees work at will: that is, you can fire them at any time and for any reason that is not illegal and they can quit ... should explain the importance of the handbook, state that the handbook can be changed at any time and does not constitute a contract of continued employment, and explain the at-...
Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 08:20