Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 8 pot

Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 8 pot

Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 8 pot

... into dis- tinct lexical categories at a semi-arbitrary number of places. English happens to divide the space into three categories: nouns, verbs, and adjectives, as shown in (86 a). One might, ... being usable as either nouns or adjectives. ) 2 48 Adjectives as neither nouns nor verbs (100) M-kango ndi w-a u-kulu. 3-lion PRED 3-ASSOC 3-big ‘The lion is a big.’ These adjec...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 02:20

40 436 0
Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 10 pot

Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 10 pot

... morphemes in, 283 85 , 287 88 , 305 existential sentences in, 1 58 gerunds in, 325 inflection of verbs in, 279 lexical categories in, 2 38 locative inversion in, 321 null nouns in, 122n. optional nouns in, ... Hamida, 83 n., 175, 182 84 , 203 desideratives, 58 59, 287 determiners and argumenthood, 115, 117– 18, 144 and referential indices, 119n. as disguising category distin...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 02:20

46 419 0
Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 4 pot

Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 4 pot

... I bought a pot i and a basket k . The pot i is heavy. (traditional P&P index) b I bought a pot i and a basket k . The pot n is heavy, n = i. (DRT style) c I bought a pot {i,k} and a basket {l,m} . ... see D´echaine and Tremblay (1996) and section 4.5 below. 3 Nouns as bearers of a referential index 3.1 What is special about nouns? I turn now to consideration of wha...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 02:20

32 433 0
Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 9 ppt

Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 9 ppt

... process, and it is very sensitive to the categories of the words involved; one member of the construction must be a noun and all the others must be adjectives. This could 300 Lexical categories and ... not random either. The words meaning ‘rock,’ ‘dog,’ ‘child,’ and ‘tree’ are nouns in every language, and the words meaning ‘buy,’ ‘hit,’ ‘walk,’ and ‘fall’ are almost alway...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 02:20

52 494 0
Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 7 pdf

Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 7 pdf

... functional categories – Preds that make nouns look more verbal, and pronouns / determiners that make adjectives and verbs look more nominal. In languages in which both Pred and pronouns are systematically ... inflection, and adjectives happen to take the same range of number, gender, and case forms as nouns in Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit. For this reason, the distinction...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 02:20

31 606 0
Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 6 pps

Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 6 pps

... either as nouns or as adjectives, depending on needs of the situation. Huallaga Quechua (Weber 1 989 ), Classical Nahuatl (Launey 1 981 ), and Greenlandic Eskimo (Fortescue 1 984 : 102, 1 08, 302) are three ... logicalpossibilitiesdefinedbytheexistence of nouns, verbs, and adjectives (Schachter [1 985 ]; see the appendix for evidence that P is not a lexical category). The RPC also...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 02:20

33 394 0
Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 5 ppsx

Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 5 ppsx

... or adjectival. 20 3.4 Nouns in binding and anaphora My task now is to go on and show how nouns having a criterion of identity and a referential index can explain differences between nouns and other categories that ... like German (Travis 1 984 ), and verb initial languages like Irish, and they incorporate into higher verbs in morpho- logical causatives and similar const...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 02:20

34 343 0
Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 3 ppt

Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 3 ppt

... attach to nouns and adjectives in a given language only if they also attach to verbs. This follows from the fact that verbs are structurally closer to tense than predicative nouns and adjectives ... edge of VP instead, with (86 b) overriding (86 c). VPs are thus head-final in German and Persian. NP and PP do not have specifiers, so (86 a) does not apply to them. (86 b) and...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 02:20

34 403 0
Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 2 docx

Lexical Categories verbs nouns and adjectives phần 2 docx

... morphology can in fact be attributed to head movement and other syntactic processes (Baker 1 988 c; Baker 1 988 a; Baker 1 988 b; Halle and Marantz 1993; Halle and Marantz 1994; Baker 1996b). With respect to ... proposal is that verbs take subjects directly and nouns and adjectives do not, as a universal definition of these categories. Thus, Pred is present with predicate nou...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2014, 02:20

33 590 0