... projections is 1 deg. % I = zeros( 128 , 128 ); % Generate image I (22 :54 ,22 : 52) = .25 ; % Four squares of different shades I(76;106 ,22 : 52) = .5; % against a black background I (22 : 52, 76:106) = .75; I(76:106,76:106) ... texture image is constructed by taking the regional standard deviation (Figure 12. 14). After thresholding, this texture-based image is also combined with the...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:20
... blood cell images in Figure 12. 2 with (left) and without (right) boundaries pixel masked. Fewer inappropriate pixels are seen in the right image. Example 12. 1, and Figure 12. 2 shows images and associated ... image and the original image. ) 9. Load a frame of the MRI image ( mri.tif ) and perform a spatial transfor- mation that first expands the image horizontally by 20...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:20
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB-Based Applications Muya phần 8 pptx
... Summary of Image Classes, Data Formats, and Conversion Routines Class Formats supported Conversion routines Indexed All gray2ind 1 , grayslice 1 , rgb2ind 1 Intensity All ind2gray 2 , mat2gray 2, 3 , ... implemented using the routine ‘conv2’ : I2 = conv2(I1, h, shape) where I1 and h are image and filter coefficients (or two images, or simply two matrices) to be convolved and sh...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:20
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB-Based Applications Muya phần 7 potx
... proportions D(1,:) = .5*y ؉ .5*x ؉ .1*rand(1,N); D (2, :) = .2* y ؉ .7*x ؉ .1*rand(1,N); D(3,:) = .7*y ؉ .2* x ؉ .1*rand(1,N); D(4,:) = 6*y ؉ 24 *x ؉ .2* rand(1,N); D(5,:) = .6* rand(1,N); % Noise only % % Center ... indicate that they are actually column vectors. 24 3 TLFeBOOK PCA and ICA 26 5 and weaknesses, can be found in Hyva ¨ rinen et al. (20 01), as well as Cichicki et al. (20...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:20
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB-Based Applications Muya phần 6 pptx
... = abs(fft(h1 ,25 6)); % Calculate and plot filter LPF = abs(fft(h0 ,25 6)); % transfer fun of high- and % lowpass filters freq = (1: 128 )* 1000 /25 6; % Assume fs = 1000 Hz subplot(L؉1 ,2, 2*i؉1); plot(freq, ... below. Φ(ω) = H 0 ͩ ω 2 ͪͫ H 0 ͩ ω 4 ͪ Φ ͩ ω 4 ͪ ͬ (28 ) = H 0 ͩ ω 2 ͪ H 0 ͩ ω 4 ͪ H 0 ͩ ω 8 ͪ H 0 ͩ ω 2 N ͪ Φ ͩ ω 2 N ͪ (29 ) In the limit as N →∞, Eq. (29 ) becomes:...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:20
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB-Based Applications Muya phần 5 pptx
... = ∫ ∞ −∞ e −j2 πf τ x(t − τ 2 )x(t − τ 2 )dτ (9a) W(n,m) = 2 ∑ ∞ k=−∞ e 2 nm/N x(n + k)x*(n − k)(9b) W(n,m) = ∑ ∞ m=−∞ e 2 nm/N R x (n,k) = FFT k [R x (n,k)] (9c) Note that t = nT s ,andf = m/(NT s ) The ... (17) G(1,1) = 1; % Compute one quadrant then expand for j = 2: N /2 wt = 0; for i = 1:N /2 G(i,j) = exp(-(sigma*(i-1)v2)/(4*(j-1)v2)); wt = wt ؉ 2* G(i,j); end TLFeBOOK ... r...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:20
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB-Based Applications Muya phần 4 ppt
... code.) b(n) = sin [2 f L T(n − L /2) ] π(n − L /2) + sin[π(n − L /2) ] π(n − L /2) − sin [2 f H T s (n − L /2) ] π(n − L /2) Bandstop (13) An FIR bandpass filter designed using Eq. ( 12) is shown in Figure ... 4.5 and Figure 4.13 % Bandstop filter with a passband gain of 1 between 0 and 100, % a stopband gain of -40 db between 300 and 400 Hz, % and an upper passband gain of 1 betwe...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:20
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB-Based Applications Muya phần 3 pot
... commands and spectral analysis commands in a loop and calculate the spectrum five times plotting the five spectra superimposed. Repeat using the Welch method and data segment length of 128 and ... and can be found in the help file for pwelch . Example 3 .2 Apply Welch’s method to the sine plus noise data used in Example 3.1. Use 124 -point data segments and a 50% overlap. % Examp...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:20
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB-Based Applications Muya phần 2 docx
... 4. Example 2. 2 Generate bandlimited noise and compute and plot the auto- correlation function for two different bandwidths. % Example 2. 2 and Figure 2. 8 % Generate colored noise having two different bandwidths % ... quantization step size, δ=V MAX /2 N . Assuming that the error is uniformly distributed between −δ /2 +δ /2, the variance, σ,is: σ= ∫ δ /2 −δ /2 η 2 /δ dη=V 2...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:20
Biosignal and Biomedical Image Processing MATLAB-Based Applications Muya phần 1 pptx
... Coding Schemes 27 3 Data Formats 27 5 Data Conversions 27 5 Image Display 27 8 Image Storage and Retrieval 28 4 Basic Arithmetic Operations 28 5 Advanced Protocols: Block Processing 29 2 Sliding Neighborhood ... Wiener Filters 21 3 MATLAB Implementation 21 6 Adaptive Signal Processing 22 2 Adaptive Noise Cancellation 22 6 MATLAB Implementation 22 7 Phase Sensitive Detect...
Ngày tải lên: 23/07/2014, 19:20