giáo trình Java By Example phần 6 pps
... Listing 6. 5. Figure 6. 7 shows Appletviewer running Applet4. Figure 6. 7 : The Applet4 applet converts and displays an integer value. Listing 6. 5 Applet4 .java: The Source Code for Applet4. import java. awt.*; ... line, value can be any value from -32, 768 to 32, 767 , as described previously. In Java, short values are twice as big in memory- 16 bits (or t...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21
... source is a string. Example: Reading a File There are many ways to read files using Java& apos;s I/O classes. The most basic, however, is to read a file byte -by- byte. Suppose, for example, you wanted ... Listing 36. 1. Figure 36. 1 shows the applet running under Appletviewer. Figure 36. 1 : This is IntApplet running under Appletviewer. Listing 36. 1 IntApplet .java: Using the Integer Cla...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21
... Wonderful World of Java Chapter 1 Java Overview The Java Story● Introducing Java Java Programs● The Java Developer's Kit● Where Is Java? ● Example: Installing HotJava● Example: Installing ... Glossary Appendix C IDEs and Tools IDEs Diva❍ Java+ ❍ JavaMaker❍ ● Tools AppletGen❍ VbToJava❍ PortaFilter❍ ● Summary● Credits Java By Example Copyright© 19 96 by Q...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21
giáo trình Java By Example phần 5 ppt
... Listing 16. 4 is the source code for the applet. Use Listing 16. 2 to create ArcApplet's HTML document, by changing each occurrence of RectApplet to ArcApplet. Listing 16. 4 ARCAPPLET .JAVA: An ... paint() method. Listing 16. 1 is just such an applet, whereas Listing 16. 2 is the HTML document that displays the applet. Figure 16. 4 shows the applet running under Appletviewer. Figure 16...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21
giáo trình Java By Example phần 9 ppt
... the original Java- compatible Web browser. java This is the Java interpreter, which runs applets and applications by reading and interpreting byte-code .CLASS files. javac This is the Java compiler, ... Here's an example of using these options from the command line. javadoc -classpath c:\classes -d c:\classes -verbose arcapplet .java Using the Disassembler The javap tool is...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21
giáo trình Java By Example phần 8 ppt
... source code in a file with the .java extension. Then you use the Java compiler, javac, to compile the source code into byte-code form. Just like a normal class, the byte-code file will have the .class ... PackageApplet .java: An Applet That Uses Your New Package. import java. awt.*; import java. applet.*; Two Kinds of Threads In Java...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21
giáo trình Java By Example phần 7 docx
... do-while Loops CONTENTS The while Loop Example: Using a while Loop❍ Example: Using a while Loop in a Program❍ ● The do-while Loop Example: Using a do-while Loop❍ Example: Using a do-while Loop in ... for Loop● Example: Using a for Loop● Example: Using a for Loop in a Program● Changing the Increment Value● Example: Looping with Different Increments● Using Variables in Loops● Exampl...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21
giáo trình Java By Example phần 4 pot
... Checkbox("The Adventures of Javaman", group, true); checkbox2 = new Checkbox(" ;Java by Example& quot;, group, false); checkbox3 = new Checkbox(" ;Java and the Single Guy", ... Checkbox("The Adventures of Javaman", null, false); checkbox2 = new Checkbox(" ;Java by Example& quot;, null, false); checkbox3 = new Checkbox(" ;Java and the Sing...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21
giáo trình Java By Example phần 3 pot
... Controls CONTENTS Choice Menus Example: Creating a Choice Menu❍ Choice Menu Methods❍ Example: Responding to Menu Events in an Applet❍ ● Scrolling Lists Example: Creating a Single-Selection List❍ Example: Creating ... GridBagLayout manager enables you to create unusual layouts. Listing 22 .6 GridBagApplet .java: A GridBagLayout Applet. import java. awt.*; import java. applet.*; http:...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21
giáo trình Java By Example phần 2 pdf
... that was pressed. Force Java to redraw the applet. Tell Java that the event was handled. Handling Events Directly All of the events received by your applet are processed by the handleEvent() method, ... for example, that lets Java know when an on-screen button component has been clicked. You don't have to worry about clicks on on-screen buttons (usually), because they're...
Ngày tải lên: 22/07/2014, 16:21