Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 5 pot

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 5 pot

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 5 pot

... COMPREHENSION 9. What time is it now? 9. ๏ ๏ CD ^ (A) 11 :13 . (B) 11 :30. (C) 12 : 15 . (D) 12 : 45. CONVERSATION 4 (Questions 10 -12 ) 10 . Who is the woman talking to? CD ® (2) ® (A) Her secretary. ... cafe. 15 . What time will it start? (T) CD CD Ce) CD ๏ CD ๏ CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD (A) Noon. (B) 1: 00. (C) 1: 15. (D) 1: 50 . CON...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 954 2
Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 2 pot

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 2 pot


Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 269 0
Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 2 Part 8 pot

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 2 Part 8 pot

... 28) 1. (A) 7. (A) 2. (A) 8. (A) 3. (B) 9. (C) 4. (A) 10 . (D) 5. (A) 11 . (B) 6. (A) 12 .' (A) Review: Part 1 (page 35) 1. (B) 5. (A) 2. (A) 6. (C) 3. (D) 7. (A) 4. (C) 8. (C) PART ... 4 31 ANSWER KEY LISTENING COMPREHENSION PART 1: PHOTO Photo 1 (page 4) What Do You See? A. 1. (N) B. 1. (?) 2. (N) 2. (?) 3. (N) 3. (Y) 4. (Y) 4. (?) 5. (Y) 5. (Y)...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 997 7
Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 2 Part 5 ppsx

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 2 Part 5 ppsx

... could repair the 11 1. 11 2. 11 4. 11 5. 11 6. 11 0. I wish I. the answer to your question so I could help you. (A) would know (B) (C) (D) knew know have known 11 7. We ask that ... Questions 19 1 -19 5 refer to the following itinerary and e-mail. HTCD Bank 20 State Street Trenton, New Jersey 086 25 June 17 ,20_ Ms. Nukket Topal 4 51 West Huron Drive Chica...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 2,8K 29
Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 2 Part 4 potx

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 2 Part 4 potx

... Percent 1. Not enough computers in school 14 32.6 2. Teachers fear computers 8 18 .8 3. Not enough time m curricฬum 14 32.6 4. Too expensive 20 46 .5 5. Poor-quality software 16 37.2 ... src="...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 1,6K 18
Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 2 Part 2 potx

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 2 Part 2 potx

... Trains leaving for: Marysville 10 :00 A.M. 12 : 35 P.M. 2 :50 P.M. 6 : 15 P.M. Summerside 9 : 15 A.M. 11 : 45 A.M. 3 :10 P.M. 5: 50 P.M. Woodmont 8: 45 A.M. 12 : 15 P.M. 3: 25 P.M. 6:40 P.M. There will ... 10 1A Word Processing—Beginning Mon/Wed 7-9 $ 450 10 1B Word Processing—Advanced Tue/Tfiur 7-9 $ 450 10 5A Introduction to Database Part 1 Mon/Wed 5- 7 $ 450...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 517 2
Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 11 ppsx

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 11 ppsx

... 8. When is the meeting? (A) On March 20 from 9 -12 :30 (B) On March 20 at 12 :30 (C) On March 21 from 9 -12 :30 (D) On March 21 from 12 :30 -1: 30 9. What should Bob bring to the meeting? (A) ... (A) resistant (B) assistant 5. (A) myself CD (B) yourself 6. (A) manage CD (B) damage 7. (A) require CD (B) request 250 READING 5. (A) department (B) apartment CD&apos...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 554 2
Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 10 pptx

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 10 pptx

... sheet. In this part, you will become familiar with the types of reading passages on the new TOEIC test. In the first part of the Reading Comprehension section (Questions 15 3 -18 0), you will ... COMPLETION 209 Questions 10 -12 refer to the following article. Andrew Witherspoon Image Consultants, Inc. 360 Rosings Avenue, Suite 10 Roxbury,VA 23200 September 15 , 20_ To whom...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 1,1K 8
Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 9 pptx

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 9 pptx


Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 492 4
Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 8 pps

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 8 pps

... each part: Part 5 Incomplete Sentences Part 6 Text Completion Part 7 Reading Comprehension • Single Passages • Double Passages In this part of the Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC ... Pens. 74. What will the low temperature be tonight? (A) 7 degrees. (B) 11 degrees. (C) 15 degrees. (D) 16 degrees. 75. What will the weather be like tomorrow? (A) Rainy....

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 985 2