Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 10 pot

Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 10 pot

Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 10 pot

... stainless 21 24 22 25 23 26 24 27 25 29 austenitic stainless 14–17 15–18 17 21 22 25 26 29 high manganese 14 16 19 21 22 Aluminium pure, 100 0 series 20 0 24 0 20 0 23 0 20 0 22 5 190 22 0 – 20 00 to 7000 ... 115– 120 100 – 110 90 100 – – 60/70Cu–40/30Zn 25 –35 28 –35 27 –33 25 –30 – 90/95Cu 10/ 5Sn 15 25 20 25 23 –30 – – 60/90Cu–40/10Ni 6–15 8–18 12 22 – – Nickel pur...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

20 347 0
Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 6 pot

Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 6 pot

... [mm] SVVBN2 525 M16 VBMM160404 53 P10 49 0 .10 0.33 5 12 17 35 0.4 MVVNN2 020 M16 VNMG160404 53 P10 45 0 .20 0.48 4 11 17 35 0.4 MVVNN2 020 M16 VNMG160408 53 P10 38 0.40 0.70 4 11 17 35 0.8 Childs Part 3 ... . (4.5 .2) size: (4.6) availability Childs Part 3 31:3 :20 00 10: 39 am Page 3 02 of tool or workpiece, etc, are measured in-process or out-of-process. In-process monitor- ing tha...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

20 281 0
Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 3 pot

Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 3 pot

... –0.000015(T–370) 2 a = 0.00 028 , m = 0.0016 Childs Part 2 28:3 :20 00 3:17 pm Page 24 2 24 6 Applications of finite element analysis Fig. 8.16 continued Childs Part 2 28:3 :20 00 3:17 pm Page 24 6 Figure 8.16. ... speed curves at f =0 .2 mm, d =2 mm, α =10 and without coolant, for steels P, Y and L Childs Part 2 28:3 :20 00 3:18 pm Page 25 0 8 .2. 3 Titanium a...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

20 425 0
Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 1 potx

Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 1 potx

... cutting process (Part 1). Trans. ASME J. Eng. Ind. 100 , 22 2 22 8. Usui, E. and Hirota, A. (1978) Analytical prediction of three dimensional cutting process (Part 2) . Trans. ASME J. Eng. Ind. 100 , 22 9 23 5. Usui, ... + f cos( η ′ c + ψ ) π f 1 / 2 — – ψ + sin –1 —— – { { r n cos( η ′ c – θ ) + f cos( η ′ c + ψ ) } 2 – f 2 – 2r n f cos( ψ + θ ) } 2 2r n Childs Part...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

20 303 0
Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 11 ppt

Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 11 ppt

... [W/mK] P01 10 50 16 20 6 8 < 2 6900 16 .2 1 .2 20 P05 25 49 16 15 8 12 < 2 7000 14 .2 1.8 20 P01–15 48 16 20 5 11 –* 7000 15.7 –* 20 P05 Total carbide: 94 Total metal: 6 –* 6100 17 .2 1.8 –* P10 Total ... meshing 20 3–4, 21 0 chip fracture criteria 20 9, 22 0, 25 2–3 comparison of approaches 21 0– 12 coupled thermal/mechanical analysis 20 5–6, 21 3 elastic exam...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

16 475 0
Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 9 doc

Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 9 doc

... u˘ z d l hD ikj 21 10 + —— [ 121 0 ] 12 1 120 0000 (A2 .26 ) and 11 1 q*V e 1 qD ikj 1 hT 0 D ikj 1 {F} e = ——— {} – ——— {} – ——— {} (A2 .27 ) 4 1 3 1 3 1 10 0 Global assembly of equations (A2 .20 a), with ... (p r / τ max )(p r / τ max )/c Spherical 0. 42 2.6 6 .2 Cylindrical 0.39 2. 2 5.6 Conical 0.50 1.6 3 .2 Wedge-like 0.50 1.0 2. 0 Childs Part 3 31:3 :20 00 10: 43 a...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

20 279 0
Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 8 pptx

Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 8 pptx

... 3(s xx ′ 2 + s yy ′ 2 + s zz ′ 2 ) + 6(s 2 xy + s 2 yz + s 2 zy ) ≡ (s xx – s yy ) 2 + (s yy – s zz ) 2 + (s zz – s xx ) 2 + 6(s 2 xy + s 2 yz + s 2 zy ) = 6k 2 or 2Y 2 (A1 .26 b) which is the same ... s r 2 . So s r is also a stress invariant (it is known as the second stress invariant). From equation (A1 .25 ) s r 2 = s 2 xx + s 2 yy + s 2 zz +2( s 2...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

20 409 0
Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 7 ppt

Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 7 ppt

... addition s r ′ 2 = s r 2 –3s m 2 =(s 1 2 + s 2 2 + s 3 2 ) – 3s m 2 (A1.5) After substituting for s m from equation (A1.1), 3s r ′ 2 =(s 1 – s 2 ) 2 +(s 2 – s 3 ) 2 +(s 3 – s 1 ) 2 (A1.6) The yield ... stresses: 1 s – 2 =— [ (s 1 – s 2 ) 2 +(s 2 – s 3 ) 2 +(s 3 – s 1 ) 2 ] = Y 2 or 3k 2 (A1.7) 2 330 Appendix 1 Fig. A1 .2 Geometrical representation...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

20 341 0
Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 5 ppsx

Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 5 ppsx

... d R ) 2 – (r w – d e ) 2 = R 2 – (R – d e ) 2 } (9.9a) for a convex survace (r w + d R ) 2 – (r w + d e ) 2 = R 2 – (R – d e ) 2 Hence d e 2r w – d R for a concave surface c r = — = ———— d R 2r w – ... g ic+ (9.32a) g i c+ – g ic– 0 g ic+ < g i (x) Optimization of machining conditions 29 1 Childs Part 3 31:3 :20 00 10: 38 am Page 29 1 Even if the pre-machined corner...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

20 411 0
Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 4 pptx

Metal Machining - Theory and Applications Episode 2 Part 4 pptx

... conventional, (b) and (c) type I and II tools, K = 1 .2 Childs Part 2 28:3 :20 00 3:19 pm Page 26 2 where F* t , F* r and F* z are the specific cutting forces in the tangential, radial and axial direc- tions, ... analysis Childs Part 2 28:3 :20 00 3:18 pm Page 25 3 strain rate for the plane-faced tool and type I and II tools with K = 1 .2. The type I tool produces narr...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 17:20

20 308 0