... U.S. 07_TOEFLReadingAppA,135-176 7/29/06, 12:22135 07_TOEFLReadingAppA,135-176 7/29/06, 12:22136 132 PART IV: Two Practice Tests www.petersons.com ANSWER KEY AND EXPLANATIONS 1. B 11. C 21. B 31. B ... is not the same as resemble. 12. The correct answer is (D). The other an- swer choices contain parts of synthesizers and violins. 13. The correct answer is (D). The other an- swer choices are...
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Slang and uncoventional english part 21 ppsx
... juvenile offender or detention centre inmate who is top of the pecking order UK, 1978 chapel adjective being part of a chapel’s congregation UK, 1946 chapel hat pegs noun used for comparisons with things that ... one undercutting the going-rate AUSTRALIA, 1953 charity fuck noun sexual intercourse engaged in by one partner as an act of generosity US, 1978 charity girl noun an amateur prostit...
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... Understanding the personal feelings of others, and showing interest in their problems, is an important part of being a good manager. Thanks for joining us today for Gary’s Tips. Eliz: Thanks, Gary!
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... compression algorithm works best with solid colors, like you would encounter in clipart, or text; and since most clipart does not include many colors, the 256 maximum color restric- tion works just ... patent-free successor to the GIF for- mat. Though not designed specifically for the Web, PNG offers particular benefits in this environment such as improved image com- pression (10 to 30...
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