Chapter 130 Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 3) docx

Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 3) docx

Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 3) docx

... differential diagnosis of streptococcal pharyngitis includes the many other bacterial and viral etiologies (Table 130- 2). Streptococcal infection is an unlikely cause when symptoms and signs suggestive ... high fever and severe sore throat associated with intense erythema and swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa and the presence of purulent exudate over the posterior pharynge...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 02:20

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Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 12) docx

Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 12) docx

... Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 12) Enterococci may be resistant to penicillins via two distinct ... β-, or nonhemolytic) and the disease syndromes they cause. This group commonly produces suppurative infections, particularly abscesses of brain and abdominal viscera, and infections related to ... enterococci, nonenterococcal group D s...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 02:20

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Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 1) doc

Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 1) doc

... Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 1) Harrison's Internal Medicine > Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections Streptococcal and Enterococcal ... responsible for streptococcal pharyngitis, one of the most common bacterial infections of school-age children, and for the postinfectious syndromes of acute rh...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 02:20

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Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 2) doc

Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 2) doc

... GAS have been linked to unusually severe invasive infections, including necrotizing Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 2) Group A Streptococci Lancefield's ... Figure 130- 1 Prevalence of rheumatic heart disease in children 5–14 years old. The circles within Australia and New Zealand represent indigenous populat ions (and also Pa...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 02:20

5 188 0
Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 4) ppt

Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 4) ppt

... treatment of streptococcal pharyngitis has been shown to reduce the likelihood of ARF but not that of PSGN. Bacteriologic Treatment Failure and the Asymptomatic Carrier State Chapter 130. Streptococcal ... Carrier State Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 4) Gas Pharyngitis: Treatment In the usual course of uncomplicated streptococcal p...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 02:20

5 305 0
Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 6) pps

Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 6) pps

... grouped vesicles and by a positive Tzanck test. In difficult cases, cultures of vesicular fluid should yield GAS in impetigo and the responsible virus in Herpesvirus infections. Streptococcal ... hours and is associated with fever and chills. Erysipelas tends to occur on the malar area of the face (often with extension over the bridge of the nose to the contralateral malar regi...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 02:20

5 340 0
Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 7) doc

Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 7) doc

... is usually subacute, but a fulminant form has been described in Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 7) presumably serve as a portal of entry for streptococci, which ... site. Streptococcal Cellulitis: Treatment See Table 130- 3 and Chap. 119. Deep Soft-Tissue Infections Necrotizing fasciitis (hemolytic streptococcal gangrene) involves t...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 02:20

5 250 0
Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 8) ppsx

Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 8) ppsx

... pneumonia, and relatively frequently with necrotizing fasciitis. Bacteremia without an identified source raises the possibility of endocarditis, an Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections ... fulfilling criteria IA, IIA, and IIB is defined as a definite case. adequate debridement of involved tissues and high-dose penicillin (Table 130- 3). Pneumonia and...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 02:20

6 252 0
Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 9) pptx

Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 9) pptx

... equi subsp. zooepidemicus and S. equi subsp. equi. Group C or G Streptococcal Infection: Treatment Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 9) Streptococcal Toxic Shock ... drug of choice for treatment of group C or G streptococcal infections. Antibiotic treatment is the same as for similar syndromes due to GAS (Table 130- 3). Patients with b...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 02:20

5 302 0
Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 10) ppt

Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 10) ppt

... and parturition. Peripartum fever, the most common manifestation, is Chapter 130. Streptococcal and Enterococcal Infections (Part 10) Infection in Neonates Two general types of GBS infection ... conjugate vaccine would be safe and highly immunogenic. Infection in Adults The majority of GBS infections in otherwise healthy adults are related to pregnancy and partur...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 02:20

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