Cú pháp tiếng anh part 23 pdf

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 23 pdf

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 23 pdf

... Case particle: Some linguists take of in structures like destruction of the city or fond of pasta to be a particle marking genitive case and belonging to the category K of ‘case particle’. ... word or phrase). For example, we could say that the contracted negative particle n’t is a clitic form of the negative particle not which attaches itself to a finite auxiliary verb, so giving ... th...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 258 0
Cú pháp tiếng anh part 1 pdf

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 1 pdf

... which generalises from the grammars of particular I-languages to the grammars of all possible natural (i.e. human) I-languages. He defines UG (1986a, p .23) as ‘the theory of human I-languages ... universal are part of our biological endowment, then the natural conclusion to reach is that (7) is a principle which is biologically wired into the language faculty, and which thus forms par...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 21:21

10 683 0
Cú pháp tiếng anh part 22 pdf

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 22 pdf

... expression like (partitive) any in its scope. So, for example, interrogative if is an affective constituent as we see from the fact that an interrogative if-clause can contain partitive any in ... for analogous reasons, taken is said to be a perfect participle verb form in (i) (though is referred to in traditional grammars as a ‘past participle’). Similarly, is functions as an auxiliary .....

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 268 0
Cú pháp tiếng anh part 25 pdf

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 25 pdf

... with respect to) the negative particle n’t. SCP: See Strict Cyclicity Principle. Second person: See Person. Select(ion)/Selectional: When a word has a particular type of complement, ... Q: In one use, an abbreviation for quantifier; in another use, an abbreviation for question particle. 242 PP: See Prepositional Phrase. PPT: See Principles and Parameters Theory. ... an...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 199 0
Cú pháp tiếng anh part 2 docx

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 2 docx

... inflections are the perfect/passive participle suffix -n, the past tense suffix -d, the third person singular present tense suffix -s, and the progressive participle/gerund suffix -ing. Like ... which words are derived from other words): this is because particular derivational affixes can only be attached to words belonging to particular categories. For example, the negative prefixes ......

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 21:21

10 299 0
Cú pháp tiếng anh part 3 pot

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 3 pot

... in the examples below: (23) (a) I prefer this tie/I prefer this (b) I haven’t read that book/I haven’t read that (c) I don’t particularly like these hats/I don’t particularly like these ... (but was known in more traditional work as a particular type of subordinating conjunction). Complementisers are functors in the sense that they encode particular sets of grammatical properties...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 21:21

10 394 0
Cú pháp tiếng anh part 4 ppsx

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 4 ppsx

... being used in this particular sentence. For example, the N label on comments in (59b) tells us that the item in question functions as a noun in this particular position in this particular sentence, ... complement, the progressive auxiliary is selects a progressive participle complement, and the perfect auxiliary has selects a perfect participle complement. In other words, a full descriptio...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 21:21

10 437 0
Cú pháp tiếng anh part 5 docx

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 5 docx

... (24) is derived in a bottom-up fashion, we mean that lower parts of the structure nearer the bottom of the tree are formed before higher parts of the structure nearer the top of the tree. (An alternative ... say, it is part of the theoretical apparatus which linguists find they need to make use of in order to explain certain data about language (just as molecules, atoms and subatomic pa...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 21:21

10 392 0
Cú pháp tiếng anh part 6 ppsx

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 6 ppsx

... the auxiliary è ‘is’ and the participle tornata ‘returned’ in (1). Just as the form of the (third person singular) auxiliary è ‘is’ and the (feminine singular) participle tornata is determined ... like ‘I will shut him up if he tries to say says anything’). Polarity expressions include the partitive quantifier any (and related compounds like anyone/anything), the items need and dare ... w...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 21:21

10 385 0
Cú pháp tiếng anh part 7 potx

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 7 potx

... throughout the rest of the book, partial labelled bracketings are used to show those parts of the structure most relevant to the discussion at hand, omitting other parts. In such cases, we generally ... what finite clauses like (22) and (23) share in common is that in both cases they contain an (auxiliary or main) verb carrying a tense affix. In structures like (23) which contain an auxili...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 21:21

10 320 0