Cú pháp tiếng anh part 1 pdf

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 1 pdf

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 1 pdf

... illustrated by comparing the English examples in (10 ) below with their Korean counterparts in (11 ): (10 )(a) Close the door (b) desire for change (11 )(a) Muneul dadara (b) byunhwa-edaehan galmang ... after the age of 9 or 10 years rarely manage to achieve native-like syntactic competence: see Lenneberg (19 67), Hurford (19 91) and Smith (19 98, 19 99) for discussion. A particul...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 21:21

10 683 0
Cú pháp tiếng anh part 22 pdf

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 22 pdf

... e.g. by ignoring the specificity effect discussed by Richards 19 97 pp .15 8 -16 0, and additional complications discussed by Ura 20 01. ) Further evidence in support of successive-cyclic wh-movement ... expression like (partitive) any in its scope. So, for example, interrogative if is an affective constituent as we see from the fact that an interrogative if-clause can contain partitive a...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 268 0
Cú pháp tiếng anh part 23 pdf

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 23 pdf

... Case particle: Some linguists take of in structures like destruction of the city or fond of pasta to be a particle marking genitive case and belonging to the category K of ‘case particle’. ... mid 19 80s, a structure like the king of Utopia would have been analysed as a noun phrase (= NP), comprising the head noun king, its complement of Utopia and its specifier the. Since Abney (19 87...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 258 0
Cú pháp tiếng anh part 25 pdf

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 25 pdf

... head noun). The Projection Principle is a UG principle suggested in earlier work by Chomsky (19 81, p.29) which requires that the properties of lexical items should remain constant throughout ... Impenetrability Principle. Principles-and-Parameters Theory: This theory, developed in Chomsky (19 81) and much subsequent work, claims that natural language grammars incorporate not only a set...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 22:20

10 199 0
Cú pháp tiếng anh part 2 docx

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 2 docx

... gone?’ 10 Gone office ‘He’s gone to his office’ 11 Want bickies ‘She wants some biscuits’; this was her reply to ‘What does Dolly want?’ 12 What Teddy have? ‘What can Teddy have?’ 13 Where ... complement where; in 10 gone is a verb which has a null subject and the complement office; in 11 want is a verb which has a null subject and the complement bickies; in 12 have is a verb which...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 21:21

10 299 0
Cú pháp tiếng anh part 3 pot

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 3 pot

... grammatical category do personal pronouns belong to? Studies by Postal (19 66), Abney (19 87), Longobardi (19 94) and Lyons (19 99) suggest that they are D-pronouns. This assumption would provide ... since 19 70 as a complementiser (but was known in more traditional work as a particular type of subordinating conjunction). Complementisers are functors in the sense that they encode parti...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 21:21

10 394 0
Cú pháp tiếng anh part 4 ppsx

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 4 ppsx

... phrase produced by speaker B in (10 ) is a VP (= verb phrase) which has the structure (11 ) below: (11 ) VP V TP trying T VP to V PRN help you (11 ) tells us (amongst other things) ... complement of a preposition. In §2 .10 , we showed how the labelled bracketing technique can be used to categorise words in particular phrases and sentences. Finally, in §2 .11 we noted...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 21:21

10 437 0
Cú pháp tiếng anh part 5 docx

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 5 docx

... structure principles which we posited in (12 ) and (13 ) above. More particularly, the S analysis of clauses in (15 ) violates the Headedness Principle (12 ) in that the S we are trying to help you ... CP/complementiser phrase constituents since the pioneering work of Stowell (19 81) and Chomsky (19 86b). An interesting aspect of the analyses in (17 ) and (24) above is that clauses and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 21:21

10 392 0
Cú pháp tiếng anh part 6 ppsx

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 6 ppsx

... 10 Nobody need do anything 11 Who dare blame anyone? 12 She has refused to sign anything 13 She should know if anyone has made any changes 14 I don’t think that anyone dare lift a finger 15 ... have no desire to change anything 16 Nobody will think that anything has changed 17 He may feel unable to do anything 18 No politician dare offend anyone 19 *Anyone isn’t helping me 20 *The ....

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 21:21

10 385 0
Cú pháp tiếng anh part 7 potx

Cú pháp tiếng anh part 7 potx

... so that could in (16 ) is a silent counterpart of could. The null T analysis in (16 ) provides a principled account of three observations. Firstly, the bracketed clause in (15 ) is interpreted ... onto they in (31a) but not in (31b/c): after all, there is no intervening constituent separating the pronoun they from have in (31a), but they is separated from the verb have in (31b/c) by an ....

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 21:21

10 320 0