Microsoft ASP Net 3 5 Step By Step (phần 1) docx

Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5: Step by Step pdf

Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5: Step by Step pdf

... computer: \My Documents \Microsoft Press \ASP. NET 3. 5 Step by Step\ The installer will create a virtual directory named aspnet35sbs under the Default Web Site. Below the aspnet35sbs virtual directory, ... feature differs between earlier versions of ASP. NET and ASP. NET 3. 5. In other cases, you may need to explore a feature that’s completely new for ASP. NET 3....

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 01:20

589 1K 0
Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 1) docx

Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 1) docx

... always been this way. The road to ASP. NET 3. 5 has been nearly a decade in the making. The Road to ASP. NET 3. 5 ASP. NET has been available for nearly a decade. ASP. NET represents a quantum leap over ... intercepted ASP. NET 1.0 set the stage for many developers both moving into Web development and moving to the Microsoft platform. ASP. NET 2.0 Which brings us t...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

30 345 0
Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 3) pdf

Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 3) pdf

... the assembly compiled by the ASP. NET runtime. Go to C:\WINDOWS \Microsoft .NET\ Framework\v2.0 .50 727\Temporary ASP. NET Files\aspnetstepbystep\. The subdi- rectory is named v2.0 .50 727 at the time of ... use IIS 5. x or 6.x as your Web server, the ASP. NET pipeline stands by itself, and requests are processed completely by ASP. NET as soon as aspnet_isapi.dll hands c...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

30 463 0
Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 4) ppt

Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 4) ppt

... Figure 3- 3 shows what the page looks like with tracing turned on. FIGURE 3- 3 The ASPX fi le from Listing 3- 3 rendered in Internet Explorer If you look at the raw text of the response (by selecting ... Listing 3- 1 might look something like Listing 3- 2 in classic ASP. Figure 3- 2 shows how the ASP page renders in Internet Explorer. LISTING 3- 2 Source for BunchOfContro...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

30 325 0
Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 5) pdf

Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 5) pdf

... this case, ASP. NET passes in a normal HtmlTextWriter into the RenderControl method. However, if you happen to get a request from a lesser browser that understands only HTML 3. 2, ASP. NET passes ... browser capabilities confi guration help ASP. NET fi gure out what kind of HtmlTextWriter to use. The browser capability information deduced by the ASP. NET runtime may be used for...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

30 338 0
Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 6) pot

Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 6) pot

... chapter, we looked at both the ASP. NET validations and several of the controls avail- able in ASP. NET. ASP. NET has always strived to lessen the drudgery of Web development by solving the most common ... between ASP. NET server-side controls and Web Parts is that Web Parts provide a way for end users to confi gure your site to their liking. By contrast, ASP. NET server-si...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

30 368 0
Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 8) ppt

Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 8) ppt

... in ASP. NET. ASP. NET already includes a number of Themes straight out of the box. You’ll fi nd these Themes located at C:\WINDOWS\ Microsoft. NET\ Framework\vxxxxx \ASP. NETClientFiles\Themes. ASP. NET ... Understand the way .NET handles confi guration  Apply confi guration settings to ASP. NET applications  Manage ASP. NET confi guration using the ASP. NET Administrat...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

30 254 0
Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 9) docx

Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 9) docx

... Web Site, ASP. NET Confi guration). 2. Use the ASP. NET tab in IIS. Confi gure the security aspects of your Web site 1. Use the ASP. NET Web Site Administration Tool (select Web Site, ASP. NET Confi ... Run the program aspnet_regsql.exe to create a a data store to hold membership informa- tion. You’ll fi nd aspnet_regsql.exe in C:\Windows \Microsoft. NET\ Framework\v2.0 .50 727>...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

30 326 0
Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 10) ppsx

Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 10) ppsx

... <connectionStrings> <add name="AspDotNetStepByStep" connectionString= "server=(local);integrated security=sspi;database=AspDotNetStepByStepDB "/> </connectionStrings> </configuration> ... as SELECT * FROM DotNetReferences WHERE AuthorLastName = 'Petzold' For example, to connect to an SQL database named AspDotNetStepByStepDB and que...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

30 299 0