PHP Developer''''s Dictionary- P69 pdf
... directory that was opened. This should PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 341 Description The xml_parser_free() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.6 and PHP 4.0, frees the parser and returns ... utf8_decode() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.6 and PHP 4.0, decodes a character string with UTF-8 encoding to single-byte ISO-8859-1 encoding. utf8_encode() PHP Develope...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
PHP Developer''''s Dictionary- P7 pdf
... PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 33 HTTP_POST_VARS["preference"] Braves HTTP_SERVER_VARS[" ;PHP_ SELF"] /phpbook/phpinfo .php HTTP_SERVER_VARS["argv"] ... "argv = $argv[0] <br>"; echo " ;PHP_ SELF = $PHP_ SELF <br>"; phpinfo(); ?> This script reads the variables from the PHP environment and prints...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
PHP Developer''''s Dictionary- P19 pdf
... prepended to any PHP expression, tells the interpreter to ignore any error messages that it might encounter. Note Any errors that are encountered will be stored in the $php_ errormsg variable ... and write it to the page. See the die() entry in Chapter 5, " ;PHP Language Extensions," for more information. PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 91 > (Greater Than)...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
PHP Developer''''s Dictionary- P23 pdf
... is -1.00 PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 114 array array_intersect(array array1 array array2 [, array ]) Description The array_intersect() function, which was added in PHP 4.0.1, ... array1, array array2 [, array ]) Description The array_diff() function, which was added in PHP 4.0.1, returns all the values contained in array1 that are not in any of the other array...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
PHP Developer''''s Dictionary- P38 pdf
... string ucwords(string str) Description The ucwords() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.3 and PHP 4.0, returns a string that is str with each word's first letter uppercased if ... otherwise. This function is an alias for is_long() . is_long() Syntax int is_long(mixed var) PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 185 The trim() function removes whitespace from...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
PHP Developer''''s Dictionary- P46 pdf
... PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 228 Syntax string imap_utf7_encode(string text) Description The imap_utf7_encode() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.15, coverts ... returned; otherwise, an error is returned. PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 226 Description The imap_status() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.4, returns the status information on ... th...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
PHP Developer''''s Dictionary- P50 pdf
... filename into the PHP request. This is equivalent to the Server Side Include (SSI) syntax <! #include virtual filename > . This function cannot be used to include a PHP file, and if ... Sending an email from a PHP script can be a very powerful tool. It is often used to alert users or administrators to specific conditions specified within the application. PHP Developer’s Di...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
PHP Developer''''s Dictionary- P51 pdf
... PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 253 Table 7.5. Priorities Priority Description LOG_EMERG ... Handling This section describes the session-handling functions that are included in the base PHP4 distribution. These functions allow session variables to be established and tracked per visitor. ... the URL. In either case, these variables are stored and retrieved on the server t...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
PHP Developer''''s Dictionary- P66 pdf
... pdf_ close_path() and pdf_ stroke() . It also clears the path. pdf_ fill() Syntax void pdf_ fill (int pdf document) Description The pdf_ fill() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.6 and PHP 4.0, ... Syntax void pdf_ closepath_stroke (int pdf document ) Description The pdf_ closepath_stroke() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.6 and PHP 4.0, combin...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20
PHP Developer''''s Dictionary- P68 pdf
... PHP Developer’s Dictionary IT-SC book 336 The xml_set_processing_instruction_handler() function, which was added in PHP 3.0.6 and PHP 4.0, sets the processing ... added in PHP 3.0.6 and PHP 4.0, returns the textual description of the error code parameter code , or FALSE if no description for the code exists. xml_get_current_line_number() PHP Developer’s ... data [,int is...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 05:20