Oracle Built−in Packages- P167 doc

Oracle Built−in Packages- P6 docx

Oracle Built−in Packages- P6 docx

... to a specific Oracle error number using the PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT statement. The packaged program issues a RAISE statement. Returns the Oracle error number. Returns the standard Oracle error message ... statement. Returns the Oracle error number. Returns the standard Oracle error message text. You can handle it [Appendix A] What's on the Companion Disk? 1.3.4 Exception Handling...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 00:20

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Oracle Built−in Packages- P7 doc

Oracle Built−in Packages- P7 doc

... exceptions, nor does it give names to existing Oracle error numbers. Instead, a program in the package simply raises one of the errors defined in the Oracle documentation. You can then handle this exception ... Handling and Built−in Packages 22 /* SQLERRM returns the standard Oracle error message */ NOTE: You will not be able to write a statement like WHEN DBMS_DEFER.UPDATECONFLICT i...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 00:20

5 326 0
Oracle Built−in Packages- P14 docx

Oracle Built−in Packages- P14 docx

... variable. <datatype> may be any of the following: BFILE BLOB CLOB CHARACTER SET ANY_CS DATE MLSLABEL /*Trusted Oracle only*/ NUMBER VARCHAR2 CHARACTER SET ANY_CS_ARRAY Here is an example of binding the current ... (the_cursor, 'call_type', :call.call_status); where the two bind values are items in an Oracle Forms screen. Since BIND_VARIABLE is overloaded, I can call it wit...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 00:20

5 260 0
Oracle Built−in Packages- P17 docx

Oracle Built−in Packages- P17 docx

... nextbook; CREATE TABLE nextbook (title VARCHAR2(100), text LONG); INSERT INTO nextbook VALUES (&apos ;Oracle PL/SQL Quick Reference', RPAD ('INSTR ', 256, 'blah1 ') || RPAD ... VARCHAR2, col IN VARCHAR2, whr IN VARCHAR2 := NULL, pieces IN OUT DBMS_SQL.VARCHAR2S) /* Requires Oracle 7.3 or above */ IS cur PLS_INTEGER := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR; fdbk PLS_INTEG...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 00:20

5 260 0
Oracle Built−in Packages- P24 docx

Oracle Built−in Packages- P24 docx

... string! Notice how I have shifted from dealing with the low−level details of the DESCRIBE_COLUMNS built−in to manipulating all that data through a clear, easy−to−use API. It is not as though the

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 00:20

5 235 0
Oracle Built−in Packages- P27 doc

Oracle Built−in Packages- P27 doc

... of rows −− but the index−by table I fill up depends on the &2 or second argument: the Oracle7 or Oracle8 versions. Once the tables have their data, I pass them to the appropriate version ... of index−by tables (called PL /SQL tables in Oracle7 ). These structures are like single−dimension arrays and are described in detail in Chapter 10 of Oracle PL /SQL Programming. With this featur...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 00:20

5 192 0
Oracle Built−in Packages- P34 docx

Oracle Built−in Packages- P34 docx

... NLS characters. • Pipenames must not begin with "ORA$", as these names are reserved for use by Oracle Corporation. Example This example shows the use of SEND_MESSAGE to send a message ... Interrupted Exceptions The program does not raise any package exceptions. The following Oracle exceptions are raised if the user attempts to receive a message on a pipe bel...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 00:20

5 237 0
Oracle Built−in Packages- P39 docx

Oracle Built−in Packages- P39 docx

... Started with DBMS_ALERT The DBMS_ALERT package is created when the Oracle database is installed. The dbmsalrt.sql script (found in the built−in packages source code directory, as described in Chapter ... which is normally run immediately after database creation. Under Oracle7 , no privileges are automatically granted on DBMS_ALERT. Under Oracle8 , the EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE role is grante...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 00:20

5 222 0
Oracle Built−in Packages- P43 docx

Oracle Built−in Packages- P43 docx

... resources. The Oracle database manages concurrent, multiuser contention for data using sophisticated locking mechanisms. This chapter describes two packages that provide interfaces to the Oracle lock ... Started with DBMS_LOCK The DBMS_LOCK package is created when the Oracle database is installed. The dbmslock.sql script (found in the built−in packages source code directory, as descri...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 00:20

5 254 0
Oracle Built−in Packages- P44 doc

Oracle Built−in Packages- P44 doc

... possible when locks are identified by integer values chosen by the application. Sessions connected to Oracle using the multithreaded server configuration will not be released from their shared server ... involved. When two sessions request locks with modes resulting in a deadlock, this is detected by Oracle, and one of the sessions is notified of the deadlock status. The DBMS_LOCK....

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 00:20

5 184 0
Oracle Built−in Packages- P47 docx

Oracle Built−in Packages- P47 docx

... DBMS_TRANSACTION The DBMS_TRANSACTION package is created when the Oracle database is installed. The dbmsutil.sql script (found in the built−in packages source code directory, as described in Chapter ... synonym DBMS_TRANSACTION for the package and grants EXECUTE privilege on the package to public. All Oracle users can reference and make use of this package. DBMS_TRANSACTION prog...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 00:20

5 252 0
Oracle Built−in Packages- P55 doc

Oracle Built−in Packages- P55 doc

... dictionary and ask to see all the information about this message. Every time you create a queue table, Oracle AQ creates an underlying database view with the name aq$<queue_table_name>. So if I ... arguments. However, I do not modify any of the values in the fields; all have the default values documented in the Section 5.3" section for the message properties record type. You can...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 00:20

5 174 0
Oracle Built−in Packages- P60 docx

Oracle Built−in Packages- P60 docx

... more specialized queue table and queues. Oracle also provides a set of examples scripts for AQ. In Oracle 8.0.3, the following files were located in $ORACLE_ HOME/rdbms80/admin/aq/demo: aqdemo00.sql The ... Chapter 5 Oracle Advanced Queuing 5.7 Oracle AQ Examples This section offers numerous examples of using AQ, including packages ... trace files generated by the job queue processes...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 00:20

5 315 0
Oracle Built−in Packages- P69 docx

Oracle Built−in Packages- P69 docx

... and frustration was not good for me. I needed to move past this nonconstructive lashing out at Oracle. I needed, in short, to fix my problem. So I did −− with a package of my own. I am not going ... package, but you can read about it (there are actually two of them) in my other books as follows: Oracle PL/SQL Programming The Companion Disk section on "Package Examples" introduces...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 00:20

5 255 0
Oracle Built−in Packages- P167 doc

Oracle Built−in Packages- P167 doc

... Utilities Guide for Oracle Built−in Packages, an online tool developed by RevealNet, Inc., that gives you point−and−click access to more than 175 files of source code and documentation that we ... the RevealNet PL /SQL Pipeline Archives at−pipeline. Versions of Oracle About PL/Vision Copyright (c) 2000 O'Reilly & Associates. All rights reserved. 8...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 01:20

5 58 0
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