... Chapter 051. Menstrual Disorders and Pelvic Pain (Part 2) Figure 51-1 Androgen resistance syndrome requires gonadectomy because ... involve disorders of ovulation. The differential diagnosis is based on the results of initial tests including a pregnancy test, gonadotropins, and assessment of hyperandrogenism (Fig. 51 -2). Figure ... karyotype, but because of th...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 20:20
... Chapter 051. Menstrual Disorders and Pelvic Pain (Part 1) Harrison's Internal Medicine > Chapter 51. Menstrual Disorders and Pelvic Pain Menstrual Disorders and Pelvic Pain: ... origin. Depending on its cause, pelvic pain may require urgent surgical attention. Menstrual Disorders Definition and Prevalence Amenorrhea refers to the...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 20:20
Chapter 051. Menstrual Disorders and Pelvic Pain (Part 3) pptx
... other disorders, such as mutations in the FSH or LH receptors. Aromatase deficiency and 17α-hydroxylase deficiency are associated with elevated gonadotropins with hyperandrogenism and Chapter 051. ... associated with elevated gonadotropins with hyperandrogenism and Chapter 051. Menstrual Disorders and Pelvic Pain (Part 3) Algorithm for evaluation of amenorrhea....
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 20:20
Chapter 051. Menstrual Disorders and Pelvic Pain (Part 4) potx
... Chapter 051. Menstrual Disorders and Pelvic Pain (Part 4) Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Treatment The major abnormality ... cyclic pain may occasionally cause noncyclic pain, and the converse is also true. Table 51-1 Causes of Pelvic Pain Acute Chronic Premenstrual symptoms Mittelschmerz Dysmenorrhea Cyclic pelvic ... pelvic pain Endometriosis...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 20:20
Chapter 051. Menstrual Disorders and Pelvic Pain (Part 5) potx
... that begins with the onset of menstrual bleeding and gradually decreases over the next 12–72 h. It may be associated with nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, and headache and occurs in 60–93% of adolescents, ... hypersensitivity, resulting in pain. Secondary dysmenorrhea is caused by underlying pelvic pathology. Endometriosis results from the presence of endometrial glands and stroma...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 20:20
Chapter 025. Numbness, Tingling, and Sensory Loss (Part 2) pps
... anterolateral fasciculus (spinothalamic tract) to nuclei in the medulla, Chapter 025. Numbness, Tingling, and Sensory Loss (Part 2) Anatomy of Sensation Cutaneous afferent innervation is conveyed ... (nociceptors and thermoreceptors) and encapsulated terminals (mechanoreceptors). Each type of receptor has its own set of sensitivities to specific stimuli, size and distinc...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20
Chapter 070. Nutritional Requirements and Dietary Assessment (Part 2) pps
... body water and blunted thirst sensation, and may be taking diuretics. Other Nutrients See Chap. 71 for a detailed description of vitamins and trace minerals. Dietary Reference Intakes and Recommended ... .4 5 0 25 31– 50 y 00 5 5 0 .1 .1 4 .3 00 i .4 5 0 25 Chapter 070. Nutritional Requirements and Dietary Assessment (Part 2) Water For adults, 1.0–1.5 mL water...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 01:20
Chapter 016. Back and Neck Pain (Part 1) ppsx
... 16-2 Chapter 016. Back and Neck Pain (Part 1) Harrison's Internal Medicine > Chapter 16. Back and Neck Pain Back and Neck Pain: Introduction The importance of back and neck pain ... column length (Figs. 16-1 and 16 -2). The disks are largest in the cervical and lumbar regions where movements of the spine are greatest. The disks are elastic in youth a...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 08:20
Chapter 016. Back and Neck Pain (Part 3) ppsx
... L3, and L4 roots) passes anterior to the hip and is not stretched by sitting. The description of the pain alone often fails to distinguish between sclerotomal pain and radiculopathy. Pain ... "sclerotomal" pain may explain some cases of back and leg pain without evidence of nerve root compression. Radicular back pain is typically sharp and radiates from the...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 08:20
Chapter 016. Back and Neck Pain (Part 5) pps
... cord a Minor trauma Strain or sprain Whiplash injury b Chapter 016. Back and Neck Pain (Part 5) Laboratory, Imaging, and EMG Studies Routine laboratory studies are rarely needed for ... is limited by pain or poor effort. EMG and nerve conduction studies will be normal when only limb pain or sensory nerve root injury or irritation is present. Causes of Back P...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 08:20