... HTTP and redirect 11 5 4 .12 T and Internationalization 11 6 4 .13 Cookies 11 7 4 .14 init Application 11 8 4 .15 URL Rewrite 11 8 4 .16 Routes on Error 12 0 4 .17 Cron 12 1 4 .18 Import Other Modules 12 4 4 .19 ... 16 1. 11 Elements of Style 18 vii CONTENTS ix 4.2 URL Mapping 96 4.3 Libraries 99 4.4 Applications 10 3 4.5 API 10 4 4.6 request 10 5 4.7 response 10 7 4.8 sessio...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 19:20
... 25 3 JSONRPC 25 3 AMFRPC 25 7 9.3 Low Level API and Other Recipes 25 9 simplejson 25 9 PyRTF 26 0 ReportLab and PDF 26 0 9.4 Services and Authentication 26 1 10 Ajax Recipes 26 3 10.1 web2 py ajax.html 26 3 10 .2 ... works". web2 py also allows the developer to bytecode-compile applications and distribute them as closed source, although they will require web2 py to...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 19:20
Web to py enterprise web framework - p 3 ppsx
... all web2 py applications. The layout file can easily be modified or replaced. 1.4 Why web2 py web2 py is one of many web application frameworks, but it has compelling and unique features. web2 py was ... accessible programmatically. • web server: the CherryPy WSGI web server. • the admin application: used to create, design, and manage other web2 py applications. admin pro...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 19:20
Web to py enterprise web framework - p 4 pot
... DOS prompt): 1 web2 py. exe -S welcome On Apple OS X, enter the following command type in a Terminal window (assuming you’re in the same folder as web2 py. app): 1 . /web2 py. app/Contents/MacOS /web2 py ... ' __new__', '__nonzero__', '__oct__', '__or__', '__pos__', '__pow__ ', '__radd__', '__rand__', &apos...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 19:20
Web to py enterprise web framework - p 5 ppsx
... >>> print a.keys() 3 ['k', 'k2'] 4 >>> print a.values() 5 ['v', 3] 6 >>> print a.items() 7 [('k', 'v'), ('k2', ... reader to more advanced books on this topic. We have already mentioned the special operators str and repr . 2.13 File Input/Output In Python you can open and write in a file with: TYPES 25...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 19:20
Web to py enterprise web framework - p 7 ppsx
... basic template for any other web2 py application. It is referred to as the scaffolding application. This is also the application that welcomes a user at startup. Ready -to- use web2 py applications ... arereferred to asweb 2py appliances. You can download many freely available appliances from [33]. web2 py users are encouraged to submit new appliances, either in open-source or...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 19:20
Web to py enterprise web framework - p 8 doc
... is of type "upload". "upload" is a special type of field used by the web2 py Data Abstraction Layer (DAL) to store the names of uploaded files. web2 py knows how to upload files ... Field('file', 'upload')) 6 7 db.define_table('comment', 8 Field('image_id', db.image), 9 Field('author'), 10 Field('email'),...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 19:20
Web to py enterprise web framework - p 9 pot
... db.define_table('document', 26 Field('page_id', db.page), 27 Field('name'), 28 Field('file', 'upload'), 29 Field('created_on', 'datetime', ... OVERVIEW index // '' O O O O O O O O O O O create search ajax show/[id] (( R R R R R R R R R R R R R img // download/[name] bg find 88 p p p p p p p p p...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 19:20
Web to py enterprise web framework - p 10 docx
... installing multiple copies of the same application. You can try, for example, to upload the KPAX content management system from: 1 http:/ /web2 py. com/appliances/default/download/app.source .221663266939.tar Uploaded ... files). • Pack all. This returns a tar file containing a complete copy of the ap- plication. We suggest that you clean up temporary files before packing an application. • Co...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 19:20
Web to py enterprise web framework - p 11 docx
... specify- ing the maximum number of threads, enabling of SSL, etc. For a complete list type: 1 >>> python web2 py. py -h 2 Usage: python web2 py. py 3 4 web2 py Web Framework startup script. ... Options It is possible to skip the GUI and start web2 py directly from the command line by typing something like: 1 python web2 py. py -a 'your password' -i 127.0.0...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 19:20
Web to py enterprise web framework - p 13 pps
... tells web2 py that you want to store the sessions in the database and not on the filesystem. web2 py creates a table: 1 db.define_table(&apos ;web2 py_ session', 2 Field('locked', 'boolean', ... Field('unique_key'), 7 Field('session_data', 'text')) and stores cPickled sessions in the session data field. The option masterapp=None, b...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 19:20
Web to py enterprise web framework - p 14 docx
... syntax to provide additional web2 py functionality. Web2 py cron has a some extra syntax to support web2 py application specifics. 124 THE CORE 4.18 Import Other Modules web2 py is written in Python, ... of line to add to the system crontab, (usually /etc/crontab): 1 0-5 9/1 * * * * web2 py cd /var/www /web2 py/ && python web2 py. py -C -D 1 >> /tmp/cr...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 19:20
Web to py enterprise web framework - p 15 potx
... exec environment inappropriately. If you want the results of actions in another application, you probably should implement an XML-RPCAPI (implementing anXML-RPC API with web2 py is almost trivial). ... Applications can import each other’s modules using the syntax: 1 import applications.otherapp.modules.othermodule as mymodule. • Applications can import any module in the PYTHONPATH search p...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 19:20
Web to py enterprise web framework - p 16 ppsx
... scaffolding application understands the following basic types of menus: " ;web2 py- menu web2 py- menu-vertical" and " ;web2 py- menu web2 py- menu-horizontal". 138 THE VIEWS 1 >>> print ... >>> print MENU([['One', False, 'link1', [['Two', False, 'link2']]]]) 2 <ul class=" ;web2 py- menu web2 py- menu...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 19:20
Web to py enterprise web framework - p 18 pdf
... 'gluon.sql.Field'> 3 >>> print type(db.person['name']) 4 <class 'gluon.sql.Field'> 5 >>> print type(db['person']['name']) 6 ... >>> db.person.name._tablename == 'person' 4 True 5 >>> db.person.name._db == db 6 True The web2 py web site provides resources to help in the early stages...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 19:20