HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 126 pot

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 126 pot

HandBooks Professional Java-C-Scrip-SQL part 126 pot

... are direct access devices, but not random access ones. The amount of time it takes to get to a particular data record depends on how close the read/write head is to the desired position; in

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 04:20

6 46 0
Handbook of mathematics for engineers and scienteists part 126 pot

Handbook of mathematics for engineers and scienteists part 126 pot

... coefficients, and assume that the functions ϕ i (x)(i = 1, , n) are linearly independent. Note that, in particular, we can take ϕ 0 (x)=f(x)orϕ 0 (x) ≡ 0. On substituting the expression ( into

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

7 45 0
Hacker Professional Ebook part 8 pot

Hacker Professional Ebook part 8 pot

... Windows 2003 Server (part 2) | | | | 03.Learning Windows 2003 Server (part 3) | | | | 04.Learning Windows 2003 Server (part 4) | | | | 05.Learning Windows 2003 Server (part 5) | | | | 06.Learning ... | | | 25.Learning Windows\02.BIND | | | | 01.BIND (part 1) | | | | 02.BIND (part 2) | | | | 03.BIND (part 3) | | | | 04.BIND (part 4) | | | | | | 25.Learning Window...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 11:20

6 315 1
Hacker Professional Ebook part 63 pot

Hacker Professional Ebook part 63 pot

... họat động hệ thống: Answer: Some proxy server does web caching thus gives you extra WWW (and partially FTP) speed. Idea is very simple: client program tries to retrieve the requested document

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 11:20

5 369 0
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