Critical Care Obstetrics part 28 doc
... antepartum bed rest and meticulous prenatal care. Intrapartum management principles include laboring in the lateral position; the use of epidural anesthesia, which will minimize intrapartum ... endocarditis: Patients with highest risk of adverse outcomes from endocarditis. 1. Prosthetic cardiac valves (mechanical, bioprosthetic, homograft) 2. Previous history of infective endocarditi...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 16:20
Critical Care Obstetrics part 1 docx
... 739 Critical Care Obstetrics
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 16:20
Critical Care Obstetrics part 2 doc
... Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Division of Maternal - Fetal Medicine and Consultant, Critical Care Obstetrics New York, USA James W. Van Hook Professor and Director Department ... early stages of development of care mechanisms for critically ill obstetric patients. They probably refl ect part of the “ learning curve ” of critical care obstetrics, as wel...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 16:20
Critical Care Obstetrics part 3 doc
... Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Maternal - Fetal Medicine and Consultant, Critical Care Obstetrics, New York, USA Introduction The essence of critical care nursing ... challenges for the critical care team. Comprehensive discussion of specifi c critical care nursing issues related to this patient population is beyond Organizing an Obstetr...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 16:20
Critical Care Obstetrics part 4 doc
... incorporated in any plan of patient care. Obstetric critical care can benefi t from data in the critical care literature that address family and patient needs in a critical care setting. Obstetric literature ... 51 patients (84%) included in the study were cared for in labor and delivery, with care directed by a critical care perinatologist, a critical care obstetric...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 16:20
Critical Care Obstetrics part 10 docx
... albumin . J Clin Invest 1951 ; 30 : 1 228 – 1237 . 74 Boldt J . The good, the bad and the ugly: Should we completely banish human albumin from our intensive care units? Anesth Analg 2000 ; 91 ... 240 . 76 Ferguson N , Stewart T , Etchells . Human albumin administration in critically ill patients . Intensive Care Med 1999 ; 25 : 323 – 325 . 77 Vito L , Dennis RC , Weisel RD . Se...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 16:20
Critical Care Obstetrics part 23 doc
... when systolic pres- sure is transmitted into them via the arteries. In addition, this 215 Critical Care Obstetrics, 5th edition. Edited by M. Belfort, G. Saade, M. Foley, J. Phelan and G. Dildy. ... general categories of critical illness, and in specifi c subsets of critically ill patients. Most studies that used broad and non - specifi c patient inclusion criteria (such as “ critica...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 16:20
Critical Care Obstetrics part 32 doc
... and a low molecular weight heparin fragment . Thromb Haemost 1985 ; 53 : 208 – 211 . 308 Critical Care Obstetrics, 5th edition. Edited by M. Belfort, G. Saade, M. Foley, J. Phelan and G. Dildy. ... Dallas, TX, USA 2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Maternal - Fetal Medicine, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT and HCA Healthcare, Nashvi...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 16:20
Critical Care Obstetrics part 33 doc
... agents, nitroglycerin) [49] . Antepartum hemorrhage due to both abruption and placenta previa carries an increased risk for postpartum hemorrhage. Previous postpartum hemor- rhage confers a 10% ... Index) tolerate postpartum hemorrhage less readily and are therefore more at risk of hemorrhagic shock. Etiology of p rimary p ostpartum h emorrhage Causes of primary postpartum hemorrhage...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 16:20
Critical Care Obstetrics part 36 doc
... 348 Critical Care Obstetrics, 5th edition. Edited by M. Belfort, G. Saade, M. Foley, J. Phelan and G. Dildy. ... underlying precipitating cause, and to supportive care in an intensive care unit. In the absence of pregnancy - specifi c data to guide supportive care, the existing recommendations are based on ... support, and imple- menting measures to avoid nosocomial infections al...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 16:20