Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P7 ppsx

Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P7 ppsx

Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P7 ppsx

... reflects the environment at the time SQL* Plus was first conceived. The line-editing process in SQL* Plus follows these steps: 1. You enter a SQL statement or PL /SQL block, which SQL* Plus stores in the ... 40 The SQL Buffer SQL* Plus keeps a copy of the most recently entered SQL statement or PL /SQL block in an internal memory area known as the SQL buffe...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 04:20

10 338 0
Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P3 ppsx

Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P3 ppsx

... Introduction to SQL* Plus In this chapter: What Is SQL* Plus? History of SQL* Plus Why Master SQL* Plus? Creating and Loading the Sample Tables SQL* Plus is the command-line interface to the Oracle database. ... PL /SQL and the Oracle Database. SQL* Plus is often used in conjunction with two other products, both of which have the letters SQL in their name...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 04:20

10 580 0
Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P20 ppsx

Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P20 ppsx

... of the above as one long SQL* Loader command. The keywords LOAD DATA tell SQL* Loader to load data, and the rest of the command tells SQL* Loader where to get the data and how it is formatted. The ... Tells SQL* Loader to read data from the file named emp_data.csv in the c:\a directory. INTO TABLE employee Tells SQL* Loader to insert the data into the employee tabl...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 04:20

10 336 0
Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P28 ppsx

Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P28 ppsx

... format definitions for columns not used in the final query are ignored by SQL8 Plus. Also note that the PL /SQL code does return a query even for the case where the user's input is invalid; this ... error message from the DUAL table. Here is the output from running this script, first showing the results of an invalid input, then showing the output from one of the...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 04:20

10 227 0
Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P38 ppsx

Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P38 ppsx

... issuing the following command from SQL* Plus: SHOW PARAMETERS control_files The initialization file is the one used with the PFILE parameter on the STARTUP command. You should know where this is. Oracle ... reapply transactions to the data files, bringing them up to date so they are consistent with one another and reflect the results of the last successful transaction...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 04:20

10 401 0
Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P52 ppsx

Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P52 ppsx

... Function w The week of the month. Week one starts on the first of the month. Week two starts on the 8th of the month, and so forth. Y,YYY The four-digit year with a comma after the first digit. YEAR The ... negative. D The number of the day of the week. This will be 1 through 7. DAY The name of the day. This will be Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and so forth. DD The...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 04:20

10 230 0
Oracle SQL*Plus The Definitive Guide- P1 docx

Oracle SQL*Plus The Definitive Guide- P1 docx

... Introduction to SQL* Plus 1 What Is SQL* Plus 1 History of SQL* Plus 6 Why Master SQL* Plus 8 Creating and Loading the Sample Tables 9 2. Interacting with SQL* Plus 18 Starting SQL* Plus 18 Some Basic SQL* Plus ... Edition. ORACLE, Oracle, Oracle Enterprise Manager, Oracle Personal Edition, Oracle Procedure Builder, Oracle Server, Oracle Server Manager, Ora...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 04:20

10 323 0
Oracle SQL*Plus The Definitive Guide- P2 pptx

Oracle SQL*Plus The Definitive Guide- P2 pptx

... of the examples in this book use SQL* Plus 8.0. A few use SQL* Plus 2.3, and the ones in Chapter 10, Administration with SQL* Plus, use Oracle8 i and SQL *Plus 8.1. You should be able to apply the ... manual for SQL* Plus is no exception. Oracle& apos;s manual will tell you about SQL* Plus, but only about SQL* Plus. There is little information on how to use SQL* P...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 04:20

10 471 0
Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P4 pot

Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P4 pot

... by following these four steps: 1. Download and unzip the script files. 2. Start SQL* Plus. 3. Log into your Oracle database. 4. Run the BLD_DB .SQL script file. The screenshots in the remainder ... titled Starting SQL* Plus in Chapter 2, Interacting with SQL* Plus. Once you know how to start SQL* Plus, you can come back here and run the script to create the sample tab...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 04:20

10 300 0
Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P5 pptx

Oracle SQL Plus The Definitive Guide- P5 pptx

... chapter: Starting SQL* Plus Some Basic SQL* Plus Commands Running SQL Queries Working with PL /SQL The SQL Buffer Line Editing Executing the Statement in the Buffer Saving and Retrieving the Buffer The ... how to start SQL* Plus, might be with the EXIT command. The EXIT command terminates your SQL* Plus session, and either closes the SQL* Plus window...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 04:20

10 383 0
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