Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 8 ppt
... between humans and animals, the most important THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE LAMB OF GOD 180 text. At the other pole is the Beast, together with Satan, the plagues and Babylon. They are the scoundrels and ... 21:6–11), makes seven loaves and a few little fish feed thousands of people (Matthew 15:34 8, cf. Matthew 14:17–21; Mark 6:37–44, 8: 1 8; Luke 9:12–17; John 6:9–13) and pr...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
... principle a contest of wits and skills between hunters and fishermen, between land animals and sea animals, but also between fish and fishermen, and between land animals and hunters (965F–966B, 975D, ... between animals and humans. Plutarch attacked the Stoics and defended Platonic and Pythagorean princi- ples in a work that is framed as a staged debate on behalf of hunt...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
... their priest and participate in orgies of child murder and incest (9, 28. 7). These accusations are also mentioned by Tertullian (Apologeticus, 7, 8) and were probably well-known slanders about ... dumb from the speaking; and no less apart are they who loyally obey God’s commands from senseless cults and their supersti- tions” (2 .81 6–19). THE CHALLENGE OF BEASTS 2 28 An animal c...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 12 ppt
... relations between animals, gods and humans. In Lystra, Paul healed a cripple and made him walk. When people saw what he had done, they shouted that gods had come down to them in the likeness of men (Acts 14 :8 11). ... Jews, Christians, and, not least, gnos- tics and Manichaeans (MacMullen 1 981 : 79ff), and ever since these cosmological systems have continued to challenge the...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 1 pot
... served to brutalize and radicalize the divisions between humans and non -humans. And while the sacrifice served as a focus for the relationship between humans and domestic animals, which was basically ... for food and shelter, and domestication rests on mutual benefits between humans and animals. “Contract animal” covers Graeco-Roman ideas about natural agreements betwee...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 3 pps
... 8. 39; cf. Zeuner 1963: 4 28) . However, in parallel with these animals, Pliny also describes fantastic and non-existent creatures such as Ethiopian sphinxes and VEGETARIANISM, NATURAL HISTORY AND ... Pliny (Natural History, 9 .8 10). In Aelian’s work, several anecdotes about cross-species love relationships appear (Kindstrand 19 98: 2964; cf. Salisbury 1994: 84 –101). Humans are...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 4 pdf
... down the existential ladder (for example, Solodow 1 988 : 190–2). But animals are never transformed into humans precisely because gods, humans and animals in Ovid’s Metamorphoses are also locked ... transformed into lower categories and back again, and in some rare cases, a human being may be transformed into a god. But while it is possible for humans and gods to turn into a...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 5 potx
... Questions, 36). Gods disguised themselves as animals, as Zeus did when he visited Leda as a swan and Europa as a bull, and when he carried off Ganymede as an eagle; and animals accom- panied the gods, ... human-like head and acted as an oracle, producing messages in verses of high metric quality. Alexander conceived of himself as the son of Asclepius and as the grandson of Apol...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 6 pps
... Corbier 1 989 : 232–3). In the Graeco- Roman world, both gods and humans were nourished with the meat of sacrificial animals, but the gods did not consume the animal flesh in the same way as humans, ... between gods and humans. It was the cult of ethnic communities, people who were orga- nized through kinship, had a common ancestor and connections to a traditional homeland,...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 7 ppsx
... teaching about animals and humans in the Gospel of Philip: There are animals of flesh and blood, animals in human form, gods who are characterized as animals, and finally humans who have no bestial ... animals and humans on a par with each other. He points to the simi- larities in the physical equipment of humans and animals, he compares the killing of sacrificial anim...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20