Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 2 ppt
... principle a contest of wits and skills between hunters and fishermen, between land animals and sea animals, but also between fish and fishermen, and between land animals and hunters (965F–966B, 975D, ... between animals and humans. Plutarch attacked the Stoics and defended Platonic and Pythagorean princi- ples in a work that is framed as a staged debate on behalf of hunt...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
... snake or sea monster and is a magnified version of the serpent in Genesis and also an image of Satan (Revelation 12: 3, 12: 4, 12: 7, 12: 9, 12: 13, 12: 16, 12: 17, 13 :2, 13.4, 16:13, 20 :2) . The beasts (therion) ... II Peter 2: 12) . There are deprecatory comparisons between evil humans and animals (Titus 1: 12; II Peter 2: 22; Jude 10), and comparisons that show that some pe...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
... dumb from the speaking; and no less apart are they who loyally obey God’s commands from senseless cults and their supersti- tions” (2. 816–19). THE CHALLENGE OF BEASTS 22 8 An animal comparison ... explicitly stressed: “It is not as Moses wrote and you heard” (CG II, 1, 22 :22 –3). In Tertullian’s two apologetic works and in some gnostic texts, the devel- opment of Christian identit...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 12 ppt
... pertaining to new relations between animals, gods and humans. In Lystra, Paul healed a cripple and made him walk. When people saw what he had done, they shouted that gods had come down to them in the ... island of Malta. All aboard the ship saved them- selves by swimming to the shore, and the people of Malta helped the survivors by kindling a fire for them (Acts 28 :1 2) . When...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 1 pot
... Justinian, 9 .2. 2; cf. also 9 .2. 5 .22 ). The jurist Gaius, commenting on the law, stresses that this statute “treats equally our slaves and our four-footed cattle which are kept in herds” (9 .2. 2 .2) . A ... these diseases were thoroughly discussed (Cato, 70–3; Columella, 6.5–38; Varro, 2. 1 .21 –4; 2. 2 .20 ; 2. 3.8–10; 2. 4 .21 2; 2. 7.16). The economic value of horses created a...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 3 pps
... tendency in Pliny and Aelian conveys the message that animals VEGETARIANISM, NATURAL HISTORY AND PHYSIOGNOMICS 72 are sometimes and on some points better than humans, and that humans can learn ... unrelated, alien and hostile to humans and its creatures as being impure ( 729 A–C); and a third possible reason is that Pythagoreans usually tasted flesh only from sacrificed...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 4 pdf
... animals and humans than between humans and gods, which is in accordance with a general tendency in people’s thinking concerning animals in these centuries. IMAGINATION AND TRANSFORMATIONS 82 other ... into trees and plants, always into new and different forms of flora and fauna. In a few cases, humans experience an apotheosis (Hercules, 9 .26 2–70; Aeneas, 14.600–7; Romul...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 5 potx
... Greece and wrote about it, saw these stelae (2. 27.3). The image of Asclepius, which according to Pausanias was made of ivory and gold and showed the god accompanied by a serpent and a dog (2. 27 .2) , ... Euripides, Bacchae, 920 2, 1017; Plutarch, The Greek Questions, 36). Gods disguised themselves as animals, as Zeus did when he visited Leda as a swan and Europa as a bull,...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 6 pps
... Corbier 1989: 23 2–3). In the Graeco- Roman world, both gods and humans were nourished with the meat of sacrificial animals, but the gods did not consume the animal flesh in the same way as humans, ... SACRIFICE: TRADITIONS AND NEW INVENTIONS 124 It was not only a hierarchy of gods, humans and animals but also a hier- archy of social relations according to status and se...
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20
Animals, Gods and Humans - Chapter 7 ppsx
... beings (oikeiosis) (1.4 .2) and that there is a relationship between animals and humans (2. 22. 1 2) . On the other hand, central to Porphyry’s deliberations concerning animals and their status was ... Porphyry, and he returns to it repeatedly. It simply does not follow that because it is proper to sacrifice animals, it is also necessary to feed on them (2. 2.1 2; cf. 2. 4.1, 2....
Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 10:20