Intermarket Technical Analysis - Trading Strategies Part 6 pdf

Intermarket Technical Analysis - Trading Strategies Part 6 pdf

Intermarket Technical Analysis - Trading Strategies Part 6 pdf

... AND COMMODI- TIES (ASSUMING A $100 INVESTMENT IN EACH CLASS DURING EACH TIME PERIOD) 1 96 0-1 988 1 96 5-1 988 197 0-1 988 197 5-1 988 198 0-1 988 198 5-1 988 Govt. Bonds 442.52 423.21 423.58 314. 16 288.87 132.79 Corp. Bonds 580.21 481.04 452.70 338.23 300.58 132.32 U.S. Stocks 1428.41 766 .78 65 0 .69 555 .69 289.27 145 .62 CRB Index 1175. 26 974.70 787.97 3 36. 47 153...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 03:20

19 289 0
Intermarket Technical Analysis - Trading Strategies Part 1 pot

Intermarket Technical Analysis - Trading Strategies Part 1 pot

... index. ISBN 0-4 7 1-5 243 3 -6 (cloth) 1. Investment analysis. 2. Portfolio management. I. Title. II. Series. HG4529.M 86 1991 332 . 6- dc20 9 0-4 8 567 Printed in the United States of America 20 19 18 17 16 15 ... concept of technical analysis is now evolving to take these intermarket relationships into consideration. Intermarket technical analysis refers to the applic...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 03:20

13 240 0
Intermarket Technical Analysis - Trading Strategies Part 3 ppt

Intermarket Technical Analysis - Trading Strategies Part 3 ppt

... THAT SUMMER. Long-Term Interest Rates versus the Dollar 1988 and 1989 SHORT-TERM RATES VERSUS LONG-TERM RATES Figure 6. 5 compares short- and long-term rates from 1985 to 1989. The chart shows that long-term ... STOCKS FIGURE 6. 5 LONG-TERM VERSUS SHORT-TERM INTEREST RATES FROM 1982 TO 1989. LONG-TERM RATES ARE USUALLY HIGHER THAN SHORT-TERM RATES. WHEN SHORT-TERM RATES ARE DROPPI...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 03:20

19 167 0
Intermarket Technical Analysis - Trading Strategies Part 4 pptx

Intermarket Technical Analysis - Trading Strategies Part 4 pptx

... 19 56, 1 961 , 1 966 , 1972, and 19 76 were preceded by tops in British stocks.) Figure 8.7 compares the British and American markets during 19 86. The peak in the British market in the spring of 19 86, ... performing intermarket analysis is not to do economic analysis, but to aid analysts in making trading decisions. The perti- nent question is which of the two commodity indexes fit...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 03:20

27 220 0
Intermarket Technical Analysis - Trading Strategies Part 5 pptx

Intermarket Technical Analysis - Trading Strategies Part 5 pptx

... DIMENSION IN DIVERGENCE ANALYSIS What these charts show is that a technical analysis of the price of crude oil can shed light on prospects for oil-related stocks. At the same time, analysis of oil shares often ... G. McGinley, Jr. (Technical Trends, P.O Box 792 Wilton, CT 068 97) shows that the Dow Utilities have led the Dow Industrials at every peak since 1 960 with only one excepti...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 03:20

19 357 0
Intermarket Technical Analysis - Trading Strategies Part 7 ppsx

Intermarket Technical Analysis - Trading Strategies Part 7 ppsx

... cause of stock market trends on a day-to-day and minute-by-minute basis, and shows that what is often attributed to program trading is usually a manifestation of intermarket linkages at work. This ... ARE PART OF THE LONG-LEADING INDEX, WHEREAS STOCKS (S&P 500) AND COMMODITIES (JOURNAL OF COMMERCE INDEX) ARE PART OF THE SHORT-LEADING INDEX. (SOURCE: BUSINESS CONDITIONS DIGEST, U.S...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 03:20

14 188 0
Intermarket Technical Analysis - Trading Strategies Part 8 docx

Intermarket Technical Analysis - Trading Strategies Part 8 docx

... 2 76 Technical analysis, 2-3 , 5, 6, 8, 3 4-3 5, 254, 257, 2 76 Three-steps-and-a-stumble rule, 5 2-5 3, 135 Trading range, 2 76 Treasury bills, 3 6- 3 8, 52, 7 5-7 9, 8 3-8 6 Treasury bonds, 10, 13, 21, 2 2-3 0, ... prices, 5 6- 5 7, 75 vs. the CRB Index, 5 9 -6 2, 7 0-7 2, 264 foreign currencies and, 66 gold market and, 60 , 6 3 -6 5, 73, 2 56, 265 and i...

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 03:20

16 199 0
Intermarket Technical Analysis Trading Strategies for the Global_6 pdf

Intermarket Technical Analysis Trading Strategies for the Global_6 pdf

... DIMENSION IN DIVERGENCE ANALYSIS What these charts show is that a technical analysis of the price of crude oil can shed light on prospects for oil-related stocks. At the same time, analysis of oil shares often ... 151 gold mining shares. A technical analysis of one without the other is unwise and unnecessary. The accompanying charts show why. One of the key premises of intermarke...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

15 376 0
Intermarket Technical Analysis Trading Strategies for the Global_1 potx

Intermarket Technical Analysis Trading Strategies for the Global_1 potx

... index. ISBN 0-4 7 1-5 243 3 -6 (cloth) 1. Investment analysis. 2. Portfolio management. I. Title. II. Series. HG4529.M 86 1991 332 . 6- dc20 9 0-4 8 567 Printed in the United States of America 20 19 18 17 16 15 ... concept of technical analysis is now evolving to take these intermarket relationships into consideration. Intermarket technical analysis refers to the applic...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

15 368 0
Intermarket Technical Analysis Trading Strategies for the Global_3 pptx

Intermarket Technical Analysis Trading Strategies for the Global_3 pptx

... THAT SUMMER. Long-Term Interest Rates versus the Dollar 1988 and 1989 SHORT-TERM RATES VERSUS LONG-TERM RATES Figure 6. 5 compares short- and long-term rates from 1985 to 1989. The chart shows that long-term ... STOCKS FIGURE 6. 5 LONG-TERM VERSUS SHORT-TERM INTEREST RATES FROM 1982 TO 1989. LONG-TERM RATES ARE USUALLY HIGHER THAN SHORT-TERM RATES. WHEN SHORT-TERM RATES ARE DROPPI...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

15 318 0
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