Test Driven JavaScript Development- P15 docx
... Requests 279 TestCase("ReadyStateHandlerTest", { setUp: setUp, tearDown: tearDown, /* */ }); TestCase("RequestTest", { setUp: setUp, tearDown: tearDown, " ;test should use ... actually testing the internals of ajax.request. As we discussed as early as in Chapter 1, Automated Testing, voila, this kind of indirection in tests is generally not appreciated. Unit tests nee...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 05:20
... word test is run as a test method. Listing 1.10 A simple testCase function function testCase(name, tests) { assert.count = 0; var successful = 0; var testCount = 0; for (var test in tests) ... (var test in tests) { if (!/ ^test/ .test( test)) { continue; } testCount++; try { tests [test] (); output (test, "#0c0"); successful++; } catch (e) { output (test + " failed: &quo...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 05:20
... well with others.” Test- driven development, as described in Chapter 2, The Test- Driven Development Process, and the examples in Part III, Real-World Test- Driven Development in JavaScript, help ... Real-World Test- Driven Development in JavaScript. Before we dive into those examples, however, we will learn about unobtrusive JavaScript and feature detection in the closing two...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 05:20
Test Driven JavaScript Development- P16 docx
... This makes our tests mini integration tests, as discussed in Chapter 1, Automated Testing, with the pros and cons that follow. However, as we have just developed a reasonable test suite for ajax.request, ... object (function () { var ajax = tddjs.ajax; TestCase("PollerTest", { " ;test should be object": function () { assertObject(ajax.poller); } }); }()); This test jum...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 05:20
test-driven javascript development
... "function"; for (var test in tests) { if (!/ ^test/ .test( test)) { continue; } testCount++; try { if (hasSetup) { tests.setUp(); } tests [test] (); output (test, "#0c0"); if (hasTeardown) { tests.tearDown(); } // ... The Unit Test, and perform some tests on the fly. Testing strftime using unit tests simply requires us to run the unit test we already wrote in all the t...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 16:09
addison-wesley test-driven javascript development
... "function"; for (var test in tests) { if (!/ ^test/ .test( test)) { continue; } testCount++; try { if (hasSetup) { tests.setUp(); } tests [test] (); output (test, "#0c0"); if (hasTeardown) { tests.tearDown(); } // ... programming JavaScript, including topics such as unobtrusive JavaScript and feature detection. Part I: Test- Driven Development In the first part I’ll...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:15
Test Driven JavaScript Development- P1 pptx
... xxvii Part I Test- Driven Development 1 1. Automated Testing 3 1.1 The Unit Test 4 1.1.1 Unit Testing Frameworks 5 1.1.2 strftime for JavaScript Dates 5 1.2 Assertions 9 1.2.1 Red and Green 10 1.3 Test ... 18 1.7 Summary 18 2. The Test- Driven Development Process 21 2.1 Goal and Purpose of Test- Driven Development 21 2.1.1 Turning Development Upside-Down 22 2.1.2 Design in Tes...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 05:20
Test Driven JavaScript Development- P3 ppt
... "function"; for (var test in tests) { if (!/ ^test/ .test( test)) { continue; } testCount++; try { if (hasSetup) { tests.setUp(); } tests [test] (); output (test, "#0c0"); if (hasTeardown) { tests.tearDown(); } // ... tests, this time focusing on improving test coverage. Test- driven development by nature will ensure that every line of code is tested, but it does no...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 05:20
Test Driven JavaScript Development- P4 doc
... more scripts and test scripts, an empty document is created on the fly by the test runner. JsTestDriver tests are fast. The test runner can run complex test suites of several hundred testsinunder ... src directory. Then add the test case from Listing 3.8 in test/ strftime _ test. js. Listing 3.8 Date.prototype.strftime test with JsTestDriver TestCase("strftimeTest", { s...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 05:20
Test Driven JavaScript Development- P5 doc
... !this; }; TestCase("BooleanTest", { " ;test should flip value of true": function () { assertFalse(true.not()); assertFalse(Boolean.prototype.not.call(true)); }, " ;test should ... vice versa as Listing 5.10 shows. Listing 5.10 Modifying arguments TestCase("FormalParametersArgumentsTest", { " ;test dynamic relationship": function () { function modif...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 05:20