... a new file called game.html with script tags pointing to prototype. js and scriptaculous.js: CHAPTER 10 ■ INTRODUCTION TO SCRIPT .ACULO. US EFFECTS244 Queues Effect queues address a subset of the ... line. script .aculo. us gives us two ways around this. The first way is using effect callbacks, which are very similar to the Ajax callbacks you learned about in Chapter 4. The second i...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
... map, inject, invoke, and pluck The next four Enumerable methods carry more cryptic names, but are every bit as useful as the methods described previously. Using Enumerable#map and Enumerable#inject The ... AGAIN)36 Other Collections That Use Enumerable Two other Prototype classes that make use of Enumerable are Hash and ObjectRange. Together they serve as great examples of how to use...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Practical prototype and scipt.aculo.us part 20 ppsx
... because the user hasn’t had a chance to enter text. But we know it’s definitely invalid if the text box receives focus, then loses focus, and is still empty. That’s when we should alert the user. There’s ... run. Custom Events I’ve saved the best part for last. Native browser events are purely reactive; they’re trig- gered by user action. Wouldn’t it be great if we could harness the event...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Practical prototype and scipt.aculo.us part 34 ppsx
... markup and CSS CHAPTER 9 ■ WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT DHTML AND SCRIPT .ACULO. US 197 script .aculo. us PART 2 Inline elements don’t have implicit line breaks. If you wish to start a new line, you must ... (drag- and- drop), and new controls (sliders, combo boxes, and in-place editors). DHTML isn’t a special language; it’s just a term for what becomes possible when the DOM APIs...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Practical prototype and scipt.aculo.us part 48 ppsx
... IN-PLACE EDITORS, AND SLIDERS280 • Click a suggestion. • Use the up/down arrow keys to highlight a suggestion, and then press Enter. • Use the up/down arrow keys to highlight a suggestion, and then press ... done. When a user recognizes our list as a drop-down menu, he’ll expect it to act like one. For the user’s sake, Autocompleter tries very hard to ape the behavior of a drop-down....
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Practical prototype and scipt.aculo.us part 1 ppt
... Programming and Class-Based OOP 139 ■CHAPTER 8 Other Helpful Things: Useful Methods on Built-Ins 167 PART 2 ■■■ script .aculo. us ■CHAPTER 9 What You Should Know About DHTML and script .aculo. us 193 ■CHAPTER ... 297 ■INDEX 315 iii
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Practical prototype and scipt.aculo.us part 2 pot
... Here) 91 Pre-DOM, Part 1 91 Pre-DOM, Part 2 92 Events: The Crash Course 94 Using Event#stopPropagation, Event#preventDefault, and Event#stop 99 A Further Example 101 Events and Forms 102 Client-Side ... with Prototype 139 Why OOP? 139 Remedial OOP: Namespacing 141 Advanced OOP: Using Classes 142 Usage: DOM Behavior Pattern 148 Functional Programming 158 Functions Can Have Their Ow...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Practical prototype and scipt.aculo.us part 3 pot
... both for creating Prototype and for inviting me to be a part of Prototype Core. Other team members gave critical moral support: Thomas Fuchs, Tobie Langel, Mislav Marohnic, and Justin Palmer. Objects, ... KNOW ABOUT PROTOTYPE, JAVASCRIPT, AND THE DOM4 About the Technical Reviewer After getting hooked on the Web in 1996 and spending several years pushing pixels and bits for th...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Practical prototype and scipt.aculo.us part 4 pptx
... between Prototype and script .aculo. us: the former builds a rich set of APIs, while the latter uses those APIs to address specific UI needs. Even so, there are a few meanderings. Each chapter of Part ... the way the user expects it to. Prototype is meant to be intuitive and easy to learn. CHAPTER 1 ■ WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT PROTOTYPE, JAVASCRIPT, AND THE DOM10 The second exa...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Practical prototype and scipt.aculo.us part 5 pps
... atop Prototype. Most famously, script .aculo. us (which we’ll cover in Part 2) uses Prototype as a basis for a rich library of effects and UI controls. Many JavaScript toolkits, script .aculo. us included, ... to read and understand. These days, Prototype enjoys exhaustive documentation, both official and unofficial. But readability, intuitive naming schemes, and cleanlines...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20