Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 84 doc

Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 84 doc

Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 84 doc

... com- monbnpletpentation. isRS-23.2-C(Whichisoften transcribed as RS-23 2c. forbr~vity) and .• ~yin the industry mean RS-232cwhenthey sayRS-232. The RS-232cspecification de- finesawaytoconnectQatatermin~~quipment (DTE) with data circuit-terminating equip- ment(DCE). SeeRS-232 forpinollts. RS-330 Mo ll ochrome Video: an analog, monochrome composite video standard adopted in North America ... is...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

10 259 0
Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 3 doc

Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 3 doc

... modulation. This is known as poly- chromatic acousto-optic modulation. Other applica- tions ofacousto -optics can be used to tune filters. See acousto-optic, modulation. acousto-optic switch In fiber optics, a switch ... 2003 by CRC Press LLC Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary the device or fiber. Depending upon the application, particles outside the acceptance cone and sometim...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

10 384 0
Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 8 doc

Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 8 doc

... digital communications for aeronautics devices and facili- tated the development of modular, off-the-shelf prod- ucts. See ARINC-629. ARIN C-629 A commercial civilian communications protocol based upon a central twisted-pair bus archi- tecture which can accommodate up to 120 peripheral devices or terminals at a 2-MHz bus rate. ARINC- 629 evolved from ARINC-429 , which was developed in the 197...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

10 359 0
Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 12 doc

Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 12 doc

... a comet he observed in 1665, which is richly illustrated in Theatrum Cometum pub- lished in 1666. See Iceland spar, Nicol prism. Barton,Enos Melancthon ( 1840 s-early 1900s) Bar- ton co-founded Western Electric with telegraph/tele- phone pioneer Elisha Gray. He initially fonned a part- nership in 1868 with George Shawk. Shawk rejected an offer to partner with Gray, but Barton was inter- e...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

10 314 0
Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 19 doc

Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 19 doc

... and receive data between systems. 180 © 2003 by CRC Press LLC Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary and 802.3 networks. As ATM is not tied to a particu- lar physical layer, CIF has been defined as a pseudo- physical layer for carrying ATM traffic. CIF provides ... software execution technique in which a process is handed off to another program or launches other program modules on an as-...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

10 292 0
Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 20 doc

Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 20 doc

... :::~.~.,.F .z~ -, tt © 2003 by CRC Press LLC Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconduc- tor. A semiconductor chip that combines p-channel and n-channel MOS in a ... bonded coating, or a two-glass cladded fiber cable, the di- ameter that includes the cladding layer. Ina perfectly round fiber, this can simply be measured; however, as the cab...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

10 337 0
Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 21 doc

Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 21 doc

... organization established in 1 984 that develops and publishes U.S. network reliability standards and technical informa- tion ofinterest to network equipment developers, in- stallation and maintenance personnel, and system ad- ministrators. The organization contributed to the lTU-T I-series recommendations for B-ISDN among others. Documents related to safety, power, ISDN, SONET, 195 © 2003 by...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

10 431 0
Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 33 docx

Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 33 docx

... Processing ECP. A subscriber phone service with enhanced voice mailbox features that allow more than one user on the line to have an indi- vidual mailbox or for mailboxes to be individually configured to be listen-only, redirect, menu-directed, or leave-a-message. Commonly the ECP can be pro- grammed through online menus, greatly enhancing applications that can be established on the system. E...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

10 355 0
Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 38 doc

Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 38 doc

... that are refreshed at about 70 Hz to 80 Hz; above that level, the trade-off in cost and computing is not sufficient to justify the insignificant or 369 © 2003 by CRC Press LLC Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary Fibre Channel Loop Community FCLC. A Cali- fornia-based organization supporting and promoting Fibre Channel technology with particular attention to mass storage in arbitrated...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

10 361 0
Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 39 docx

Fiber Optics Illustrated Dictionary - Part 39 docx

... test procedures and system design guidelines and speci- fications for distributors and users of fiber optic com- munications technologies. Since 2000, plenary meet- ings have been held jointly with FO-6, a TIA com- mittee on Fiber Optics. FOA 1. fiber optic amplifier. 2. See Fiber Optic As- sociation, Inc. 3. First Office Application. Testing of systems within an office application...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

10 397 0
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