Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 34 pot

Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 1 pps

Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 1 pps

... Understanding, ed. Fraser (Oxford, 18 94), I, 33 1- 3 33; Leibniz, Nouveaux essais sur l’entendement humain, ed. Fammarion, p. 11 9. of an action is to remove a certain uneasiness, instinct-psychology ... transformed into a plant and reduced to a merely vegetative existence. ACTING MAN 29 11 . On the philosophy of history, cf. Mises, Theory and History (New Haven, 19 57), pp. 15 9....

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

19 423 0
Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 3 potx

Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 3 potx

... the manufacturer and “exploiter” Engels, and Lenin, the scion of the Russian gentry, were certainly not of proletarian background. But Hitler and Mus- solini were genuine proletarians and spent their ... their fault that ECONOMICS AND THE REVOLT AGAINST REASON 83 undeniable fact. What they really wanted to say was that historical under- standing, aesthetic empathy, and value judg...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

20 255 0
Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 5 pot

Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 5 pot

... time and of causality. The praxeological system too is aprioristic and deductive. As a system it is out of time. But change is one of its elements. The notions of sooner and later and of cause and ... substituted for that of cause and effect. It will be shown later that axiomatic mechanics cannot serve as a model for the treatment of the economic system. Cf. below, pp. 35 3-3...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

6 258 0
Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 7 pot

Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 7 pot

... owns five units of commodity a and three units of commodity b. He attaches to the units of a the rank-orders 1, 2, 4, 7, and 8, to the units of b the rank-orders 3, 5, and 6. This means: If he must ... theory of value and prices based on the concepts of utility and use-value. The economists believed that they had to abandon such a theory and tried to explain the phenomena of valu...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

24 269 0
Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 10 potx

Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 10 potx

... social cooperation: cooperation by virtue of contract and coordination, and cooperation by virtue of command and subordination or hegemony. Where and as far as cooperation is based on contract, the ... the same relation to Tom as Tom has to John. Where and as far as cooperation is based on command and subordination, there is the man who commands and there are those who obey his...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

6 218 0
Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 12 potx

Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 12 potx

... balance sheets and in profit- and- loss statements is the evaluation of assets and liabilities not embodied in cash. All such balances and statements are virtually interim balances and interim statements. ... of mongering and peddling. Complacency, self-righteousness, and hypocrisy exult in scorning the “dol- lar-philosophy” of our age. Neurotic reformers, mentally unbalanced lit...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

17 326 0
Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 20 pot

Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 20 pot

... strengthens the ten- dency of business to expand. The entrepreneurs draw from the fact that demand and prices are rising the inference that it will pay to invest and to produce more. They go on and their ... would not be in a position to know beforehand whether and to what extent the demand for money for cash holding would change and in what temporal sequence and to what extent th...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

49 243 0
Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 25 pot

Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 25 pot

... pursuit of their own happiness on the one hand, and to those of foreign governments longing for booty and territorial aggrandizement on the other hand. In dealing with these antagonisms, the ... unrealizable when the large-scale enterprises in manufacturing, mining, and transportation appeared. There cannot be any question of splitting up large-scale business units and distributing th...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

9 263 0
Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 27 potx

Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 27 potx

... of phi- losophy of law and political science indulge in futile and empty brooding THE GOVERNMENT AND THE MARKET 719 and how to produce, at what prices and from whom to buy, at what prices and to ... improve- ment and result in rigidity and stagnation. The flexibility of commodity prices and wage rates is the vehicle of adjustment, improvement, and progress. Those who conde...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

21 215 0
Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 28 pot

Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 28 pot

... logical stopping place of the ability-to-pay doctrine is at the complete equalization of incomes and wealth by confiscation of all incomes and fortunes above the lowest amount in the hands of anyone. 1 The ... considerations which finally resulted in the general accep- tance of the ability-to-pay principle there was some dim conception that taxing the well-to-do more heavily than those wi...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

6 118 0
Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 29 pot

Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 29 pot

... his wife and children and need not send them to work, is not an achievement of governments and labor unions. It is the outcome of the fact that profit-seek- ing business has accumulated and invested ... wealth and well-being is production and not restriction. That in the capitalist countries the average wage earner consumes more goods and can afford to enjoy more leisure than hi...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

15 255 0
Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 30 pot

Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 30 pot

... by and large a stock-in-trade of popular INTERFERENCE WITH THE STRUCTURE OF PRICES 773 10. Cf. below, pp. 80 4-8 20. 11. Cf. above, pp. 31 0-3 03. 12. Cf. Ricardo, Principles of Political Economy and ... this undesired and unde- sirable outcome and goes further and further , if it fixes the prices of all goods and services of all orders and obliges all people to continue pro...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

22 223 0
Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 31 pot

Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 31 pot

... of the gold standard for the war-time credit- money standard by acquiescing in the change in the market exchange ratio between the pound and gold, which had already taken place, and of adopting this ... estate and farm land and the shareholders of indebted corporations reap gains at the expense of the majority of people whose savings are invested in bonds, debentures, saving-bank depo...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

24 116 0
Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 34 pot

Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 34 pot

... individuals and gangs. Its function is indispensable and beneficial, but it is an ancillary function only. There is no reason to idolize the police power and ascribe to it omnipotence and omniscience. There ... the struc- ture of the market, makes radical readjustments indispensable and thus becomes for many a source of high profits. The planners and interven- tionists regard such...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

12 192 0
Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 35 pot

Luận án kinh tế - "Human and action" - Chapter 35 pot

... a greater extent than did England. Land holdings were divided and subdivided. There was no numerous class of landless proletarians. But in eighteenth-century England this class was very numerous. ... with that of England. China has developed a very high civilization. Two thousand years ago it was far ahead of England. But at the end of the nineteenth century England was a rich and civiliz...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 13:20

22 249 0
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