Hướng dẫn sử dụng MySQL part 15 pptx
... you do not know a particu- lar piece of the date. Though MySQL is somewhat forgiving on the input format, your applications should actually attempt to format all date values in MySQL s native format ... avoid any confusion. MySQL always expects the year to be the left-most element of a date format. If you assign illegal values in a SQL operation, MySQL will insert zeroes for that value...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:20
... 8/24/01 Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. ResultSet objects. For databases that do not support a particular kind of metadata, DatabaseMetaData will throw an SQLException. DatabaseMetaData methods ... throws SQLException Description: Returns the data that makes up the underlying binary object in part or in whole as an array of bytes. You can get a subset of the binary data by...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:20
... and support of MySQL. MySQL AB is a Swedish company run by MySQL s core devel- opers. MySQL AB owns the copyright to MySQL as well as the trademark MySQL . Since the initial Internet release of MySQL, ... and contents of a MySQL database or table to a file. mysqlhotcopy Performs a hot backup of a MySQL database. mysqlimport Imports data in different file formats into a MySQL ta...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:20
Hướng dẫn sử dụng MySQL part 2 pot
... one popular database product: MySQL. We start by introducing you to relational databases and MySQL. We then proceed to show you how to get up and running with MySQL and how to administer it. ... businesses or nonprofit organizations. Alternatively, such users may be a geographically isolated part of a larger company. Or they be individuals interested in maintaining complex personal...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:20
Hướng dẫn sử dụng MySQL part 3 docx
... /usr/local /mysql $ chgrp –R mysql /usr/local /mysql Set the ownership of the data directories to the MySQL administrative user you created earlier (for this example, mysql) . $ chown –R mysql /usr/local /mysql/ data ... software MySQL- client-<VERSION>.i386.rpm The MySQL client software MySQL- bench-<VERSION>.i386.rpm MySQL tests and benchmarks. This requires...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:20
Hướng dẫn sử dụng MySQL part 4 ppt
... Different MySQL Character Types Data Type Storage for a 144 Character String Storage for a 30 Character String Maximum String Size CHAR (150 ) 150 150 255 VARCHAR (150 ) 145 31 255 TINYTEXT (150 ) 145 ... following tables already exist: mysql& gt; SHOW DATABASES; + + | Database | + + | mysql | | test | + + 2 rows in set (0.37 sec) mysql& gt; The first database, mysql, is MySQL s sys...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:20
Hướng dẫn sử dụng MySQL part 5 pps
... the data directory, we’ll see: $ cd /usr/local /mysql/ data $ ls -l . . -rw-rw 1 mysql mysql 73 Aug 5 17:06 odin-bin.001 -rw-rw 1 mysql mysql 15 Aug 5 17:06 odin-bin.index . . If we inspect ... Associates, Inc. 8 $ ls -l . . -rw-rw 1 mysql mysql 203 Aug 5 17:45 odin-bin.001 -rw-rw 1 mysql mysql 73 Aug 5 17:45 odin-bin.002 -rw-rw 1 mysql mysql 30 Aug 5 17:45 odin-bin...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:20
Hướng dẫn sử dụng MySQL part 6 docx
... index that MySQL choose. Key is NULL if no index was chosen. Key_len Key_len lists the length of the index that MySQL choose. This also indicates how many parts of a multi-column index MySQL choose ... sec) This tells us that MySQL will scan all rows in the MySQL table to satisfy the query. This is indicated by the join type of “ALL”. The rows column tells us that MySQL estim...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:20
Hướng dẫn sử dụng MySQL part 7 pps
... rest of the MySQL installation • The MySQL server should run as a special user and group Since any user who has access to the MySQL data files has access to the MySQL data, the MySQL server ... user, created just for MySQL. The default MySQL installation does this by creating a mysql user and a mysql group. This user and this group have full access to the MySQL data and sho...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:20
Hướng dẫn sử dụng MySQL part 8 potx
... one department at a time, so Employee has a one and only one relationship with Department. In the other direction, a department is responsible for many employees. We therefore say Department ... hypo- thetical entities, an Employee and a Department. One possible relationship between the two is that an Employee is “assigned to” a Department. That Department is “responsible for” an Employe...
Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 12:20