CDMA: Access and Switching P10 pps

CDMA: Access and Switching P10 pps

CDMA: Access and Switching P10 pps

... to that proposed 240 CDMA: ACCESS AND SWITCHING include centralized [2] and distributed [3], [4], power control methods. The distributed algorithms are simpler to implement and will be the focus ... a single user detection case. 268 CDMA: ACCESS AND SWITCHING [18] M. K. Varanasi and B. Aazhang ‘Multistage detection in asynchronous code-division multiple -access communic...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 00:20

30 185 0
CDMA: Access and Switching P4 ppsx

CDMA: Access and Switching P4 ppsx

... (Electronic) 90 CDMA: ACCESS AND SWITCHING RF/BB: RF to Baseband converter BR&OS: Beam Recovery and Overspreading CDB: Code Division Bus TCR&RS: Traffic Channel Recovery and Respreading UP ... frequency bands. The satellite system operates over S uplink and S downlink frequency bands of bandwidth W ≈ 10 MHz each (S=40 at Ka band). Hence, there are S switching modules,...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 00:20

23 237 0
CDMA: Access and Switching P7 pps

CDMA: Access and Switching P7 pps

... acknowledged. The Access Channel Receiver Unit (ACRU), shown in Figure 7.2-A, consists of a non- 170 CDMA: ACCESS AND SWITCHING ACTU: Access Channel Transmitter Unit S&PRU: SYNC and Paging Receiver ... J. D. Powell and M. L. Workman Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, 2nd Ed. Addison-Wesley, Massachusetts, 1990. 164 CDMA: ACCESS AND SWITCHING channels are, the Pilo...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 00:20

23 167 0
cdma access and switching for terrestrial and satellite networks

cdma access and switching for terrestrial and satellite networks

... 257 10.4Conclusions 266 References 267 Index 269 40 CDMA: ACCESS AND SWITCHING Figure 2.4 Fourier, Hadamard and Karhunen–Loeve orthogonal codes of size-16. 22 CDMA: ACCESS AND SWITCHING a i1 a i2 a i3 a i4 a i1 a i2 a i3 a i4 T d T a d i =1 d i = ... 1.3 The Spreading Process in Orthogonal CDMA. 28 CDMA: ACCESS AND SWITCHING References [1] D. Gerakoulis ‘G -CDMA: a...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 01:40

279 446 0
CDMA: Access and Switching P1 potx

CDMA: Access and Switching P1 potx

... Division Multiple Access (G-TDMA). 2 CDMA: ACCESS AND SWITCHING cancellation techniques known as multiuser detectors (see Chapter 10). Such techniques are implemented at the receiver and they attempt ... factor. In order to enhance capacity, PO-CDMA sytems utilize multiple access interference CDMA: Access and Switching: For Terrestrial and Satellite Networks Diakoumis G...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 00:20

28 162 0
CDMA: Access and Switching P3 doc

CDMA: Access and Switching P3 doc

... Control Unit (CCU). The 72 CDMA: ACCESS AND SWITCHING To RF ~ π/2 cos(2 π f 0 t) sin(2 π f 0 t) Σ D/A and Filtering FIR FIR D/A and Filtering Figure 3.11 The baseband quadradure modulator. by ... R s . 62 CDMA: ACCESS AND SWITCHING # 1 # 2 # 3 # 43 # 44# 42 10 MHz band For Traffic Channels only Access Channel only Each Uplink Beam - i i = 1, , 32 # 1 # 2 # 3 # 43 # 44# 4...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 00:20

25 166 0
CDMA: Access and Switching P5 pot

CDMA: Access and Switching P5 pot

... L c = 32, L =32 and B p = 10. We observe that packet traffic can be routed through the switch even 128 CDMA: ACCESS AND SWITCHING [4] C. Rose and M.G. Hluchyj ‘The performance of random and optimal scheduling ... module (and thus one pair of frequency bands) of size N × N for switching traffic between N uplink and N downlink beams. Each beam has a capacity of L traffic channels i...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 00:20

22 143 0
CDMA: Access and Switching P6 ppt

CDMA: Access and Switching P6 ppt

... signal phases Φ i are then mapped into the inphase and quadrature components (a, b), Φ i → (a, b). CDMA: Access and Switching: For Terrestrial and Satellite Networks Diakoumis Gerakoulis, Evaggelos ... f 1 . 138 CDMA: ACCESS AND SWITCHING for SO/SE-CDMA and C k,i = 1 L u L b L u −1  l=0 w (k) [l]w (i) [l]c (b k ) [l]c (b i ) [l] (l+1)L b −1  m=lL b w (b k ) [m]w (b i )...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 00:20

34 153 0
CDMA: Access and Switching P8 pot

CDMA: Access and Switching P8 pot

... (B) Rayleigh fading and for one and six users. J =7,J max = 50, P =1,N = 31, L = 1. Filter length = 31 for both schemes. 202 CDMA: ACCESS AND SWITCHING of users K u =1, 6, and the processing gain ... DPSK. Figures 8.4-A and -B show that oversampling is very important for the SAD scheme. The optimum J was obtained previously, and it should be followed. It also shows that 208...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 00:20

23 133 0
CDMA: Access and Switching P9 pot

CDMA: Access and Switching P9 pot

... 0-470-84169-9 (Electronic) 212 CDMA: ACCESS AND SWITCHING lose their compactness in spectrum which leads to out-band spectral regrowth (see references [1] and [2]). A band-pass filter then has to ... θ (k 3 )  = K  k=2  1 2 C(I 1 ,Q k ) 2 d 2 I b (k) Q [0] 2 + 1 2 C(I 1 ,Q k ) 2 d 2 Q b (k) Q [0] 2 + 232 CDMA: ACCESS AND SWITCHING Following the same method, all the α 2 3 t...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 00:20

27 153 0
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