Black''''''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - K potx

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - K potx

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - K potx

... dip. The ked may attack men while shearing and inflict a very painful bite. K Melophagus × 4. Keeshond A medium-sized breed of dog, originally from Flanders, with a very thick coat, fox-like face and ... may require surgical treatment (even amputation of the 3rd phalanx). Knuckling Knuckling of fetlock simply means that the fet- lock joints are kept slightly flexed forwards above the hoof,...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 19:20

8 309 2
Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - N potx

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - N potx

... in immature hay caused an outbreak of poisoning in cattle. Symptoms included knuckling of the fetlocks, head tucked between the fore-legs, recumbency, convul- sions, and death. Nematodiriasis Infestation ... nurs- ing will have to be undertaken at home, since veterinary hospitals usually cannot accept such cases owing to the risk to other patients. In other cases, after initial veterinary...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 20:20

14 363 2
Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - A doc

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - A doc

... Order 1991 A 21st edition 2005 A & C Black Publishers Limited 38 Soho Square, London W1D 3HB ISBN-10: 0–7136–6362–6 ISBN-13: 978–0–7136–6362–4 eISBN-13: 97 8-1 -4 08 1-0 41 8-7 © 2005, ... complete absence of milk, or milk flow, from the udder. Where this is due to a fail- ure of milk ‘let down’, oxytocin may be pre- scribed. ( See SOW’S MILK, ABSENCE OF; COW’S...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 19:20

57 362 1
Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - B pot

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - B pot

... is essential to move ani- mals to bracken-free land every 3 weeks. Avoid the use of green bracken as bedding. Bracken and cancer During the investiga- tion of acute bracken poisoning in cattle, ... already known that, in the rat, demineralisation of the skeleton can result from protein or mineral deficiency. Broken incisors were seen in 6- to 8-month- old sheep wintered for 6 to 12 weeks o...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 19:20

54 386 2
Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - C doc

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - C doc

... Glasgow veterinary school found that beef suckler cows suckled their calf within 1.5 hours of birth whereas, on average, dairy cows suckled their calves after 4 hours. Colour-Marking Bulls Colour-marking ... and ticks. ( See also POX ; SURRA;HAEMORRHAGIC SEPTI- CAEMIA ; RABIES; BLACK-QUARTER; BILHARZIOSIS; SPEEDS OF ANIMALS.) Campylobacter Infections Campylobacter (formerly known as vibrio)...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 19:20

66 372 1
Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - D pdf

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - D pdf

... close- ly related micro-organisms, making possible precise identification of individual strains. DNOC Dinitro-ortho-cresol, a yellow crystalline sub- stance employed in agriculture as a weed-killer spray ... of meal may give rise to PARAKER- ATOSIS in pigs; to ‘CURLED TONGUE’ in turkey poults; and to ‘SHOVEL BEAK’ in chicks. Dry, Firm and Dark (DFD) Dry, firm and dark (DFD) describes the me...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 19:20

39 398 1
Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - E doc

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - E doc

... their quaran- tine period for foot-and-mouth disease on board the ship transporting them. ELISA ELISA is the abbreviation for the system of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, devel- oped by the ... in 1990. Mycobacterium bovis was isolated. Elkhound A medium-sized dog with thick grey-black coat, pointed ears and a bushy tail curled over the back; it originated in Scandinavia. Inherited ......

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 19:20

37 360 1
Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - F pdf

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - F pdf

... sometimes due to a green-stick fracture; pain in the back may make the kitten bad-tempered and sometimes unable to stand. In kittens which survive, defor- mity of the skeleton may be shown in ... from the old- world species by the 3 well-marked blue dorsal stripes on the thorax and dark hairs on the abdomen. It is of a dark bluish-green colour, with a well-marked yellowish-red face. ( See ......

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 19:20

47 455 3
Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - G docx

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - G docx

... evidence sug- gested involvement of this plant in week-old ducklings which had foot and beak lesions. Two ducklings with white beaks could manage only ‘open-beak’ breathing; whereas the beaks which were ... the legs of thin- skinned or ticklish horses are being groomed with the dandy, for they may kick if this rough brush is used carelessly. Body-brushing and curry-combing The body-brush is m...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 19:20

27 352 1
Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - H ppsx

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - H ppsx

... competition may dictate the over- crowding of chickens to the point where feath- er-picking has to be counteracted by red light- ing or de-beaking; this may lead to short-term economic gains, but it ... should be wormed during the 1st week. If it is a liver-fluke area, dosing against flukes is advisable 6 weeks after housing. Lambs must be protected against lamb dysen- tery, and any from unva...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 19:20

38 440 1