Black''''''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - C doc

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - C doc

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - C doc

... insufficiently cooked. Public health Farm animals constitute a potential source of campylobacter infection for Campylobacter Infections 111 C Precautions Affected dogs cannot lead a rough-and-tumble ... simplest carbohydrates are the monosaccharide sugars (e.g. glucose), then come disaccharides (e.g. cane sugar, lactose) and polysaccharides. These are complex carbo- hydrates, such as the st...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 19:20

66 372 1
Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - A doc

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - A doc

... are endocrine glands. Function The cortex secretes hormones which are called steroids or corticosteroids. These include glucocorticoids, notably cortisol, con- cerned with the regulation of carbohydrate 10 ... also MYCOTOXICOSIS ; CIRRHOSIS.) AFRC AFRC is the abbreviation for the Agricultural and Food Research Council. This body was replaced in 1994 by the Biotechnology and Biological Science...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 19:20

57 362 1
Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - E doc

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - E doc

... FLIES; LICE; MANGE; MITES; TICKS.) Ectopic Ectopic means out of the usual place. An ectopic pregnancy is one in which a fetus is pre- sent outside the uterus. ( See PREGNANCY, ECTOPIC.) Ectopia cordis ... irritation or itchiness may accompany the acute form, and frantic licking of the affect- ed area may exacerbate the condition. In chron- ic eczema there may be very little irritation. Cats E...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 19:20

37 360 1
Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - G docx

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - G docx

... BRUCEL- LOSIS ; CAPRINE ARTHRITIS-ENCEPHALITIS; CONTAGIOUS CAPRINE PLEURO-PNEUMONIA; CASEOUS LYMPHADENITIS ; CHLAMYDIA (for abortion); ‘CLOUDBURST’ ; COCCIDIOSIS; CRYP- TOSPORIDIOSIS; CYSTICERCOSIS; ... individuals heterozygous in respect of this coat-colour character. The coat-colour character has to be consid- ered quite apart from all the rest of the charac- ters that in their association...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 19:20

27 352 1
Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - J doc

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - J doc

... usually be diag- nosed on clinical evidence, with some confir- mation afforded by microscopic examination of the faeces. Typical clumps of acid-fast bacilli may be found, and the complement fixation ... There is no single test which can conclusively detect the presence or absence of M. johnei, although laboratory tests can identify the presence of Mycobacteria spp. The complement fixation te...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 19:20

5 240 1
Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - P doc

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - P doc

... insecticide. Excessive applications to cats can induce hyperaesthesia, with excitement, a staggering gait, muscular twitching, and occa- sional collapse ( see INSECTICIDES ; FLIES – Fly control ... primary or secondary infections. Haemolytic streptococci, usually causing localised infections either primary or secondary. Streptococcus equi, causing strangles in horses. S. agalactiae, causing ....

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 20:20

70 304 1
Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - R doc

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - R doc

... that no vac- cines are 100 per cent effective, that certificates of vaccination can be forged, and that conse- quently it is still essential to control the import of animals, whether vaccinated ... pneumonia often occur together. From other sources it is known that B. bron- chiseptica secretes a substance which inhibits the deposition or transfer of calcium salts in the infected tissues. Acco...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 20:20

40 311 1
Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - U docx

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - U docx

... ulcer’ is a term reserved in human medicine for an ulcerating carcinoma of the skin, but it is often colloquially used by dog- and cat-owners for an EOSINOPHILIC GRANULO- MA . Skin cancer occurs ... strong, complicated muscular coat in which the fibres are arranged in many direc- tions; and on the surface an incomplete peri- toneal coat covering the organ. In places this peritoneal covering...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 20:20

14 250 1
Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - B pot

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - B pot

... the infected rat and man is the rat flea. Buccal Related to the cheek. Buccal Cavity The mouth. Buccostomy An operation for the creation of buccal fistulae to prevent wind-sucking. Buck Term ... white, clotted, or pus-containing nasal discharge, which is most in evidence after coughing or exercise, and a gradual loss of condition, characterises this form of bronchitis. (c) Bronchitis in chi...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 19:20

54 386 2
Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - D pdf

Black''''s veterinary dictionary 21st edition - D pdf

... coccidiosis in turkeys, meat-producing chickens and lambs. Dicoumarol Dicoumarol is chemically related to WARFARIN; it is an anti-coagulant and a cause of internal haem- orrhage. The latter condition ... pancreatic juice; they form certain volatile obnoxious substances (indole and skatole) from proteins, which give the faeces their characteristic odour; they produce lactic acid in certain cas...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 19:20

39 398 1