Slang and uncoventional english part 8 docx

Slang and uncoventional english part 8 docx

Slang and uncoventional english part 8 docx

... GRENADA, 1996 Bananaland nickname the state of Queensland. Named after the banana industry there AUSTRALIA, 188 0 Bananalander noun a person from Queensland AUSTRALIA, 188 7 banana oil noun nonsense; ... is recorded in Australia by Sidney J. Baker in 1943 UK, 19 38 B and S noun brandy and soda. A popular drinker’s abbreviation UK, 186 8 bandwidth noun attention span. A borrowing of a te...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 542 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 10 docx

Slang and uncoventional english part 10 docx

... biblical top tonight Lo and behold! And, yea, I can see the promised land. And, hallelujah! – there is milk and honey! One on each tap’ UK, 1 984 bic verb to understand. Vietnam war usage; a ... cocaine and heroin. In memory of the SPEEDBALL mix that killed film actor John Belushi, 1949 82 US, 19 98 Belyando spruce; Belyando sprue noun marijuana from the Belyando area of Queenslan...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 454 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 20 docx

Slang and uncoventional english part 20 docx

... site of much infighting and jealousy CANADA, 2002 c and b there used as an invitation to an event TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO , 1 987 c and d noun cocaine and marijuana UK, 1997 C and E noun 1 a member ... only goes to services at Christmas and Easter UK, 1966. 2 in craps, a bet on any craps and eleven US, 1 985 C and H noun cocaine and heroin. A borrowing of a branded name for...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 446 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 24 docx

Slang and uncoventional english part 24 docx

... troops) to stay close to US troops US, 1 988 clinic noun 1 a poker game characterised by over-analysis of each hand US, 1 988 . 2 a poker game played by doctors US, 1 988 clink noun a jail; a police station. ... popular agony aunt and novelist UK, 1997 clam noun 1 the vagina US, 1916. 2 the anus US, 1 983 . 3 the mouth US, 182 5. 4 a dollarUS, 188 6. 5 a betting chip in a poker game US, 1...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 379 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 27 docx

Slang and uncoventional english part 27 docx

... 1 988 cow-cunted adjective possessing a slack and distended vagina US, 1 980 Cowdenbeath noun the teeth. Glasgow rhyming slang, formed from a Scottish town (and football team) UK: SCOTLAND, 1 988 cow ... between irony and black humour UK, 1992 cough and sneeze noun cheese. Rhyming slang, generally thought to date from late C19 UK, 1961 cough and splutter noun butter. Rhyming sl...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 492 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 40 docx

Slang and uncoventional english part 40 docx

... 1 988 fluky; flukey adjective more by luck than design AUSTRALIA, 186 7 flummox verb to perplex, to confuse US, 183 4 flummy dumm noun in Newfoundland, a hunters’ and trappers’ bread CANADA, 1 988 flunk ... point of passing out NEW ZEALAND, 19 78. 2 tired, exhausted UK, 1 987 flakie noun < take a flakie; throw a flakie to have a fit of temper. Glasgow slang UK: SCOTLAND, 1 988 fla...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 363 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 46 docx

Slang and uncoventional english part 46 docx

... of greed TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO , 2003 grab and snatch noun the Goods and Services Tax (GST) NEW ZEALAND , 19 98 Grab and Steal Tax; Gouge and Screw Tax noun the Canadian Goods and Services Tax. ... grandfather; also used as an address for an old man. A slurring of GRANDPA UK, 189 8 gran noun a grandmother, especially as a form of address. Childish or affectionate shortening UK, 186...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 331 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 61 docx

Slang and uncoventional english part 61 docx

... BOTTLE AND GLASS – ARSE. Sometimes seen in the abbreviated form of ‘lord’ UK, 19 98. 2 a plaster (a first aid dressing). Rhyming slang UK, 19 98 lord and mastered adjective drunk. Rhyming slang ... rodding, a big and powerful engine that is noisy when it idles US, 1993 lopp noun a perpetually naive and ignorant person US, 1 989 lord and master noun 1 the backside, the buttocks...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 392 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 70 docx

Slang and uncoventional english part 70 docx

... old time’ ( 185 8) and ‘gay old boys’ ( 188 7) UK, 184 4. 2 old. The first headword is, of course, standard English; the second and third variants are variously colloquial, informal and slang as circumstances ... (1765– 183 7), during whose reign ( 183 0–37) the police force is wrongly thought to have been established. iv) ‘Kaiser Bill’, Kaiser Wilhelm I of Prussia (1797– 188 8), vis...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 392 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 81 docx

Slang and uncoventional english part 81 docx

... match. Rhyming slang, from Rolly Hatch, a prominent and popular horse racing figure in New Zealand and later Australia AUSTRALIA, 1 989 roll-your-own noun a hand-rolled cigarette NEW ZEALAND, 2002 roly ... 2 afoulmoodNEW ZEALAND, 19 98 rouf noun four; in betting, odds of 4–1. Back slang; pronounced as ‘loaf’ UK, 185 1 rouf and a half noun in betting, odds of 9–2. In bookmaker slang...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 252 0