The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P23 pdf

al bovik  -  the essential guide to image processing 2009. elsevier

al bovik - the essential guide to image processing 2009. elsevier

... both cases, all three scales of images are digital, and so there is potential loss of information relative to the original analog image. However, the per- ceptual quality of the images can easilybe ... has to view the latest space telescope images or read about the newest medical image modality to be aware of this. With this introduction,welcome to The Essential Guid...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:41

841 1.2K 0
The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P1 ppsx

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P1 ppsx

... has to view the latest space telescope images or read about the newest medical image modality to be aware of this. With this introduction,welcome to The Essential Guide to Image Processing! The ... countries around the world. Chapter 2 isdevotedtoa more detailed description of the image processing programs available on the disk, how to use them, and how to...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:43

30 557 0
The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P2 pot

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P2 pot

... 3.5 Effect of additive offset on the image histogram. Top: original image histogram; bottom: positive (left) and negative (right) offsets shift the histogram to the right and to the left, respectively. 3000 2000 1000 0 50 ... bitmaps onto an image without destroying the image data. Use these VIs to overlay the results of your inspection application onto the images...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:43

30 470 0
The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P4 pdf

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P4 pdf

... properties of the DFT are the same, or similar to those of the DSFT, certain important properties are different. These effects arise from sampling the DSFT to create the DFT. 5.4.4 Image Periodicity ... N 8 (n). If the initial coordinate n 0 of an 8-connected contour is known, then the rest of the contour can be represented without loss of information by the directions...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:43

30 500 0
The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P6 pptx

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P6 pptx

... the user can control the mapping between the continuous values of the image and the values sent to the display device. For example, consider the CRT monitor as the output device. The visual tonal ... qualities of the output depend on many factors including the brightness and contrast setting of the monitor, the specific phosphors used in the monitor, the linea...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:43

30 421 0
The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P7 pot

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P7 pot

... impossible to numerically specify the image values to the publisher of this book. We have to rely on the experience of the company to produce images which faithfully reproduce those given to them. ... they fit the data. In order to keep the dis- cussion focused, I will limit the discussion to discretized grayscale photographic images. Many of the principles are...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:43

30 444 0
The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P8 pptx

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P8 pptx

... of the basic supporting ideas of linear systems theory as they apply to digital image filtering, and to out- line some of the applications. Special emphasis is given to the topic of linear image enhancement. We ... Application to Image Enhancement of the passive circuit elements (resistors, inductors, capacitors). In optical systems, the integral utilizes the point sp...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:43

30 375 0
The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P9 pptx

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P9 pptx

... model (see Chapter 9) for the coefficient distributions. They then fit the parameters of this model adaptively to the noisy image, and then computed the optimal denoising function from the fitted model. 11.5 ... MULTISCALE REPRESENTATIONS Consider the images in the top row of Fig. 11.3. Your visual system is able to recognize effortlessly that the image in the left colum...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:43

30 328 0
The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P10 doc

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P10 doc

... to the image detail features. The distinct response of the CWM smoother in different regions of the image is due to the fact that images are non- stationary in nature. Abrupt changes in the image s ... inserted into the image in order to expand the size of the image, and the major task is the inter- polation of the new pixels from the surrounding origin...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:43

30 1.5K 0
The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P11 pps

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P11 pps

... uncorrupted image from a blurred and noisy one. Essentially, it tries to perform an operation on the image that is the inverse of the imperfections in the image formation system. In the use of image restoration ... is the noise that corrupts the blurred image. Clearly the objective of image restoration is to make an estimate f (n 1 ,n 2 ) of the ideal image,...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:43

30 290 0
The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P12 docx

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P12 docx

... image restoration algorithms. Let g be the observed noisy and blurred image, D the operator describing the degradation system, f the input to the system, and v the noise added to the output image. ...  2 is to constrain the high-frequency energy of the restored image, therefore requiring that the restored image is smooth. On the other hand, by enforcing ine...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:43

30 342 0
The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P13 docx

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P13 docx

... values of ␣ the restored image is “smooth” while the error image contains the high-frequency information of the original image (large bias of the estimate), while as ␣ decreases the restored image becomes ... the observed surface coil images, D the bias fields, and v the noise in the observed images. This is the same degradation system as in (15.1), and therefore...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:43

30 396 0
The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P14 pptx

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P14 pptx

... initially reading the first three bits. If the third bit is 0, then the first two bits correspond to the beta code of the value of the integer data I, ␤(I). If the third bit is one, then the first two ... into the lookup table to obtain the decoded symbol s k , which is then output by the decoder, and the corresponding codeword length l k . Then the next table index...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:43

30 387 0
The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P15 ppt

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P15 ppt

... inversely related to the number of bits (bit rate) used to encode the image. The higher the rate, the lower the distortion. Naturally, for a given rate, we would like to incur the minimum possible distortion. ... scaling up the coefficients belonging to the ROI or scaling down the coefficients corresponding to non-ROI regions in the image. The goal of the s...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:43

30 587 0
The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P23 pdf

The Essential Guide to Image Processing- P23 pdf

... If the attributes are within the tolerance window, the amount of penalty associated with the tentative match is proportional to the disparity in the values of the attributes in the minutiae. The ... In other words, the basis images span the image ensemble. Ty pically, the basis images are learned using images not necessarily illuminated under the same lighting co...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:44

30 501 0