... ‘Anti-porochial weather this, ma’am. We have given away, Mrs. Corney, we have given away a matter of twenty quartern loaves and a cheese and a half, this very blessed afternoon; and yet them paupers are ... rejoined Mr. Bumble. ‘Why here’s one man that, in consideraton of his wife and large family, has a quartern loaf and a good ’Oh, yes!’ rejoined the matron with enthusiasm; ‘so fond of...
Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 22:15
... preferring the chance of being shot by his friend, to the certainty of being taken by his enemies, fairly turned tail, and darted off at full speed. Sikes clenched his teeth; took one look around; ... remind them of his superior position in society. But, death, fires, and burglary, make all men equals; so Mr. Giles sat with his legs stretched out before the kitchen fender, leaning his lef...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 03:15
Tài liệu LUYỆN ĐỌC TIẾNG ANH QUA TÁC PHẨM VĂN HỌC-Oliver Twist -Charles Dickens -CHAPTER 29 ppt
... attentively upon her young companion. The younger lady was in the lovely bloom and spring-time of womanhood; at that age, when, if ever angels be for God’s good purposes enthroned in mortal forms, ... which she sat, was not more upright than she. Dressed with the utmost nicety and precision, in a quaint mixture of by-gone costume, with some slight concessions to the prevailing taste, wh...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 03:15
Tài liệu LUYỆN ĐỌC TIẾNG ANH QUA TÁC PHẨM VĂN HỌC-Oliver Twist -Charles Dickens -CHAPTER 32 pptx
... beneath it. It was a lovely spot to which they repaired. Oliver, whose days had been spent among squalid crowds, and in the midst of noise and brawling, seemed buoyed him up, and sustained him, ... however, in the behaviour of his benefactors. After another fortnight, when the fine warm weather had fairly begun, and every tree and flower was putting forth its young leaves and rich blos...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 03:15
Tài liệu LUYỆN ĐỌC TIẾNG ANH QUA TÁC PHẨM VĂN HỌC-Oliver Twist -Charles Dickens -CHAPTER 33 ppt
... of soul and spirit, which the sad remembrance of our helplessness produces; what tortures can equal these; what reflections or endeavours can, in the full tide and fever of the time, allay them! ... her; with life, and health, and sounds and sights of joy, surrounding her on every side: the fair young creature lay, wasting fast. Oliver crept away to the old churchyard, and sitting dow...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 03:15
Tài liệu LUYỆN ĐỌC TIẾNG ANH QUA TÁC PHẨM VĂN HỌC-Oliver Twist -Charles Dickens -CHAPTER 39 pptx
... it was in the same quarter of the town, and was situated at no great distance from his former lodgings. It was not, in appearance, so desirable a habitation as his old quarters: being a mean ... said the people, turning to look after her as she rushed away. When she reached the more wealthy quarter of the town, the streets were comparatively deserted; and here her headlong progress exci...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 03:15
Tài liệu LUYỆN ĐỌC TIẾNG ANH QUA TÁC PHẨM VĂN HỌC-Oliver Twist -Charles Dickens -CHAPTER 42 ppt
... doubtful; but as he recollected that, in the event of his refusal, it was in the power of his new acquaintance to give him up to justice immediately (and more unlikely things had come to pass), he ... fallen down and hurt itself. Ha! ha! ha!’ Oliver Twist Charles Dickens CHAPTER XLII AN OLD ACQUAINTANCE OF OLIVER’S, EXHIBITING DECIDED MARKS OF GENIUS, BECOMES A PUBLIC CHARACTER IN T...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 11:16
Tài liệu LUYỆN ĐỌC TIẾNG ANH QUA TÁC PHẨM VĂN HỌC-Oliver Twist -Charles Dickens -CHAPTER 46 ppt
... Twist Charles Dickens CHAPTER XLVI THE APPOINTMENT KEPT The church clocks chimed three quarters past eleven, as two figures emerged on London Bridge. One, which advanced with a swift
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 11:16
Tài liệu LUYỆN ĐỌC TIẾNG ANH QUA TÁC PHẨM VĂN HỌC-Oliver Twist -Charles Dickens -CHAPTER 47 ppt
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 11:16
... know that had I been a sanguine, brilliant, careless, exacting, handsome, romping child though equally dependent and friendless Mrs. Reed would have endured my presence more complacently; her ... else was still, had the effect of a real spirit: I thought it like one of the tiny phantoms, half fairy, half imp, Bessie's evening stories represented as coming out of lone, ferny dells ....
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2014, 01:20