... terrains regarding to wind resistance (try to avoid exposed open terrains) should be chosen to protect the houses from storms or typhoons. Dwelling houses should be built in a group. Houses in ... considered in this map. During recent 20 years, some research were conducted with objectives to provide the guidelines for construction (including planning) in the cyclonic and flo...
Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2013, 22:47
... describe next the approach presented in (Ionita et al., 2006). The method includes information obtained through constraint processing into the evolutionary algorithm in order to improve the search ... implementing the online elitism: the best individual is not kept in population, the current optimum can be replaced by a worst individual in future iterations. New Achievements...
Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2014, 23:20
... equations turn into iden tities and have no any physical information including the asymptotic freedom A new view on an old problem in quantum chromodynamics 3 The asymptotic freedom phenomenon in such ... b)∂ i = + (10) is the potential of the infrared fields (6), induced by all interactions in the whole volume V . The quantization of the infrared fields in the limit of the in nite...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 14:20
... (2006). Principles of Equal-Channel Angular Pressing as a Processing Tool for Grain Refinement. Progr Mater Sci, 51, 881-981. Equal-Channel Angular Pressing and Creep in Ultrafine-Grained Aluminium ... undertaking using coarse-grained pure aluminium [55] and com‐ mercial aluminium alloys [56]. However, it is logical to expect that the mechanism of hard‐ ening/softening observed in the alu...
Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 21:21
New Advances in the Basic and Clinical Gastroenterology Edited by Tomasz Brzozowski potx
... nitrogenous products in the colon and in small intestine from glutamine by glutaminase enzyme. Ammonia can activate peripheral type benzodiazepine receptor (Trasnslocator proteins) giving rise to neurosteroids ... the single strains. This may be due to the exceptionally high dose given in the multi-strain treatment, resulting in larger numbers of probiotic bacteria competing with...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 20:20
New Developments in Upper and Lower Genital Tract Cancer potx
... friable vaginal mucosa is frightening to both partners. Although couples shy away from sharing intimacy during the can- cer experience, communication and closeness are integral to the healing process ... is made, staging and treatment involves surgery with possi- ble radiation. In the past, treatment included radi- cal surgery in the form of an extensive vulvectomy and bilateral inguinal...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Inhibition kinetics of catabolic dehydrogenases by elevated moieties of ATP and ADP – implication for a new regulation mechanism in Lactococcus lactis potx
... lower than in the case of separate single inhibitions, resulting in the inhi- bition not being significantly different from the single inhibition (compare Fig. 4A, 4B). Again, multiple inhi- bition ... allosteric binding site for ATP, ADP and AMP. Having such high confidence intervals, it is arguable whether in situ AMP inhibits GAPDH mainly in a competitive manner. The more complex inh...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 08:20
Research " After the Outsourcing: Networks, Institutions, and the New Old Economy " potx
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 01:20