... demonstrations will shew the characters and properties which the curves possess in common, and also the special characteristics wherein they differ from each other; and the continuity with which the curves pass ... of the Parabola. Take a rigid bar EKL, of which the portions EK, KL are at right angles to each other, and fasten a string to the end L, the length of which is LK. Then if the other...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 19:20
... ink insensible to water, and thus preventing the ink from running when the drawing has to be colored and the lines are very thick:—To the water in which the has subsided, enough water is to be added to ... together. When the effervescence after which the clear solution is poured off. Three parts of this solution are mixed with four parts of thick collodian, and the mixture allowed to become c...
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The Project Gutenberg EBook of California 1849-1913, by L. H. Woolley docx
... foot. When about two-thirds over, in water up to his waist, he halted, being in doubt as to whether he should proceed or return. While hesitating between two opinions his feet had worked down into ... down into the quicksand South Fork. The banks of the river were rich and everything went to show that the bed of the river was very rich, and we went to work with great hopes of a big harvest of...
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Project Gutenberg''''s Five Thousand an Hour, by George Randolph Chester pot
... WHICH JOHNNY TRIES TO MIX BUSINESS WITH SKAT XV IN WHICH WINNIE CHAPERONS THE ENTIRE PARTY TO CONEY ISLAND XVI IN WHICH JOHNNY PLANS A REHEARSAL BETWEEN OLD FRIENDS XVII IN WHICH THE STRAW SAILOR ... Mildly interested, he watched Angora reach the quarter pole, still in the lead. Rather incredulously, he saw her still in the lead at the half. He was eager about it when she rounded the three...
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Project Gutenberg''''s Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, by Thomas Anderson pdf
... produced when organic matters are decomposed with free access of air, in which case the greater proportion of their nitrogen combines with the atmospheric oxygen. This process, which is known by the ... 1812 that the interest of practical men was fairly awakened by a course of lectures given by Sir Humphrey Davy, at the instance of Sir John Sinclair, who was at water, from which it is s...
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Project Gutenberg''''s Familiar Letters of Chemistry, by Justus Liebig pptx
... thirty-sixth, a portion of them loses entirely the form of a gas, and becomes a liquid, which, when the pressure is an explosion would have occasioned in a hall filled with spectators. When we ... acid and water. The development of heat when air is imbibed, and the production of steam when the earth is moistened by rain, are acknowledged to LETTER I My dear Sir, The influence which the scie...
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Project Gutenberg''''s Darwin and Modern Science, by A.C. Seward and Others pot
... he revolutionised the world of thought. Darwin wrote in 1872 to Alfred Russel Wallace: "How grand is the onward rush of science: it is enough to console us for the many errors which we have ... or that opinion which Mr Darwin has propounded; whatever adumbrations or anticipations of his doctrines may be found in the writings of his predecessors; the broad fact remains that, since the ......
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Project Gutenberg''''s Our Vanishing Wild Life, by William T. Hornaday doc
... preserve the game, has gone by! We have reached the point where the alternatives are long closed seasons or a gameless continent; and we must choose one or the other, speedily. A continent without wild ... a forest with no leaves on the trees. The great increase in the slaughter of song birds for food, by the negroes and poor whites of the South, has become an clerical errors that may have...
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Project Gutenberg''''s The Doctrine of Evolution, by Henry Edward Crampton pdf
... a mass which was still more vast, and which included portions which have since condensed to form the other bodies of the solar system,—Mars and Jupiter and Venus and the rest,— while the sun ... essentially mechanical nature of living things and of their relations to the conditions under which they live. It is only when we have such a clear understanding that we can profitably pursue the furt...
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Project Gutenberg’s Vector Analysis and Quaternions, by Alexander Macfarlane ppt
... Preface The volume called Higher Mathematics, the first edition of which was pub- lished in 1896, contained eleven chapters by eleven authors, each chapter being independent of the others, but ... and mathematical physics may be included. It is the hope of the editors that this form of publication may tend to promote mathematical study and research over a wider field than that which the forme...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 19:20