... Performance Fibers: Euroconference on Fiber Fracture (2000 : Mallorca, Spain) Fiber fracture. / editors, M. Elices and J. Llorca. EURESCO Conference on High Performance Fibers: Eumonference on Fiber ... leads to fiber surface characteristics being very important in the fracture process. By far the major cause of fracture in fibers is the presence of flaws either on th...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20

414 168 0


... Performance Fibers: Euroconference on Fiber Fracture (2000 : Mallorca, Spain) Fiber fracture. / editors, M. Elices and J. Llorca. EURESCO Conference on High Performance Fibers: Eumonference on Fiber ... author. FIBER FRACTURE: AN OVERVIEW 23 becoming necessary to write increasingly complex and precise fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) on short fiber lengths. An FBG involv...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 17:20

414 222 0


... contaminations which content, however, in some cases was quite uncontrollable due to holding the whole technological process in normal laboratory conditions. Selected Topics on Optical Fiber ... illustration of three- dimensional lamella arrangement was shown in Fig. 18. In this case, according to our Selected Topics on Optical Fiber Technology 450 The third aspe...

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 09:20

246 137 0
Fiber Fracture Episode 12 ppsx

Fiber Fracture Episode 12 ppsx

... interested in fiber composite materials and -id properties of fibers. Sections include: Introduction Ceramic Fibers Glass Fibers Carbon Fibers Metallic Fibers Polymeric Fibers Nanofibers ... 249,251,252,260,261 Flaw, 5, 12, 18, 19, 21,22,24, 30,38,40, 47, 59, 62,63,66, 94,96, 112- 114, 116, 117, 120 , 122 , 129 -134, 137-139, 141, 142, 144, 147, 149-151, 175,24...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 15:21

29 142 0
Fiber Fracture Episode 1 pot

Fiber Fracture Episode 1 pot

... oxide-oxide fiber (Yang et al., 19 96), and glass fibers (Mecholsky et al., 19 77; Chandan et al., 19 94; Gupta, 19 94; Mecholsky, 19 94; Sung and Sung, 19 96). Polymer-derived Sic fibers have ... Yoshida V vii 3 27 57 75 89 I07 12 7 15 7 18 3 24 1 FIBER FRACTURE: AN OVERVIEW 11 Fig. 5. A scanning electron micrograph of pitch-based carbon fibers. Note the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:20

33 160 0
Fiber Fracture Episode 2 pptx

Fiber Fracture Episode 2 pptx

... 6A 825 -837. Polym. Bull., 36 125 -131. 12A: 723 -73 1. London A, 189 39-67. 1109. fibres. Marel: Sci. Eng., A260(1 -2) : 139-145. Stare Commun., 105: 29 7-300. Mech., 36 163 -25 3. ... strength of polymers. Polymer, 27 : 25 3 -25 5. Hearle, J.W.S. (1967) The structural mechanics of fibers. J. Polym. Sci., Pur? C, 20 21 5 -25 1. Hearle, J.W.S. (20 00) A critic...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:20

35 132 0
Fiber Fracture Episode 3 pdf

Fiber Fracture Episode 3 pdf

... 73- 148, A.R. Bunsell Le Coustumer, P., Monthioux, M. and Oberlin, A. (19 93) J. Eur: Ceram. SOC., 11: 95-1 03. Shibuya, M. and Yamamura, T. (1996) J. Mater: Sci., 31 : 32 31 -32 35. ... crystals. Scr Metall, 15: Metall., 32 157-169. Sci., 11: 2242-2246. proximate voids in boron fibres. J. Mater: Sci., 12: 1750-1758. Materials, pp. 2 93- 333 , M. Elices (...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:20

35 188 0
Fiber Fracture Episode 4 pot

Fiber Fracture Episode 4 pot

... (1 1 1) direction of the fiber. All fibers fractured by octahedral cleavage (Fig. 2), and cleavage was often perpendicular to the fiber axis confirming that the fiber axis coincides with ... A1203 fibers was 6.7 GPa (32.2 GPa), Table 1. A few sapphire fibers with low strength consistently failed FRACTURE PROCESSES IN OXIDE CERAMIC FIBRES 1 05 Fibers, pp. 11 1-1 64, A...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:20

35 166 0
Fiber Fracture Episode 5 ppsx

Fiber Fracture Episode 5 ppsx

... measured strength of melt-drawn fibers. STRENGTH OF GLASS FIBERS 2 .5 - h 0 z . c+ E -2 .5 + v t 1 1 45 - HISTOGRAM (0 Y n 4 0.20- 8 0.00 1 -7 .5 ' ' ' In ... E-glass fibers (Gupta, 1994). S-glass Fibers There are not many data available for S-glass fibers. Gupta (19 85) has reported an average value of 5. 1 GPa at room temperature fo...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:20

35 119 0
Fiber Fracture Episode 6 doc

Fiber Fracture Episode 6 doc

... M.G. (1989) Melt spinning pitch-based carbon fibers. Carbon, 27: 64 7 -65 5. Endo, M. (1988) Grow carbon fibers in the vapor phase. Chemtech, 18: 568 -5 76. Fain, C.C., Edie, D.D., DuBose, W.A. ... fiber. This process is described as tip growth. There is an analogous process in which the catalyst particle remains attached to the support. METALLIC FIBERS FRACTURE OF CARBON FIBERS...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:20

35 214 0
Fiber Fracture Episode 7 pptx

Fiber Fracture Episode 7 pptx

... 30 79 238 Thompson and Backofen ( I 97 I ) Wire 99.999 v) 95 pm <I as drawn tt, 30 4 37 475 Hausmann (19 87) Wire 99.999 v) 30 pm <1 as drawn tt, 30 4 87 514 Hausmann (19 87) ... (elm) (MPa) (MPa) 95 as drawn <I 4 37 475 30 as drawn <I 484 514 30 3 h/2500C 2.5 254 302 95 2 h/600'C 95 (bamboo str.) 70 23 1 9.5 3 h/2.50°C 3. I...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:20

35 165 0
Fiber Fracture Episode 8 pot

Fiber Fracture Episode 8 pot

... Yoshida, 1979, 1 983 ; Togashi et al., 1979; Su, 1 982 ; Yoshida, 1 982 , 2000a,b; Yoshida and Tanaka, 1 987 ; Ikeda et al., 1 988 ; Arashida et al., 1994; Raskin, 1997; Tanimoto, 19 98) have investigated ... (19 98) Piano wire 0 120 3.02 (706) 0.39 bb, 3.2 Hagiwara et al. (1 985 ) sus304 0 120 0.72 (554) 0.42 bb, 3.2 Hagiwara et al. (1 985 ) sus304 30 x 1000 -...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:20

35 309 0
Fiber Fracture Episode 9 pps

Fiber Fracture Episode 9 pps

... Oriented Fiber Effect of Molecular Weight Effect of Molecular Weight Distribution Effect of Chain-End Segregation Conclusions References Abstract 2 89 2 89 2 89 292 293 293 293 294 ... breaks mentioned by Yang ( 199 3, p. 97 ). Probably because of the low coefficient of friction HMPE fibres are less subject to abrasion. Sengonul and Wilding ( 199 4, 199 6) f...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:20

35 102 0
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